First Wilshire Securities Management Overview

Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

For over three decades, First Wilshire has stuck to a value philosophy: recognizing companies with great prospects at an attractive price. The Portfolio Managers and Analysts at First Wilshire have the energy and tenacity to find such companies, and the patience to hold a position until other investors recognize its value. This discipline applied to undiscovered companies with small capitalizations is the most distinguishing characteristic of our firm. An absolute valuation criterion in both up and down markets with a dedication to performing in-depth, internally-generated research has allowed First Wilshire to attract a loyal following of like-minded professionals and investors.

Since 1977, First Wilshire has been serving high net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Our individually managed portfolios consist mostly of listed and over-the-counter common securities of publicly traded companies.


1224 East Green Street , Suite 200, 91106 CA
United States

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