Is Infrastructure Private Equity a better Work/Life balance?

I've always wanted to make the move over to private equity but I've been doing a lot of research and it seems that infra PE has a better Work/Life balance than traditional PE. Would love to hear the communities thoughts and opinions on this. Obviously, Infra PE at Apollo probably is the same as normal Apollo hours but for more infra-focused PE like AMP Capital, Macquire, Ardian, and EIG Partners, etc. Will the hours actually be better?


Why is infra PE supposed to be sweatier than other type of PE? I know it’s not a rule, but trying to understand your logic 


Not sure who is sharing this information but any relatively good infrastructure group is way more technical, does more obscure analysis and grinds way harder in the model than any regular PE group. Constantly running irr bridges, looking and basis point differences. For the incremental work, with such a long term hold and less ability to actually impact the business (driven by macro and gdp); most people are usually working more in Infra PE. As a principal in infra PE you are still doing Associate level work and thinking (feel free to correct this if I am wrong but that’s based on my experience in an Infra group)


Not to mention infra pay is 50% less than normal PE once you get past the associate / VP level.


Giving an alternate perspective... the shop I am at is really not that bad (UMM, 5-10bn latest fund size):

a) WLB seems to be much better than peers (both infra and buyout)

b) comp is at a slight discount to market, but that is just my shop. worth it for the better WLB. No idea where the "50% comp discount" to corporate PE .comes from as that's total nonsense lol. you think the partners at EQT infra are making materially less than their corp PE counterparts? give me a break

c) most infra funds leverage advisors extensively and all good ones have in house ops teams who diligence key inputs extensively... why would they entrust that to ex-banking associates with 0 technical/engineering skills?

Infra gets a lot of hate on this forum and really not sure why lol, seems to be the same misinformation parroted back and forth


Pay is 50% of Corp PE due to much lower carry which is also realized later. It also takes much longer to get promoted and there is a lack of optionality.


This is precisely the kind of misinformation that is so confidently spewed on this forum that is incredibly frustrating. Do you work in the sector or is this just your opinion?

Once again, do you think IPs who work in infrastructure would not want to push for the best possible economics for their firms? You do know there is more than one carry structure right? Let’s take long life vehicles (15 years), where the product is yield and not capital gains for example - many of these funds have interim carry payouts over the life of the fund, starting in year 6. These would be based on the fund taking a portion of the yield, assuming they meet the hurdle (which could be distributions to date, a MOIC target based on the FMV of the portfolio etc.). It really is not as simple as “infra investment long therefore carry bad”. 

Other infra funds pursuing a capital gains strategy have the same investment cycle as PE… and in many cases returns are not far off. 

Edit: I missed the last points of your post. I’ll bite, despite how confidently incorrect you are.

Longer to get promoted? Wtf? I have worked with MDs at top funds who are 32 years old? It is quite literally the exact same promotion cycle. Are you conflating long fund life with promotion? If so, that’s pretty retarded.

Lack of optionality- um ok, but you do anything for a long time you lose options. Just how long do you expect to stay a generalist? Nobody had any need for a senior generalist lol. Also much infra investing is basically indistinguishable from an industrials group, so it’s really not as pigeonholing as FIG or REPE.


LMAO Infra PE is arguably more sweaty, meticulous, neurotic, detail-oriented, and longer hours than corporate PE.

Especially names you mentioned like MacQ.

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I would not consider Infra PE to be any different, workload / culture-wise, than any other vanilla PE. Literally, just think of it as a sector focus within a regular PE shop (e.g., being in the healthcare vertical). Yes, models are more granular, less operational value-add, longer hold time, etc. But functionally it's the same thing unless you're really just doing greenfield shit. There are good culture shops (which are rarer, just like regular ole PE), and there are bad culture shops. At many funds, they comp Associates/Sr. Associates (and cash comp for VPs) on-par with their corp buyout counterparts because, as mentioned, there's no functional difference in the actual work responsibilities.

Also, a lot of times you can expect the AUM / headcount to be decently larger for Infra, which can counteract the points brought up about economics. Again, not a good or bad thing, just a choice.


Agree with all comments on model depth and complexity, DD spanning hundreds of pages per workstream, layers upon layers of debt tranches, inordinate number of SPVs in a group structure. I can go on, but the point is this - people who work in infra PE aren’t necessarily there for the money (on an hour or on an effort adjusted basis), they do it for the love of the game and because once/if it hits a chord, it becomes a lifestyle and everything else just feels second-best / uninteresting. So in the end, one might argue that yes it offers better work-life BALANCE because in spite of working like a dog, one does it because one genuinely enjoys it.


