Arcturus Capital Overview

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Company Details

Arcturus Capital is a Southern California based venture capital firm. The Arcturus team combines 170 years of experience in venture capital investing, professional investment management, executive operating experience, and advanced scientific research.

Arcturus is managed by a team of seven principals comprised of four directors, three venture partners and one executive-in-residence. Our primary focus is early-stage technology companies in the Southern California area.

With a collective investment record spanning more than three decades, Arcturus principals have made more than 100 venture investments that have resulted in 22 IPOs and 38 M&A transactions. Arcturus principals have managed more than $2.5 B in investment assets and served as GPs or similar decision-making role in 7 institutional venture funds and 4 family office, or other small, funds. Operationally, they have founded 15 companies and served as directors on more than 50 corporate boards.


199 S. Los Robles Ave. , Suite 535, 91101 CA
United States

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