Dude, Haas is way better than UCLA/USC in either undergrad or MBA, top 3 and top 8/9 respectively. its at a different level.


UCLA does not even have a biz program for undegrad

USC i think is comparable but just a bit less prestigeous

in terms of ibanking


as far as grad school goes,i think all three are com parables.


UCB and UCLA grad schools are better than USC by far. They are somewhat comparables in undergrad in the sense that they provide roughly equal opportunities to get into banking on the west coast.

I agree with eric that in terms of undegrad ibanking it would go:

UCB > USC > UCLA, with UCB having a strong lead and USC and UCLA only marginal. The reason I say that is every bank on the west coast recruits at UCB, but some banks recruit only at UCLA and some only at USC.


It is not a roughly equal opportunity at all. Berkeley provides a significantly better opportunity than both UCLA and USC combined. For the West Coast in particular, ALL firms, big and small, in SF and in LA recruit from Berkeley. Moreover, a fair number of the firms on the East Coast make the trip all the way from New York to recruit on-campus at Cal. For instance, MS had 4 separate on-campus interviews alone (PE Real Estate, Menlo Tech, SF/LA, NY). UCLA/USC doesn't even come close, they tend to draw just the LA banks around the area, which when considering only West Coast banking, is 1/2 of the total recruiting Cal gets (SF).

It goes even further beyond just having on-campus drops though. LA banks will go to USC/UCLA more because of the proximity and convenience. Banks go to Cal looking for top candidates. That being said, USC/UCLA are a hell of a lot more fun and provide a much better well-rounded social/academic college experience.

Last point. I do not go to Cal and actually turned down my acceptance to go there after high school. I'm just being a realist :).


Personally the ONLY reputable school on the west coast is STANFORD. Again I state west coast schools get crushed compared to its east coast peers. UC Berk/USC/UCLA are underneath the "Little Ivy's" and Comparable to boston campuses, and NYU

Best Response
Personally the ONLY reputable school on the west coast is STANFORD. Again I state west coast schools get crushed compared to its east coast peers. UC Berk/USC/UCLA are underneath the "Little Ivy's" and Comparable to boston campuses, and NYU

I think to state that Stanford is the only reputable university on the west coast is absolutely ridiculous. Anyone who holds this opinion is clearly living with an absurd misconception and does not have enough knowledge to weigh in on the subject in question. Cal is one of the only universities with ALL graduate programs rating in the top ten nation wide. So to state that "little ivys" are in a tier higher than Cal is yet another false assumption made by ignorant users who only post opinions directed at igniting arguments. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't bother posting. I'd like to thank the rest of you for posting worthwhile opinions.



in terms of ibanking yes. since ny is the capital of wall street and ivies have much better connections than every uc

in terms of overall academic experience, i actually believe that ucb/ucla provide equal if not better education due to its diverse/reputable/cut throat grading scale.


Your argument regarding reputation,diversification, and cut throat grading scale is BS. I know ivy's inflate especially Harvard as my friends tell me the lowest grade you can attain is a B-. I know specifically boston campuses and little ivy schools who have ridiculous "Cutthroat grading" These schools definitely get over shadowed by the IVY league but hey thats the east coast and competition is ten times better here relative to the west coast.

Your argument regarding reputation,diversification, and cut throat grading scale is BS. I know ivy's inflate especially Harvard as my friends tell me the lowest grade you can attain is a B-. I know specifically boston campuses and little ivy schools who have ridiculous "Cutthroat grading" These schools definitely get over shadowed by the IVY league but hey thats the east coast and competition is ten times better here relative to the west coast.

This is so patently false. The grade inflation thing, at my school anyway, is grossly exaggerated. While there are some classes where the floor usually is a C or so, its mainly because the quality of the students is so high that they probably wouldn't score much lower than that because they're smart and they studied. Particularly in the humanities where obviously they know how to write and even if they put something together at the last minute, it'd still be good.

Profs don't just give out grades. You have to earn them.