I think it’s shop dependent rather than the group itself. Sure it’s more technical , detailed modelling etc but the infra bankers are handling the model. 

if you are at a mega fund then ok like any other industry that will be hell. To give context I’m at a MM shop and have the best WLB ever. Most weeks 40 hours a week no weekends. Of course it’s also a slower year this year 


I was an associate at Warburg Pincus in the past and have been doing infra PE for the past 7 years.

Although there is a lot of truth in the many comments highlighting the intricacies and details of analysis/modeling on infra when compared to PE, your work-life balance is not dependent on this fact. Reality is that "sweatiness" is a function of team size, culture, deal flow and who/how good is your boss.

Happy to take further questions on the topic.


What sector were you focused on before infra? Why do you find this more interesting? Are you able to comment on the biggest differences in the DD process - for example I imagine less CDD focus on market / competition etc. 

Also, with so many infra funds now being launched - some invest in infra type assets, some in traditional infra, many now in climate / energy transition. Is the latter very different to traditional infra investing and what're your thoughts on which type of fund you'd join now or how to assess which funds work on the most interesting assets? Hard for me to understand how the funds differentiate between each other from the outside.


What sector were you focused on before infra? Why do you find this more interesting?

I was a generalist since I wasn't in the US where they divide by groups even at the Associate level. I worked mainly on consumer, retail, education and healthcare deals. 

Are you able to comment on the biggest differences in the DD process - for example I imagine less CDD focus on market / competition etc. 

Indeed, CDD is less intense in infra as most of the time revenues are contracted or regulated. For assets/companies exposed to competition, CDD can be as intense as in PE. Given the returns are lower and less exposed to diverging views from buyers on future growth, a lot of the DD can be directed to tax efficiency and financing matters.  Technical DD is also very important given most businesses are asset-intensive.

Also, with so many infra funds now being launched - some invest in infra type assets, some in traditional infra, many now in climate / energy transition. Is the latter very different to traditional infra investing and what're your thoughts on which type of fund you'd join now or how to assess which funds work on the most interesting assets? Hard for me to understand how the funds differentiate between each other from the outside. 

With the risk of stating the obvious I would not join funds that historically focused on the O&G space such as EIG or ArcLight. Those need to rebrand themselves to be able to attract more LP capital, which is a big challenge in the current fundraising environment. I would look for opportunities in the more generalist funds that don't have a specific focus as to diminish the risk of the whole energy transition story losing momentum. Of course you'd have to evaluate various other aspects such as team culture, comp, etc. 


Worked at a infrastructure fund right now. It's much more chill than sell side infrastructure fund. All the technical modeling stuff from above is all true. The nice thing about buyside modeling is you don't have to build your own model. The sell side gives you the model to make adjustments. A whole lot more easier in my opinion. So from that perspective is a lot more chill and less hours heavy, because building one of these things is a huge time suuuuccckkkkk.....


Maiores voluptatibus et qui et. Error est assumenda autem saepe molestias magni. Iure qui provident voluptatem beatae velit libero. Tempora voluptatibus quas tenetur est incidunt.

Soluta aliquid nihil doloribus eos harum quia accusamus est. Ipsum ducimus est nihil veritatis. Blanditiis expedita aliquam quia dolor fuga. Vel labore fuga et exercitationem. Culpa sit consequuntur similique alias laborum.

Consequatur ipsam non dolores aut et. Sunt rem sed qui beatae exercitationem eaque ipsam.

Error ducimus voluptas deserunt eos exercitationem eos. Laboriosam maiores excepturi excepturi. In est exercitationem mollitia possimus officia et quaerat provident. Rem repellat et mollitia quis.


Incidunt atque quisquam vero magnam sit est eum occaecati. Et ipsam tempore expedita. Maiores et quo voluptatem nostrum id. Saepe maiores aut vel et illum. Non dolorum delectus maiores.

Laboriosam minus voluptate atque eos deserunt consequatur aut. Numquam porro sequi voluptatibus sint vitae accusamus. Aliquid in adipisci provident consequatur illum autem exercitationem. Praesentium et modi eum ut voluptate sequi et atque.


Enim corrupti provident voluptas ut incidunt sed rerum. Blanditiis ut harum assumenda eaque distinctio.

Error quidem voluptas nobis commodi velit quis voluptatem et. Et ex autem in quo. Sunt modi dolorem dolor repellat et. Ut rerum in explicabo. Atque et dolorem a molestiae. In vero minus rem sequi a voluptatem.

Quis nisi deleniti et quo sit ex nobis. Perferendis architecto dignissimos quo quis. Corrupti sapiente et quibusdam est reprehenderit architecto beatae repudiandae. Corrupti sit rerum qui quidem ullam praesentium veniam. Et aut provident et laborum.

Rerum beatae iure itaque perspiciatis. Ut et reiciendis quis alias. Quis et ipsum quo animi. Quas consequatur reprehenderit doloribus vel sint.

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June 2024 Private Equity

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  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (389) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
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