Q&A: PE Associate to MBA to HF Analyst

Hi all - I'm a 1st year analyst at a concentrated, $1bn+ HF.

My background:

  • Semi-target = > MM IB = > MM, Nichey PE (~$1bn AUM) => Top non-H/S MBA (think Columbia, Chicago, Wharton, NYU) => $1bn+ concentrated HF
  • Throughout my career, I have doubled down on sector expertise in an industry that is both growing yet difficult for generalists to invest in (think HC services, software, fintech)

Questions I can answer:

  • Hour and lifestyle at a concentrated HF
  • General compensation at each level (with IB being 2015-2017 timeframe, PE being 2017-2020 timeframe) including my rough trajectory, as communicated to me by my bosses and told to me by older HF analysts in similar seats
  • Why I think I've been successful (*cringe*)
  • How MBA HF recruiting works
  • What story I told during PE and HF recruiting that seemed to resonate
  • Why I think concentrated HF is a good career bet to make and general outlook on the active investment management industry

Questions I won't answer:

  • Anything more specific about my background
  • Anything more specific about my fund
  • Anything highly specific about my investment process

First of all, thanks for doing this. Would love to hear more about how the lifestyle is at your current fund, and how it compares to your time in PE. Also curious about your decision to pursue an MBA instead of direct to HF after PE - any insight on your thought process would be greatly appreciated.



  • My days now start around 9, end sometime after 4 whenever I feel like, unless there's something time pressing (earnings / event reactions, specific analysis my PM wants, etc.). So maybe 9-4pm 2-3 times per week and then 2-3 nights where I log an additional 2-5 hours of work. I probably average 50 hours per week and more like 55-60 during earnings heavy weeks or when I'm trying to finish up a write up on an idea.
  • Relative to a PE associate, this is a significant step back in hours. I probably averaged 9:30-9pm Monday-Thursday, 9:30-5pm Fridays, but would frequently see weeks of 9am-midnight+ with weekend work during periods when I was staffed across multiple priority deals. Relative to a post MBA PE role, I probably work a similar amount of hours but have a little more flexibility around hours.
  • Generally, working at a concentrated hedge fund land means fewer blow ups than working in PE. Vacations and 3 day weekends are much easier to take, as I have better visibility into events that may transpire. I've never walked into work on a Monday expecting a relatively tame week just to have a partner push me to get a 10-20 pager done on a new deal that wasn't even on my radar the week prior. Now, the things that blow up my weeks are events (company specific news, M&A, financings, policy changes, sector wide news) but the "output" is usually just a bulleted email explaining any updates to my views and/or model so those events tend to just require a lot of reading and some back of the envelope analysis, not building a 3 statement model from scratch or learning a whole new sector.

MBA Decision:

  • Life is very short. I thought I wouldn't get any other opportunities to unplug from your career, make new friends, and benefit from the perspective of new people. I think this benefit is hard to quantify but worth the opportunity cost of the lost 2 years of income, especially given the likelihood of making far more in my lifetime than I'll end up needing.
  • MBAs enable you to "date around" which is crucial for the hedge fund world, which operate in a much more heterogenous fashion than PE funds. I would never join a hedge fund without some sort of trial period of reporting to the PM. The MBA program gave me 3 distinct periods to work for different PMs and get a sense of what's out there and how they differ.
  • A hedge fund seat is not a hedge fund seat is not a hedge fund seat. Prior to B school, I had final round interviews for a $50mm startup fund with ~$250k total comp , a ~$400mm Carlson spinout where I'd be 1 of 4 analysts reporting to a PM on a relative value strategy, and a pod shop seat at one of Millenium / Citadel / Baly under a freshly promoted PM. In retrospect, these were all dog shit opportunities. MBA gave me significantly better at bats. Most of my friends pursuing HF roles out of my MBA program ended up at far better roles than any of the roles I was considering prior to MBA

Appreciate the detailed response - sounds like the MBA was well worth the investment. Could you elaborate on what the recruiting process was like, whether you landed interviews via on-campus recruiting or other channels (e.g., direct outreach, headhunters), and what story you told once you had your foot in the door? Thanks again!