I said that UCB, UCLA, and USC undergrad programs provide roughly equal opportunities to get into banking on the WEST coast...not nationwide. Cal owns the other two bar none in terms of nationwide / global recruiting and I would never argue otherwise, but in terms of being able to apply to the west coast bulge brackets, they are more or less equal, save one or two different firms.

For ex, I know certain banks recruit exclusively at UCLA and not USC, and vice versa. That being said, if a firm doesn't recruit at UCLA and does recruit at USC, the UCLA candidate is not really at a disadvantage by any means as the firm would look at him / her as well...just not do on campus interviews.

Overall, Cal definitely has more opportunities, but I think in terms of being able to place on the west coast, you can do so at either of the three.


here's my two cents:

Compared with the other UCs (particularly UCLA) and USC, UC Berkeley definitely offers a wider range of OCR opportunities. Some of my friends at UCLA struggled to catch the attention of the Bay Area I-Banks...and east coast ops were virtually unattainable. Sucks, but true.

However, yes, east coast schools definitely hold an advantage over all the UCs in general. Just a simple glance NYU's vs Berkeley's postings show the difference in recruiting efforts that firms make between the schools.

Though, at the end of the day, I personally think if your from Berkeley, you aren't restricted from any jobs. Banks do consider Berkeley a target (albeit semi-...probably), you just need to take the appropriate steps to stand out above everyone else.

that being said, go bears =]


What you have all said is fine, your entitled to your own thoughts, however your wrong especially "Imakeitrain" for you to even compare Cal to the little ivies is absurd. Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree. To put it short and simple Cal sucks and are filled with USC/UCLA rejects.

*"IMAKEITRAIN" you are so silly/immature to make references that CAL is top ten in every category for graduate degrees. Who the hell cares everyone knows those rankings are most likley flawed and for you to state those facts obviously makes you insecure about your university. By the way UC Berk is filled with Stanford/UCLA rejects. One item UC berk is top ten for is smoking weed...they might actually be in a three way tie at number one between UCBerk/UColoboulder/Uvermont

What you have all said is fine, your entitled to your own thoughts, however your wrong especially "Imakeitrain" for you to even compare Cal to the little ivies is absurd. Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree. To put it short and simple Cal sucks and are filled with USC/UCLA rejects.

*"IMAKEITRAIN" you are so silly/immature to make references that CAL is top ten in every category for graduate degrees. Who the hell cares everyone knows those rankings are most likley flawed and for you to state those facts obviously makes you insecure about your university. By the way UC Berk is filled with Stanford/UCLA rejects. One item UC berk is top ten for is smoking weed...they might actually be in a three way tie at number one between UCBerk/UColoboulder/Uvermont

Dipset, your arguments are wrong and lacks any basis in empirical fact, which the other poster was kind enough to provide. Cal is generally regarded as a better school than USC; USC is viewed mostly as a party school, and has a decent reputation mostly because their sports give them national recognition, increasing brand image and making admissions more competitive. UCLA is, in my opinion, closer in the comparison but still a little below, both in terms of the graduates, students and professors I know, and in terms of the respect it is accorded. Cal is not, as you suggest, filled with rejects.

At the end of the day, if a school's graduates consistently fail to grasp simple elements of grammar, it matters little whether or not their education is state-subsidized. While I trust we all have a firm grasp on your faux elitist opinion of public schools, I hope you will spare us your further posturing; if you had gained the qualities intended from your own private education, you would have the class to avoid puerile insults and pointless boasting.

What you have all said is fine, your entitled to your own thoughts, however your wrong especially "Imakeitrain" for you to even compare Cal to the little ivies is absurd. Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree. To put it short and simple Cal sucks and are filled with USC/UCLA rejects.

