Gym, music, sex, weed, reading (1 hour a day and I'm done) and video games (shooting).  And that's all, I'm happy with that, I wouldn't change a thing.

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Same here, sounds a lot like my routine atm. Was never much of a gamer pre-2020 but got into warzone to stay in touch with the boys and it turned into an obsession. I even play solo a lot of the time when no one else is on ...  those solo dubs definitely still get the heart going. I thought the change to Caldera would finally make me bored of the game but it's only increased my interest, the new map is just so good imo. 

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I don’t get it - I genuinely love hiking. Depending on where you live I understand why you might not like it. But SF, LA, SLC, Denver, all have amazing hiking


I don't get it - I genuinely love hiking. Depending on where you live I understand why you might not like it. But SF, LA, SLC, Denver, all have amazing hiking

Honestly, I can't do any sort of hiking/walking in the burbs, and get bored in the wilderness, but on a couple nice days I've taken off after work and ended up in the 100s. (we're down where the streets are named)  I also frequently cross the island and back during my lunch break to clear my mind.  I'd say I dipped my toes in each river during these walks, but A: yuck, B: no way to easily do that.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Can’t believe this hasn’t gotten any bananas. Sleep for sure is a hobby



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Leatherwork. Originally got into it in high school. It's just arts and crafts for men and it's therapeutic as hell.

Comes in handy during girlfriend or mom’s birthdays. Women love shitty fashion bags that retail for multiple $1,000's but only cost $200 worth of material. Have saved a pretty penny by making it myself instead.


Weight lifting + triathlon is the way brother.

Weights = muscle mass and size

Triathlons = good cardio to stay lean, and 'swimmers build' from that pool time. Also most important competition. When weight lifting you can have goals but unless you compete then you really dont have that fire to improve and compete against others. With Tri's, or other similar events, you have a stake in the ground that you work towards, improve against because if you half ass training you will be embarrassed, and ultimately the drive of competition on race day.

If anyone has any issues with depression or chicks begin those two hobbies. You weight lift, you compete against other men in athletic events, then that will build the person that leads to your 3rd hobby.... lots of ridiculous fucking.

Most Helpful

happy to share! I've taken a bit of the kitchen sink approach, but the principles are - absorb content that is motivating to you, focus less on grammatical rules and more on how you'll actually use the language, and embrace the random nature of learning something as complex as another language. the below are going to be my thoughts from Español, but I aim to use the same techniques for Italian (only 1 month in though)

content - music I like (rather than mariachi music, the Mexican equivalent of Kings of Leon or something), podcasts, youtube videos both in spanish (tedx en Español, also a podcast) and in english with spanish subtitles, UFC fights en Español, news apps, changed the language on my phone. I'm not really a show/series person but I know plenty of people like those, just not for me. I also read several books, both originally written in the target language as well as translations of books I'd already known and loved (e.g. I read Nassim Taleb's entire Incerto in spanish and aim to do the same in Italian when my level is better). reading is easy for me because I can do a little bit before bed, in the morning, in an airport or on the plane. still looking for some good surfing content in spanish and Italian, so if anyone has any ideas, lemme know!

practice - I have a plus subscription to duolingo but I want to stress this, duo is not bad, but it's very incomplete. it will help you with vocabulary and some tips, but it's also very dogmatic and has you practicing things you wouldn't normally say in everyday conversation. I view this as an add-on, not the core. I also used AnkiApp, which uses the same idea of spaced repetition, but I used this very infrequently. the biggest difference maker was and I found 2 teachers that I would converse with regularly that helped me out bigtime. they had different accents, different teaching styles, and different interests and this helped me tremendously. after I got more comfortable speaking, I would have (and still do have) an hour lesson in the morning before the workday gets started. it's a free form video chat, either you'll just bullshit or the teacher will give you something to do (watch a youtube video, write something, discuss a topic), things like that. being forced to speak was the biggest difference maker.

patience - if you've not gone down the rabbithole of language learning this will be the toughest thing to get past. languages do not exist as translations of one another, they are distinct forms of communication, so get the idea out of your head that every word in your target language must be translated to english. get comfortable with the idea that there won't be direct translations of stuff, and also with the idea that you will not understand every word. for fuck's sake, I don't understand 30% of the words used by some investment writers but I get the concepts and then can connect the dots the next time I see that word. finally, realizing that language learning is nonlinear, which is frustrating. I was feeling good, having listened to a ted talk in spanish on a run and understood almost all of it, then I go to a mexican restaurant, try speaking spanish and they flip to english (I guess my accent was no good). you will feel stuck sometimes, but one of the best ways I measured progress (aside from practicing with natives and going into deeper and deeper topics) was listening to podcasts and youtube videos I'd already watched/listened to before, and seeing if I understood more than the last time. 

disclosure - since spanish and italian use the latin alphabet, I have no experience using a language with a different writing system. my friend who's learning mandarin but already speaks japanese said that he spent hours and hours memorizing the kanji, so perhaps you'd have to add that on in addition to the above, idk.

this video has some great tidbits on learning:


Skiing, climbing, and surfing. Been living in a van for the last 9 months so I have been able to really get into all of it in a pretty good way.

