I am in a bind here. Earlier this year I was awarded the Morehead Scholarship at UNC, which had been my dream since middle school. However, this week I just got into harvard and Wharton! I really want to work for a top consulting or finance group (not sure yet) and I don't know if I will be able to do that coming from UNC- even with the morehead which is a full-ride with all kinds of trips, special internecine, and other amazing opportunities. Please give me some insight into what people think of moreheads/unc vs. Harvard and Wharton. I have to make a decision by April 11!!!!


What is your financial situation? That is going to be really important. Most people will tell you Harvard/Wharton, but to get the Morehead shows how high quality of an applicant you are. Lets put it this way - plenty of people who get into Ivies apply for and don't get your scholarship, however everyone that gets your scholarship gets into Ivies.

The financial situation is most important though.

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance

I can afford to go to harvard or Wharton according to my parents, but I have grown up a UNC fan all my life and love chapel hill. I just don't know if I can make it into a top firm from unc. I do know that my senior hosts from my finalist weekend were going to work for Goldman sachs and McKinsey next year- so I guess they may recruit moreheads and not average kenan-Flagler students.


I would do UNC, the girls are cuter and the campus is nicer. Fuck loans, unless your parents are paying in full ... If so go Hahvad.


Take the Morehead without a doubt. I'm very familiar with the scholarship and what it has to offer. Just looking at it from a financial standpoint:

4 year undergrad education at Hardvard or Wharton (without financial aid): over $200k 4 year undergrad education at UNC Kenan Flagler: free

Up front, you're looking at coming out of college not only debt free, but with an extra $200k in your pocket. Aside from this though, I know you want to set yourself up to get a top job out of college. Believe me, you will have similar opportunities coming from Kenan Flagler even though it is not a top Ivy. All the big firms still recruit there, both consulting and finance. You are looking at a decision between being a top standout at a good school for free, or just being another regular person at one of the two top schools in the country for $200k. When it comes time for recruiting for internships/jobs, I think you'll definitely find yourself in a better position with more options (as far as finance and consulting) if you go with UNC. Going back to financials, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY there will be more than a $200k difference in your pay over the first 3 years of your career in finance/consulting if you go to Penn/Harvard over UNC. If you were picked as a morehead, as long as you keep doing what you've been doing since middle school, you will have no problem getting a job in finance/consulting no matter where you end up.

Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk more


In situations like this (target vs. semi target + tons of benefits) I tend to lean toward the semi target. I'm very pro-UNC so that may be influencing my advice here- but I think you should take the scholarship and never look back.

Agree with what chs09 was saying. The added benefit of Harvard vs. UNC (w/ Morehead scholarship) is marginal. Unless you are getting great fin aid from the Ivies, I don't think this is really a question.

Good luck and congrats.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Thanks so much! Harvard covers about 4/5 of my tuition and Wharton was about 2/3, but UNC gives a lot more than tuition. Will recruiters care that I turned down harvard and Wharton to go to UNC?(if I do so)

Best Response

Okay, that last post of yours is a game-changer.

Harvard, notwithstanding all the useless fapping on this forum, is regarded as the "best" college in the country and provides incredible exposure to a number of tremendous opportunities, some of the world's best and brightest among the cadre of renowned teachers, and will arguably give you the most recognizable platform internationally to pursue whatever you like later.

If they are coving 80% of your tuition, you are looking at an incredibly attractive package. On the other hand, the Morehead Scholarship is known to be one of the most prestigious merit scholarships in the country. I think what this comes down to is whether you want the Morehead platform (and all it brings: local acclaim, an interesting line on your resume, four summer programs, and zero expenses during school) or the Harvard brand + a very modest cost.

To me, Wharton shouldn't really be in the picture relative to these two other options. Disclosure: I go to none of these three schools but was admitted to Wharton. If this were me, I'd be leaning Harvard.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
A Posse Ad Esse:
Okay, that last post of yours is a game-changer.