*"IMAKEITRAIN" you are so silly/immature to make references that CAL is top ten in every category for graduate degrees. Who the hell cares everyone knows those rankings are most likley flawed and for you to state those facts obviously makes you insecure about your university. By the way UC Berk is filled with Stanford/UCLA rejects. One item UC berk is top ten for is smoking weed...they might actually be in a three way tie at number one between UCBerk/UColoboulder/Uvermont

dipset, can you explain why Cal cannot compete w/ UCLA/USC (besides the huge amount of pot-smoking we do?). I'm originally from LA, so lots of my old HS friends do attend UCLA and USC. Just through this recruiting semester, it's 100% clear which schools are targets and which aren't.

What you have all said is fine, your entitled to your own thoughts, however your wrong especially "Imakeitrain" for you to even compare Cal to the little ivies is absurd. Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree. To put it short and simple Cal sucks and are filled with USC/UCLA rejects.

*"IMAKEITRAIN" you are so silly/immature to make references that CAL is top ten in every category for graduate degrees. Who the hell cares everyone knows those rankings are most likley flawed and for you to state those facts obviously makes you insecure about your university. By the way UC Berk is filled with Stanford/UCLA rejects. One item UC berk is top ten for is smoking weed...they might actually be in a three way tie at number one between UCBerk/UColoboulder/Uvermont

Hey Dipshit1011,

Clearly you have no understanding of how the real world works. So let me give you a brief summary. You see there are certain universities which are rated in the top 25 no matter what scale you subscribe to. The Ivies, Stanford, and Cal,(UC Berkeley for those too ignorant to already know) happen to be amongst these top 25. Now, the way it works is that respected employers who pay their head-hunters millions of dollars to recruit the best ,just happen to recruit at these universities (Cal being one of the most heavily recruited). So for those who subscribe to your moronic logic (well, mainly just you) and believe that Cal is filled with UCLA rejects, I ask, why then do these corporations who hire nothing but the best and the brightest and spend millions to do so, recruit at Cal? Clearly you're an amateur with no experience who sits around all day bsing his way through life putting other, more successful people down only to make your third-rate education feel more reassuring. Get your facts straight before you make such ridiculous comments and further humiliate yourself on a public forum.


Drexel please stop parenting on the forums with your redundant and lengthy responses. A brief sentence or two would suffice. You really do waste a lot of time by conjuring a thesis and constructing a report regarding why my statement was pointless. In the end im entitled to my own thoughts.

*You are also from Drexel. The irony if you posting and shedding light on this subject matter is quite comical.


Dont mind dipset, he's got a chip on his shoulder because a) he goes to a busch league ivey and b) jefferies rejected him. He's been trolling the forums since his humiliating dismissal looking for people to anonymously put down so he can feel better. Yes, it's childish and yes, 90% of his posts are worthless (with the exception of the NYC cougar den post, which was legendary http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/nyc-cougar-dens), but the back and forth with him only perpetuates his penchant for pithy e-thug-like commentary. Let him spit his written diarrhea without response so he can wallow in his rather pathetic self-pity.


LOL MDR I enjoyed your post especially the "e-thug-like" description. I was completely joking about UC berkeley and originally i thought "Imakeitrain" was talking about UCAL as in University of California. I however do standby that east coast education is far superior to the west.


Came across this thread and had to respond.

What you have all said is fine, your entitled to your own thoughts, however your wrong especially "Imakeitrain" for you to even compare Cal to the little ivies is absurd. Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree. To put it short and simple Cal sucks and are filled with USC/UCLA rejects.

*"IMAKEITRAIN" you are so silly/immature to make references that CAL is top ten in every category for graduate degrees. Who the hell cares everyone knows those rankings are most likley flawed and for you to state those facts obviously makes you insecure about your university. By the way UC Berk is filled with Stanford/UCLA rejects. One item UC berk is top ten for is smoking weed...they might actually be in a three way tie at number one between UCBerk/UColoboulder/Uvermont

LOL MDR I enjoyed your post especially the "e-thug-like" description. I was completely joking about UC berkeley and originally i thought "Imakeitrain" was talking about UCAL as in University of California. I however do standby that east coast education is far superior to the west.