First six month comp was fairly fixed for me at $175k. This is fairly typical for post MBA hedge fund analyst comp, though the mix of salary to bonus is all over the place. My target is $400-600k this year, with the vast majority in the form of a bonus. After that, it will be a relatively fast ramp (2-5 years) to $1mm per year. Getting past $1mm will require outperformance by either me or my fund.


Respectfully, I find it difficult to believe you'll have a straight forward ramp to $1m per year in the next 2-5 years. You'll be expected to generate real alpha through your ideas. I'd argue comp will be much more variable than you think. Again, respectfully, I'd recommend you start putting more hours in than 9-4pm. I'm in a similar seat as you and know no analyst who works <10 hours a day...there's many hungry folk looking for a HF seat. If your comp numbers are real, this is a legitimate HF and you should put the hours in to generate some money for your LPs. Else you'll eventually get canned.  

Most Helpful

My take is that money is generally flowing into the antipodes of the investing world i.e. low cost, completely passive on one end and niche, unscalable strategies on the other. The guys in the middle (mutual funds charging 70bps to underperform their index 8 out of 10 years, massive long short funds that charge 2 & 20 for levered beta with 30%+ of their long book comprising FAMGA stocks) seem to be offering products that don't have a place in the allocations of LPs, whose decisions are increasingly based on modern portfolio theory. We've had LPs apply disaggregations of our returns backing into our alpha based on Citadel-like multi factor risk models, to prove that we can actually persistently generate alpha. The limited scalability of funds like mine means that we actually can produce alpha in our little corner of the market year in year out. Funds like Tiger and Coatue would not look good under such a lens. 

In addition, funds like mine that take $100mm+ positions in mid cap and relatively illiquid large caps will do well because we're not actually dependent on any net new capital. We'd rather just keep the investor base we have while compounding our assets. Our investor base has been with us for decades. The redemption rates we see are far, far less than fundraising dependent long/shorts and inertia dependent mutual funds.


What are the backgrounds of other analysts at your hedge fund? Are there any from nontraditional (e.g. non-IB or non-PE) backgrounds?

To reword the question, do you think there are any alternate paths to getting to where you are now?


What's your advice for someone who's just started out in banking (6 months into a role at an MM) and is looking to get into Private Equity? Thank you.

  1. What was your recruiting strategy for PE?
  1. Did you go through recruiters or a direct reach out?

3.If it was a direct reach out did you speak with the juniors/seniors?

4.How early into your banking career did you start reaching out?

  1. How did you do your diligence on the funds that you were targeting, in the sense which questions did you ask to understand if this would be a good fit for you?

Thanks again!


Not really sure about internationals. You're fighting a way uphill battle.

Get people's attention with unique research i.e. stock pitches and/or thematic research pieces. If its a stock pitch, don't just show me you know how to write a book report. Go and pound the phones and get some channel work that I don't want to do / am wary of doing because I want to avoid MNPI. 


1. What were your thoughts on the skillsets learned in IB vs. PE? Was that typical path necessary for learn the fundamentals for your current role at a HF?

2. When recruiting for MM nichey PE, did you do oncycle or did you diligence the PE firm you were going to based on sector expertise/culture of fund 

3. Do you think doubling down on sector expertise has greatly helped your recruiting for PE/HF? Would you say its best to pick a growing sector and stick with it to see the true "gains" later down the line of your career instead of jumping around sectors? 

4. What do you mean by HF recruiting was much better in a MBA? Was this because you had internship experience or a matter of funds coming on campus to recruit? Or was this because you doubled your alumni reach by going to undergrad + b school?

5. At a HF, there seems to be the perception that funds "blow up" and then you're out of a job and trying to hop to the next pod/fund so wondering what your thoughts on this and how you thought about picking a good fund and the criteria for that.

6. Did you do the typical 2+2 IB/PE, MBA then HF? Do you think its necessary to follow this strict timeline for making jumps just because I was considering spending 4 years in IB before going to PE

7. Why is HF a good career bet to make? What are the exit opps here if you have a bad HF track with picking wrong funds? Seems like IB+PE leads to Director Corp Dev roles, Strategic Finance roles, Startup CEO roles? How about for HF?

Thank you!


1: banking = Basic productivity skills, and basic financial / accounting fluency. PE = market diligence, process management, basic investing, and valuation. Not necessary to learn those skills but certainly efficient.

