Why Goldman Sachs Interview Questions

How to answer the question "Why Goldman Sachs?"

        Goldman Sachs (often abbreviated as GS) is an American company specializing in investment banking. The company also offers other financial services. The firm operates in 30 countries. Some of the main locations are Brazil, Germany, and the United States.

        By revenue, the company is the second-largest investment bank. The company is a part of the Fortune 500 as well.

        Before even applying for a position at Goldman Sachs, be mindful of the company’s interview process. Learn about it
        here. It is also important to attend virtual and in-person events. This demonstrates interest.

        GS’s application process consists of submitting the application, performing a HireVue virtual video interview, a HackerRank assessment for those applying for an engineering position, and then SuperDay.

        ‘Superday’ is the final interview round at investment banks. At GS Superday, candidates may be interviewed anywhere from 2 to 5 times.

        Shortly after, the GS team will extend offers to those who are selected via email or phone. To learn more about the firm’s interview process, read this. Information about the company, in general, can be found here.

        Goldman Sachs Interview Tips

        Here are some of the interview tips that might help you:

        • Be specific: Describe moments as best as you can so that companies can keep accurate records of what was said. In-depth answers will allow the review board to go back to specific parts of your answer.
        • Focus on skills directly applicable to finance/investment banking: How are your quantitative skills? Can you make financial models, analyze data, value a company, etc.? Make sure you can do all of these and more. As a good resource, use the Wall Street Oasis for learning definitions and even take courses that can teach you exactly what you need to have a successful interview.


        Get in touch with GS employees and learn what they love to drill applicants on.

        • Dress professionally: Do not overlook your appearance. Be professional, you are there for a formal interview.
        • Understand different financial statements: A job at an investment bank entails looking at financial statements. Be able to evaluate a company’s financial health. How do the various financial statements relate to each other?
        • Showcase what you know: As you are interviewing for a prestigious financial firm, be prepared to answer questions about the markets. Understand events that affect the market as a whole as well as events directly related to Goldman Sachs. 


        Highlight what you do well. If you must talk about something you are not good at, speak of it from a development point of view. Say that you will work on a certain aspect, and the job will allow you to do so.

        • Think outside the box: If you are applying for a GS role, odds are that your finance skills are top-notch. You are not going to impress your interviewer by reciting what a cash flow statement is, how to value a company, etc. Win a spot in GS by showing how you think. Investment banks are always in high-pressure situations. How well do you adapt to the moment? Be able to explain your decision process while still embodying the values of the company. Couple that with strong financial skills and you will land an interview for the next round.
        • Ask questions: Whenever the interviewer asks if you have any concerns or questions, make use of the opportunity. 


        Always ask at least one question.

        Some examples of questions include:

        • Are there options for career progression in this role at GS?
        • How do employees at GS balance work and life?
        • What are some of the team’s current tasks?

        Just ask something that shows you care about the company and your fit in the company. Interviewers take note of this and may put in a good word for you as you are engaged.

        • Tailor your answers to the job requirements: One of the main criteria GS looks at when narrowing down the applicant pool is how well the applicant fits the job requirements. Review the job description ahead of time and prepare your answers so that they showcase what you can do concerning what the job requirements say.

        Why Goldman Sachs Interview Question

        Every bank has this one question – “Why Goldman Sachs?” The answer you give to this question is a crucial criterion by which the company makes a hire or not.

        Although the question is very basic and seems surface level, the true answer GS is looking for is about your motivation and personal story. 

        Why do you want to work at GS? How will you be different from every other employee? What do you bring?

        Tips to make your answer great are: 

        • Showcase what you bring to the firm
        • How you can grow
        • Use a personal anecdote
          • This makes the answer more personal
        • How GS’s values resonate with you
        • Do not bring up the salary

        A sample response is:

        “I am thrilled to interview for Goldman Sachs. The company’s commitment to excellence and historical performance in finance made me realize that this is the firm for me. I am a hard worker, and I believe I embody the company’s values.

        Goldman Sachs is a connected firm. Employees discuss with each other, and everyone gets to know one another. I admire this in a firm. Everyone is more than an employee. GS prioritizes the individual. 

        As a top bank, the work performed daily is ever-changing. I am interested in M&A and like a dynamic workplace. I love GS’s scope when working with clients on M&A and that the work is never the same as the day before.

        Another reason why GS caught my eye is because of the company’s role in the social scene. I think more firms need to pursue CSR in the manner that Goldman Sachs has because it is truly inspiring.

        I would love to be a part of such a diverse environment.”

        Goldman Sachs Interview Questions: Behavioral Questions

        During the GS interview process, one will be asked several behavioral questions. You may be asking a behavioral question. These questions understand how a candidate demonstrates GS’s core values.

        How do you handle different situations? How do you behave in a high-pressure situation? What experiences do you have that will suit you well for this role?

        All of these answers come out in behavioral questions. GS will evaluate if the company is a fit for you. Be prepared and have thoughtful responses to the behavioral questions. Do not overlook these questions.

        It is important to highlight your actions, the challenges you have endured, and the outcomes. These answers should be drawn from professional experiences.

        Examples of behavioral questions include:

        Answering behavioral questions is not a challenging task. Just try to understand what the questions are asking. Provide specific details, utilize the STAR method, and connect to GS’s values.

        Goldman Sachs Interview Questions: Technical Questions

        While behavioral questions aim to understand you as a person, technical questions are designed to evaluate a person’s thinking process and knowledge. Landing that dream job goes beyond just the interpersonal skills; how well do you know your stuff?

        Technical questions allow companies to see a candidate’s ability to apply theoretical concepts, their understanding of the industry, and their problem-solving skills.

        Goldman Sachs’s interview questions vary from candidate to candidate. The questions depend on the industry the candidate hopes to work in and the position they are interviewing for.

        To be prepared for technical questions, it is advised that candidates stay up-to-date with the news and understand industry developments.

        Additionally, understand the job requirements and make sure you have experience for whatever is required.

        Examples of technical questions include:

        Take your time with technical questions. Understand what is required of you for the role, have solid examples prepared, and explain your problem-solving approach.


        Hopefully, this article helped with what to expect for interview questions at Goldman Sachs. The firm is a leader in banking and financial services. It’s important to prepare for such a reputable firm.

        Do not expect it to be a ‘walk in the park.’ Every word of your answer should have a purpose and demonstrate your breadth of knowledge and personality.

        No one way of preparing will work for everyone. Each interview is a learning process. Read as much as you can about the company, and you will figure out the way that works best for you to prepare. Remember, you are not alone in this.

        Do as many practice questions as possible, both behavioral and technical. The questions will most likely be very different during the actual interview. But, at least you gain the experience of answering the questions.

        Experience is the key. Interviewers can tell if you practiced the day before. Practice, and then you will be calm and collected. Don’t worry. You got this! This article, the Wall Street Oasis website, and the GS company site are great resources to check out. 

        Good luck with your applications and interviews! 

        Researched and authored by Omkar Iyer | LinkedIn

        Reviewed and Edited by Alexander Bellucci | LinkedIn

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