Harvard, notwithstanding all the useless fapping on this forum, is regarded as the "best" college in the country and provides incredible exposure to a number of tremendous opportunities, some of the world's best and brightest among the cadre of renowned teachers, and will arguably give you the most recognizable platform internationally to pursue whatever you like later.

If they are coving 80% of your tuition, you are looking at an incredibly attractive package. On the other hand, the Morehead Scholarship is known to be one of the most prestigious merit scholarships in the country. I think what this comes down to is whether you want the Morehead platform (and all it brings: local acclaim, an interesting line on your resume, four summer programs, and zero expenses during school) or the Harvard brand + a very modest cost.

To me, Wharton shouldn't really be in the picture relative to these two other options. Disclosure: I go to none of these three schools but was admitted to Wharton. If this were me, I'd be leaning Harvard.

Agree with this.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

I'd lean Harvard or UNC. Wharton is great but it's not the place for me, personally. Too cutthroat, too focused on finance.

You will be able to get a top job if you apply yourself at UNC.

Whatever choice you make is the right one. Congrats on your accomplishments so far.

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance

If you can afford to go to Harvard undergrad and don't go I am surprised you were intelligent enough to get that scholarship...


Here is the short answer...

Your problem right now is that you're young and your view of life is myopic. Yes, UNC with the scholarship will put you in fine shape for banking and consulting. But consider these two points:

  1. Outside of those banking/consulting opportunities, UNC is severely deficient. You will not meet as many interesting people doing things as interesting as the work done at Harvard. At Harvard, you have the opportunity to spend some time with some people who are truly smart, ambitious, creative, and dedicated to a path (science, government, music, math etc.). This is better than just hanging with the drones you'll find at UNC, many of whom simply aspire to be dogs for their clients in banking, consulting, investment management.

  2. Harvard gives you a better opportunity to study a wide array of things and still go into the business world if you want. More so, if you decide you want to do something else (you're young and this is very possible), Harvard makes that all the easier.

Step up. Go to Harvard. Enjoy four years with a smart diverse group of dedicated individuals, rather than four years with a bunch of wanna-be bankers.


I find Harvard and UNC pretty different choices and as such shouldn't be that hard to chose . Look at yourself, and what you see yourself doing, consider your values and then look at what each school emphasizes. Try to determine where you will learn more of what you need and want. Which school will give you the best shot to achieve what you are set to achieve. Everything else is secondary (being a fan, cute girls, etc).

Do what you want not what you can!

You'll never regret going to Harvard. You could easily regret UNC.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
You'll never regret going to Harvard. You could easily regret UNC.
I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

I really want to go to Harvard, but would I fit in as a southern, public school kid that loves to hunt and fish? Most moreheads interested in business go on to get their MBA from harvard, Wharton, or Stanford.

I really want to go to Harvard, but would I fit in as a southern, public school kid that loves to hunt and fish? Most moreheads interested in business go on to get their MBA from harvard, Wharton, or Stanford.
Go to Harvard dude. I promise you that you'll regret it if you don't. Stop looking for reasons why you won't like it or why UNC is better and just go with the knowledge that you can always transfer back to UNC but Harvard undergrad is basically a one shot deal
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I go to Columbia College on full-tuition financial aid but would take 200K in loans in a second if I were offered a spot at Harvard College. Honestly, the Harvard College brand will open up so many doors in so many countries, in so many industries, in practically every social situation, that you would be the biggest moron on the planet if you were to decide not to take up its offer.

seedy underbelly:
I go to Columbia College on full-tuition financial aid but would take 200K in loans in a second if I were offered a spot at Harvard College. Honestly, the Harvard College brand will open up so many doors in so many countries, in so many industries, in practically every social situation, that you would be the biggest moron on the planet if you were to decide not to take up its offer.

This is so dumb. Harvard vs. UNC is one thing, but 200K in loans for Harvard vs. full-tuition at Columbia? You would be the biggest moron on the planet to do that.