A few things.

1) What is University of California? You mean University of California - Berkeley and University of California - Los Angeles? Or Cal and UCLA? Don't make comments about these schools when you clearly know nothing about them.

2) Do you not follow sports at all? If you follow college sports in the slightest you would know what Cal stands for.

3) "Cal in its entirety cannot compete with the likes of UCLA or USC at any degree." Really now...UCLA/USC > Berkeley/Haas? (This is not to talk down about UCLA/USC which are great schools - it's just that Berkeley/Haas has a stronger reputation overall).

4) How do you go about acting like Cal kids are dumb/inferior? Cal sends a bunch of students to BB's on both the east and west coasts every year. If Cal students are all idiotic "rejects" as you claim, then all of the school's previous success when it comes to banking is just a giant fantasy.

5) There is definitely more opportunity when you go to an east coast school like Wharton. However, those students are not simply "superior" human beings. Your view is so elitist it's disgusting. Plus, every BB recruits at Cal so the opportunity is definitely there.

Why are you so bitter that you have to talk s*** about other schools? Please change your immature arrogance and bring your ego back to earth.

Just my 2 cents.


'LOL MDR I enjoyed your post especially the "e-thug-like" description. I was completely joking about UC berkeley and originally i thought "Imakeitrain" was talking about UCAL as in University of California. I however do standby that east coast education is far superior to the west."

Are you kidding me, you are really that oblivious that you thought that cal and uc berkeley are different schools? For the record, Cal is definitely a target, every major bank recruits there, especially for the West Coast.


I graduated from Berkeley. A lot of my friends were in Haas. The tough part about Berkeley is you first have to get into Berkeley (18%), then you have to get into Haas (45%-55%) if you're an UG. From what I've heard, being in a business fraternity such as DSP and also being in Haas can be quiet the load. I've seen tons of my classmates move to NY and work for companies like BlackRock and be extremely successful, making me quite jealous. Berkeley is top notch, really. You can't go wrong if you know what you're doing. It's the #1 public in the world according to most.

Getting good grades in Haas isn't SO bad I've heard, it's kind of what you would expect. Getting an A at Cal, from my experience, is ALWAYS hard. Even if you're studying introductory archaeology or, like, elementary Russian. I only received ONE "A" at Cal, which was in "Advanced Abstract Algebra." I got tons of B+'s, but I was never all about the grades.

With respect to competitiveness, academically, I was in letters and science, mathematics (ranked #1 in the world by USNews as a math university) and it is extremely competitive like nothing I was prepared for. I struggled many many times wondering if I could just get a C, but other times I was a top student in the course, when things matched my interests more (algebra, logic). Many departments are like that at Cal, it can be extremely cutthroat at times because of the talent of the student body (in STEM) is unreal and the international scene is big. A 2.8 GPA in math, for example, is actually pretty respectable and a 3.0 is probably the norm. Academic difficulty at Cal is said to be a guarantee. They hold academic difficulty seminars all term, every term lol. Recruiting wise, also competitive. Annoying ambitious over-achievers galore.


Another Cal grad here. It's hard to do well at Berkeley, classes are hard and the prodigious future classmates of yours set insane curves. That's particularly true for science, math, and engineering, but the social sciences are not any easier knowing a lot of them are pre-law or are Haas-rejects who are also very very smart and ambitious.

I am not a Haas graduate but took a lot of Haas classes, it's a very good undergraduate business program that focuses on applying the theory to real life situations. It's very competitive to recruit for banking. If you are not from Haas and not a member of extremely intense biz frat like DSP, then you have your work cut out for you. For MBB consulting, I know very few (like 4-5 people) who actually got job there right after Cal.


As with regards to West Coast recruiting, UCLA/USC do not have roughly equal opportunities. UCLA and USC get Los Angeles banks. Cal gets Los Angeles + San Francisco banks.