2. Off cycle, focused on doubling down on my niche. Also didn't have an on cycle pedigree.

3. Yes, people want to invest in my sector and know that its not something you can just pick up without bringing in the expertise of someone who previously did it. I tried to / ended up sticking with my sector but see the arguments for moving between sectors.

4. Better job opps for MBA than for ad hoc PE associate hires, at least in my experience.

5. I did significant diligence on funds track record and, to the extent they'd tell me, LP base. If they wouldn't tell me anything pre case study then I wouldn't do the case study. Also, funds with long only / net long mandates are often not fully invested and don't use much margin (both actual margin and de facto margin i.e. funding their longs with a short book) and therefore are generally less likely to "blow up". I am a little bitch so don't want to work at a fund that can be down 30%+ in a month.

6. Not exactly 2+2 but pretty close. Not necessary for HFs generally, have plenty of success stories of friends who had different backgrounds but seemed like a big leg up for concentrated fund investing.

7. Don't want to give any more personal information but I have a good backup plan in case HF doesn't work out. I agree that stock picking is a hard skill set to pivot. I still think I could walk backwards into a corporate development role in my sector if it came to it because my intelligence, sector knowledge & pedigree would shine through. I have zero interest in corp dev though.


Genuinely I didn't know I wanted to get an MBA until it felt like the only way to get where I really wanted to go i.e. after getting a bunch of mediocre HF job opportunities. If I could have done it without an MBA I would have. Then it was mental gymnastics to justify the ~$150k out of pocket + ~$500k opportunity cost. 

I was shocked when I didn't get into H&S but in retrospect, I don't think H/S admissions people really love people like me. There's too much silver, not enough gold on my resume. Their loss IMO. Are there impressive H/S graduates? Yes but there are also a lot of empty suits. At my UG my graduation year, the people who went to H/S were the student government, volunteer work, good looking useful idiots. If you want neurodivergent weirdos that are going to take big risks and get big paydays, you probably have to look outside of those schools. PE cares about MBA pedigree though so not going to H/S kind of meant I'd have to take a step down if I wanted to recruit for PE.

I chose hedge funds over sticking it out in PE because I love investing and hate process work. I also think its more meritocratic. I again did a ton of mental gymnastic to convince myself that the HF / PE trajectory of the 2010's was going to reverse. Am I positive that HFs will still be awesome places in 10 years? No but I'm not positive PE funds will be either. Better to make a fund specific decision than an asset specific decision IMO. 


Thank you so much for doing this.

How would you advise regarding GMAT and application consultants?

How did you manage to study for the GMAT and prepare for the apps during busy work time? 
How long was the prep? Did you at some point feel like GMAT was harder than expected or was just a cake-walk for you? Given your background, assuming you are from an over represented group, I assume you needed about 730 or beyond to better make your case. 

Any advice on how you picked consultants if you did?


If you are 31 years old graduating a the top of your class at a community college, what would my path be to break into investment banking, then private equity, then to a hedge fund? Is it even possible? Should I get my undergrad degree, then a top MBA? Should I even bother because I am so old....


sorry im confused, you are an undergrad, how tf can you "easily" get into top MBA schools? 


Thank you for doing this!

A couple questions from me:

1. What are the common tasks for IB, PE & HF and what kind of person would enjoy working in each career?

2. What are some challenges in each career that are overlooked on this site?


How did you explain the move from PE to Public markets? What aspects/how do you find your work now more interesting? Thank you so much! 


Thanks so much for sharing. Quick 2 part question on the MBA route. How did you feel your analytical skills held up with 2 years out of the day to day grind? I’ve been in research for the 6 years I’ve been out of school and worry cutting out to do my MBA could set me back development wise. And secondly, how was the recruiting process different post MBA? Were the networks/hiring opportunities abundant or was it similar to pre MBA but you just had a better resume?  Thanks so much for your insights. 


I've heard people say most of the big name tiger cubs (Tiger Global, Viking, Lone Pine, Maverick) only recruit from H/S though I interviewed at one of those names and know someone (granted, not a white/asian male..) who got an offer from one. I think each of the big funds have schools they're loyal to, which depends on the investment philosophy of the principal and personal connections e.g. Baron Capital, which is probably one of the best places to end up, recruits from Wharton & Columbia, as Ron's sons went to each.


Thank you for doing this.