Willmywood, congratulations on your decision. You might get bashed on here for it, but Moreheads choose your deal over top-tier Ivies all the time. Enjoy Franklin Street!

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance

It's not like you won't be able to hunt and fish at Harvard. The only difference is that you'll be doing it with the Northeastern prepstars instead of the good ol' boys down South. Coupled with the fact that you still get Greeklife there, you can experience Ivy fratting, broaden the network you have, enjoy the platform a school like Harvard has, and get a chance to rub shoulders with the future movers and shakers in the world.

This may boil down to a personality decision, but if you're the sort of person who enjoys being surrounded by -- absolutely immersed in -- intellectually endowed, hardworking people, it makes more sense to go to an institution of Harvard's caliber over a school like UNC where you're going to be an academic standout. Besides, grade inflation at Harvard is absolutely rampant in soft subjects so if you're concerned about the grades, don't be.

You could also quell this uncertainty by visiting each of the three schools for admitted students' weekend (or arrange your own with the office if you explain your situation) and get a taste firsthand.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

seedy underbelly, over a couple of posts, has single-handedly convinced me that Columbia is a 3rd rate institution... at least that's what it seems like reading his comments.


Thanks for the comments everyone. After talking with my parents I will be attending unc next year as a morehead scholar. The opportunities available through the scholarship are absolutely I've grown up a Tar Heel. I wish I could go to harvard and Penn too, but they will be there for grad school and the morehead will not.


Yes, my obsession with Carolina basketball is unhealthy- played a significant role in my decision... And my desire to make a difference, which is what the morehead is all about....just a little sad I won't be able to say I went to harvard or Wharton (udergrad, at least) haha


(sigh) I hate when people ask for college advice on here because the ones giving it to you are inexperienced and opinionated.

That being said, of course Harvard and Wharton are more prestigious than UNC but where do you see yourself fitting in? Also, have you applied for financial aid at these schools? Harvard in particular is known for giving excellent financial aid. Talk to your family and friends, visit, and make up your mind on your own rather than listening to people on here. Good luck.


quote=darknight12 I hate when people ask for college advice on here because the ones giving it to you are inexperienced and opinionated.

That being said, of course Harvard and Wharton are more prestigious than UNC but where do you see yourself fitting in? Also, have you applied for financial aid at these schools? Harvard in particular is known for giving excellent financial aid. Talk to your family and friends, visit, and make up your mind on your own rather than listening to people on here. Good luck.[/quote]

(sigh) I hate when people don't read the damn thread and then post condescending drivel.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Voluptas aut quis modi rem provident quia. Perspiciatis est repellendus eos quia quia.

Optio aut alias id beatae ea exercitationem atque. Quas laboriosam ad inventore harum. Et omnis quis in earum est dolores illum. Sunt amet voluptatum nemo dolores aut eaque dolore aut.

Quis odio voluptates sunt pariatur ut est. Recusandae quisquam molestias repudiandae et. Hic placeat rerum doloremque vel consequatur rerum et quis. Illo libero qui nemo repellendus exercitationem.

Alias nulla voluptatem aliquid quidem cupiditate. Quam nulla voluptatem praesentium est explicabo velit. Eius omnis nesciunt iure voluptatem qui. Rerum sint excepturi qui molestias repudiandae iste in occaecati.


Excepturi laudantium fuga ad dolorem reiciendis. Quis quasi possimus ea ut eaque. In dolorem quos suscipit ipsum magni adipisci. Non quia quasi sed.

Numquam minima vel doloremque quibusdam. Laudantium nam suscipit suscipit ea omnis ut mollitia. Ratione sed alias dignissimos laboriosam quidem. Eius recusandae fugiat voluptatum voluptas.

Perspiciatis minus ex voluptatem alias repellendus rerum saepe excepturi. Repellendus dolores quaerat omnis a vitae vel. Ad quas dolore sed esse et mollitia.

Voluptatem minima consequatur ad quis similique. Distinctio ut adipisci aspernatur. Doloremque mollitia accusantium et enim.

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