In the end, sure, a number of the BBs consolidate to one or the other Superday. However, this does not account for the large number of boutique / MM banks in the Bay Area which are not easily assessable for students in LA. Moreover, merely having the option to choose between SF & LA freely is something that should be given credit for; a freedom that is not for the taking for students attending UCLA/USC.

If you're not trolling, work on your grammar, seriously. "...I be a freshmen at...", "I will get it in the next weeks or so."
Doing this all on my phone....I am not trolling. Any advice btw? I fixed it now.
The Four E's of investment "The greatest Enemies of the Equity investor are Expenses and Emotions."- Warren Buffet

Usurp leadership positions in clubs. Bitterly squabble over the 15% of A+/A's that are given out in UGBA 10.


That's not really true. Especially because, from what I hear, most IBD recruiting at UCB, Stanford, etc. is for the West Coast Regional Offices, not NY.

Jack: They’re all former investment bankers who were laid off from that economic crisis that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have zero real world skills, but God they work hard. -30 Rock

sadly, they did. I heard that they were not impressed with ucla students last year. Only hired 2 SA and had one as full time


Some schools just prepare kids so well. I know my university certainly does not have the resources other universities in its area do.

Some schools just prepare kids so well. I know my university certainly does not have the resources other universities in its area do.

Unless you count business frats as a resource provided by school, there's literally nothing at Berkeley that prepares you for banking, or consulting for that matter. And as deal_mkr mentioned, our career center is pretty useless.


As a junior going through the process at Berkeley, I can ASSURE you that there are probably 25 students at Berkeley with all the first rounds, and everyone else is getting, more or less, fucked.

The business fraternities have alumni in analyst positions at most BBs, and those analysts make sure that the business frats have first dibs on all the OCR interviews. They're all very well qualified, and once you get past first rounds everything is fair, but as someone who has been told to his face by his DSP friends that he's more qualified than them, it's a little frustrating when you only get 6 first round invites and your friends get 15.

Life lesson: networking matters a LOT.


At Berkeley the 20 you mentioned is likely the same people that gets picked. Literally impossible for non-biz frat people to get in unless they are more accomplished than those people who are picked which is rare and few.


Investment Banking Forum to be held September 4th at 6:00 PM

The annual Investment Banking Forum to be held September 4th, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the MLK Pauley Ballroom.

Network with representatives from 25+ prestigious investment banks to learn about full time and internship opportunities. Bring your UC Berkeley SID and resumes. All majors welcome.

This is a Business Career Portfolio event, sponsored by the Undergraduate Finance Association (UFA) and the Career Center, co-hosted with Delta Sigma Pi and Alpha Kappa Psi.

Investment Banks registered (registration is on-going)

Bank of America Cowen and Company Credit Suisse Financial Technology Partners GCA Savvian Harris Williams & Co. Jefferies & Co. M&A Capital Macquarie Holdings (USA) Inc. Montgomery & Co., LLC. RBC Capital Markets Revolution Partners, LLC.

UBS Wells Fargo Bank

Are you a Haas student?

Wheres GS, MS, JPM and the other big names?

They're coming for Haas students at least, dunno about the school in general but from what I've heard in the past they have showed up.


Either they have not signed up yet, the list has not been updated or they will not be attending this year. They have attended other years.



Don't be foolish... major in CS. Why? Software engineers are nearly guaranteed $100+K out of college and great firms (Google, Adobe, Facebook, etc) want to hire good CS majors desperately. Even if you do not get a job at a BB, you will have a GREAT BACKUP/ALTERNATIVE. Plus HF's need more CS majors and CS is relevant to quant trading etc.

I work for a BB in IBD and did CS. No regrets whatsoever even though I could have done something more 'relevant' like Finance since I have WAY more options than other people.


Doing Bus Admin during undergrad doesn't mean you can't get an MBA later.

Basically you're in a decent position where you're at right now, UCB gets decent recruiting.

Here's the gist of things. inflate your GPA. your resume should ideally be littered with big names and your activities should become progressively more meaningful as time progresses.