Do you know any EU students/IB/PE professionnals that are working in concentrated HF ?

If not, what about EU IB/PE that went doing a top MBA in US in order to break in the HF industry ?

What would be your advices for a student coming from a EU target school for IB/PE, considering the fact that very little from their alumni’s network are placing in hedge funds ?


With or without a top MBA (generally speaking) ? And more precisely, If you know any French folks in your head who have made it in the HF industry, that would be an awesome thing to know. I'm guessing most of the Europeans you've seen breaking in HF (in the US) are from the UK


Hate to break this to you, but if you're not on the golden path by preschool, you're SOL.


On a more serious note... this is what I've observed from my friends' paths...

High School: Get into the best college you can—ideally HYPSMW+—by crushing your high school grades (aim for straight As in the hardest classes you can get straight As in) / the SATs / your letters of recommendation / your extracurriculars & leadership / your college essays.

College: Get a GPA there over 3.5 in a subject that's somewhat math-y or business-y (e.g. STEM / Finance / Econ / Business). Get the highest elected leadership position you can get in some organizations/clubs on campus you care about. Get any internship you can get your hands on after Freshman year. Get something closer to what you actually want to do after Sophomore year. Get your dream internship (or close thereto) after your Junior year. And try to convert that Junior internship into a full-time offer after Senior year.

If you want the most common conversion career path to a top Hedge Fund that Junior year internship should likely be Investment Banking at a top group -> Converted to FT Offer for 2 Years in an Analyst Position -> 2 Years in an Associate Position at a Top PE fund (ideally a Mega Fund) -> (Possible 2 Year MBA ideally at HSW) -> Top Hedge Fund.

(Note, though, that this career path is just the most commonly well-known path to the best-of-the-best single manager hedge funds. There are many other possibilities that aren't as clearly defined such as... PE/IB Junior Year Internship -> PE Analyst role -> HF // or // Equity Research -> HF // or // network directly to a startup HF right out of undergrad // etc. However, not knowing anyone personally who has followed these alternative paths, I don't feel as qualified to comment on them in more detail.)

Oh... and most importantly, learn how to talk to people and be a fun, nice, interesting, likable person. It may sound silly, but if people don't like you and don't want to hang out with you at work 16 hours/day, it doesn't matter how good your technicals are—they just won't hire you. Basically, this comes down to the consulting airport test.

Good Luck!


OP, appreciate the post and time spent offering detailed answers to folks here. But do yourself a favor, step back and realize you are only a first year HF analyst. Notwithstanding your prior experience, there is a ton you still don't know and frankly you come off as arrogant and complacent, both of which will kill you one day. 


Point about arrogance somewhat taken but I'm really just arrogant about my fund, not myself as I know I have a lot to learn.

Point about complacency not taken. I have worked in several hedge fund environments. Most people are something like 7-5 or 8-6. I'm working the same amount but just shifting the hours around because the fund model enables me to somewhat ignore the day to day swings. More hours does not equal more insights.


It’s not really about the hours you cited and more your flippant attitude towards work. You’ll understand when you have some more scars, it comes with time. 


Would you mind expanding on your decision process to go fro PE to HF? Presume with your pedigree you could have managed a solid post MBA VP role in PE. Was it just your passion for the markets / equities?

just curious As it seems pe is a more risk averse, stable path


Quo quo animi sit voluptatem aut perferendis tempora. Qui est autem eum voluptatem harum quo. Nam non eaque voluptatem eveniet facilis. Nostrum autem voluptatem id excepturi. Accusantium debitis ut cum eum. Laudantium quia iste reprehenderit enim ullam cum.

Aut error at temporibus. Neque quam ut fuga magni. Veniam necessitatibus iusto eius aut sequi id labore. Perferendis distinctio nesciunt ad repellendus aliquam vero. Id sed consectetur eos reprehenderit mollitia.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Point72 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.9%
  • Citadel Investment Group 96.8%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • AQR Capital Management 94.7%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Magnetar Capital 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.8%
  • Blackstone Group 96.8%
  • Two Sigma Investments 95.7%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.6%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Hedge Fund

  • AQR Capital Management 99.0%
  • Point72 97.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 96.9%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.8%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Portfolio Manager (9) $1,648
  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (24) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (225) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (251) $85
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