Freshman year - go to a few business clubs, dabble. Consider getting an internship(wealth management or something similar) if you can. Do the bare minimum, this is resume filler time. During the summer, volunteer, travel, have fun and/or do something interesting. If you didn't do the internship during your spring semester than do it here. Do some interview practice here and there. Sophomore year - get involved in club leadership. Do a more substantial internship, where doesn't matter. GET ALL THE BIG NAMES. Junior year - aim for a summer internship in IB. If this falls through, consulting and corp fi work. Senior year - have a good resume on day 1. Hiring happens in the Fall. Take an easy Fall semester.


thanks for the responses

to dabears432, i have absolutely no CS/programming experience i have no idea what it's even about at this point so i could be at a major disadvantage, considering the curved classes and everything

plus, cs would be wayyy more time consuming, right?

was it really that hard?

should i do anything/learn some programs or something this summer

to get introduced to it

we all gonna make it

CS is a specialized math degree. It won't hurt to know some programming, but work on linear algebra, combinatorics and set theory.

If you're more interested in just programming, look into software engineering.

I actually did math-econ and am in operations strategy at an F500. My job tittle is grouped under SW engineering.


OP I am from Cali and have numerous friends at UCB. My HS is a feeder to Berk (2 years ago we sent 51 out of 250 seniors to UCB). If you are smart enough and confident/passionate about CS then do it. But most people on WSO do not know the real condition of the UC system and the terrible difficulty in getting classes/get good grades at a school like Berk. The average GPA for CS majors at UCB is like a 2.4. You are going to get crushed by competition. On the other hand, I have many friends who made into Haas after 2 years and solid grades (3.85 minimum..the average Berk GPA to get in is like a 3.9+). Take easy GEs, get into Haas, and join DSP (the biz frat). DSP has a stronghold over recruiting and many of the alumni come back and recruit exclusively through DSP. If you do this, you are guaranteed a great position to get into banking at least in California.


k xelink, how much do u make now? did u attend berkeley, and how long ago did u graduate

and melokid, isn't haas a soft major and wouldnt close off some opportunities b/c potential employers will think you don't have the quantitative skills

we all gonna make it

No, I attended a "lesser" UC and lived at home so I could graduate without debt. About 70k all in for a 40 hour work week. I graduated 6 months ago. I'm expecting my pay to grow as my seniority does. I'm NOT on a predefined path. I'm aiming for corporate development or corporate strat longer term.

I'm not in finance, but I do value finance skills. Being an excel whiz is a good thing.


It's higher than IBD, that's for sure. I'm also right on the beach in a nice area with a low COL due to rent control (how I pulled off that I don't know). Life's good and I'm in danger of becoming content. Being content is BAD. Always work to grow and improve, even if just a little. Emphasis on growth, not where it's coming from(don't pass up an amazing opportunity because you MUST do something specific)

At the end of the day though, everything is what you make of it. Look to BECOME an amazing person and aim to have experiences that signal to others that such is the case. There are a lot of different ways to be "successful".

I think you got most of my advice, haha. Have fun, do interesting things. Start doing interview prep EARLY(like now) since interviewing takes a lot of practice before it feels natural. Apply everywhere even if you don't want the position just for the chance to practice.

Baby Monkey:

Most Cal bankers I meet appear to be from Haas. I hear it's very competitive to get in. But once you get in, your course trajectories are pretty set.

Depends on what you do with it. If you half ass it you won't go far. People say that once you're in HYPS you're pretty much set and I outdid the average kid out of there because I had higher resource utilization.

Getting into Haas helps, but I'll say this, just like HYPS it doesn't matter if you're in if you don't USE it. Be in that top percentage.


this is really ... fascinating to me. i was a know it all didn't give a shit freshman i don't know how you kids these days know you definitely want a wall street job out of college.

i didn't find out about banking until second half of my junior year

i suggest exploring an area other than finance in school just to give a different perspective. plenty of art history/english majors in banking


Quo eveniet consequatur distinctio delectus. Ut voluptatem quaerat inventore nemo et. Vitae quas enim ut est sint optio rem. Nesciunt est ducimus atque voluptatum.

Voluptatem qui quia necessitatibus similique sit. Error eveniet accusantium rem hic et. Nostrum reiciendis ipsum vitae non.

Reiciendis at distinctio vitae modi incidunt ducimus et aliquam. Qui magnam ipsum voluptatibus ut et qui vitae. Voluptatem earum occaecati temporibus voluptas laborum inventore architecto.

Sed suscipit temporibus alias iure quis quia temporibus. Dolore repellat itaque nobis a nihil. Deserunt et error consequatur exercitationem nostrum ipsam quo sint. Et labore qui nam ex expedita consequuntur enim iusto. Eveniet earum omnis dolores architecto. Dolor et modi sed quia. Vitae necessitatibus officia quos rerum dolores nulla maxime.

we all gonna make it

Consequatur asperiores eligendi id itaque nemo eligendi. Doloremque eum deleniti hic asperiores sed vel voluptas quia. Ea aut aliquam voluptatibus nisi dolorem consequatur repellendus.

Quo inventore ea rem. Dolores illo qui a cum omnis eligendi. Animi nam blanditiis minus neque. Eveniet iusto cumque similique quo cupiditate fugit nesciunt.

Numquam maiores omnis exercitationem in qui nam. Aut occaecati culpa et consequuntur sit architecto. Eveniet quia ratione dolore amet.

Est labore tempora necessitatibus. Omnis libero soluta magni fugiat. Suscipit eos quia rem labore ex quasi dolorum.


Voluptatem maiores dolores natus repellendus soluta eius eos. Aut aut sint nostrum repellat maiores nobis. Aut molestias quia sint quia voluptatibus temporibus. Explicabo vel tempore nulla fugit aut earum consequuntur unde. Dicta eum voluptas non aut nostrum occaecati. Velit recusandae sit repellat excepturi et.

Quibusdam libero earum cumque et aut. Corrupti laudantium neque et et repellendus ea vero. Suscipit non accusamus totam ut vel consequatur aspernatur. Ipsa fuga id maiores ut sequi voluptas qui. Aliquam at sit minima omnis. Porro quod ut quia mollitia quas. Nulla harum culpa vel incidunt nihil autem.


Ab accusamus pariatur voluptas sint necessitatibus. Nostrum magnam aspernatur et ex.

Minus dolorem officia animi ea. Aliquam ea fuga atque asperiores sequi ab placeat tempora. Quasi distinctio fugiat voluptatem ut et dolores aspernatur.

Illo delectus maiores maxime libero pariatur veniam officia. Enim distinctio facere officia laborum nostrum incidunt iste. Labore beatae itaque rerum in eius. Dolor dolore rerum et. Delectus nisi ut qui fuga.


Magnam rem reiciendis perferendis eos voluptatibus repellendus. Accusamus est aliquid est et ratione excepturi. Numquam rerum et quis sunt ea.

Voluptas et at et perspiciatis. Quis ea nostrum perferendis in minima tenetur facilis aperiam. Ut officiis voluptates sit dolorem. Unde nulla quas libero laborum est. Autem exercitationem sunt et pariatur. Quidem tempore molestiae voluptatem itaque officiis eaque. Ut consequatur odio esse et et earum sit ut.

Esse sapiente aspernatur error veritatis velit. Dolore laudantium ut aperiam voluptates labore et. Id sit et aspernatur laudantium commodi.

Debitis ut provident maiores veritatis. Distinctio unde pariatur odio eius sit aut. Possimus quos sapiente natus voluptatibus autem. In aliquam voluptatem id culpa corporis cupiditate beatae. Libero omnis accusantium id maxime. Doloremque sit amet et voluptatem aut totam sunt.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


redever's picture
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Betsy Massar
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Linda Abraham
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”