Like a sprinter van?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Ram Promaster instead of Sprinter but yeah, same idea. It was originally used as an Amazon delivery van and I spent about two months converting it to live and work in full time. It has been a blast so far and I am going to convert another one in May that I plan on keeping forever after selling this one. Doing a Sprinter this time though for the 4 wheel drive and diesel (better on the snow obviously and the diesel will let me run a heater up to 9,900 feet). 


Running, weight lifting, watches/horology are my top 3. I recently started to get into Pickleball which is a lot of fun. 

Ever see “Heroes”?


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

When I’m down in Florida, golfing, tennis, laying out on the beach (need to familiarize myself with some of the Gulf surfing spots), and the gun range has been fun.

Most of the time I’m in Chicago though, and I hate the fucking cold lol. Summers are nice for boating, cycling along the lake front, catching some live music, and drinking. Winter months I try to keep up with my Duolingo, play some video games, or blaze while listening to some records and staring out the window wishing I still lived on the West Coast (again hate the cold lol).

Hoping I can I get back to surfing as much as I did in my community college days, I’m lucky if I get out on the water a handful a times a year now. 


Gulf…. Surfing? lol maybe if a hurricane is coming 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


How long have you been doing F45 - is it fun/hard?

Its like group HIIT or something?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Self education, I refuse to be ignorant on personal finance.

Exotic sport cars

Traveling but on hold due to covid.

Interior design

SafariJoe, wins again!

Self education, I refuse to be ignorant on personal finance.

Exotic sport cars

Traveling but on hold due to covid.

Interior design

Personal finance is basically just budgeting, smart usage of insurance, (it's a net negative, but can help with the unexpected) and designing things to minimize tax hits.  Source? I might have a planning designation, although I've found that pretty much all FAs are idiots. (those around here excluded, you'll actually get good advice around here, and it won't cost you 1% a year for him to tell you to put your money into one of my funds that you could literally just buy yourself.)

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

Reading; fiction and non-fiction, just finished Barbarian at the Gate, moved onto a collection of Anton Chekhov's short novels and More Money Than God (for the WSO book club).

Film; I watch about 100 movies a year, I'm making my way through the AFI top 100 lists to set a foundation of American film, will explore more international film after like Fellini, Bergman, Kurosawa, Goddard, etc. I also read a bunch and watch several YouTube essayists about film. 

Various Outdoors stuff; I can't really claim any single one as a hobby since I don't dedicate too much time to any given pursuit, but I do love to bike, hike, ski, etc. 


Reading, golf, travel, gaming, etc

Pretty happy with the ones I have, if anything I just want to spend more time getting good at golf & way more time traveling


Never Happened

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Golf, gym, skiing, swimming, reading. As you age, your life feels like it is becoming more boring (I think this is due to social circle shrinking). I always relied on that big trip every year to spice things up, but since travel has died I have made more trips out west to ski (Jackson, Alta/Bird, Squaw, etc). I also want to explore more local (USA) this year: hike Grand Canyon, etc. 


Current: I lift weights, do some HIIT, and play hockey weekly. Try to play tennis and golf as frequently as schedule and weather allow, but currently averaging less than once/week. I read or get a game of fifa in most nights. 

Occasional: I ski and hunt, but based on where I live I don't get out enough to call them proper hobbies. Probably two trips a year each. 

Future: Would love to get some regular paddle/platform tennis going, especially in winter. There is also a chance I may be moving somewhere that would facilitate regular paddleboarding - I feel like cranking out a sunrise paddle would be awesome before hitting the desk. 


Usually I take up a new hobbe every 6 months. At the moment it is playing Destiny. After an old school chum of mine shared this service with me I found myself thinking that I play it 3 times as much. After that I will take up painting or something. Will see.


Ya know Alpha Architect actually runs a "march for the fallen" run every year.  They're good guys. but continue your tirade.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.


I hit 192 max HR this morning on the indoor cycle - get someeeee

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

220 - age = max HR so I must be 28 😂😂😂

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Magic the Gathering is pretty fun... It's like an in person video game. Theres a good balance of variance and skills which makes it pretty satisfying to get better at with some good swingy fun.


My biggest hobby currently is perfumery. I find it a very unique hobby to have, works a little bit as a cheaper cash sink as I try to build my career up with the eventual target of becoming a sports car influencer. Have had several posts on this site on it as well. I specifically specialize in niche perfumery. Niche is a fancy way of saying I only buy perfumes from brands that only produce perfumes (they may, on occasion, also produce candles, hair mists, soaps, and other cosmetics), but they'll never produce clothes (designer). An example of a niche brand is Parfums de Marly, an example of a designer brand is Christian Dior. I originally got into niche because I put together very quickly that the elasticity of demand is unappealing to most consumers - a niche perfume costs significantly more than almost anything designer you can get, discouraging people from buying in the process. I believed that would make me have more unique perfumes vs. people I know / general population, and opted to go full hipster. It's relevant to note that entry-level niche like Mancera or Montale will be priced at around the same level as a mainstream designer scent from a department store ($100-150 ballpark). Most of niche falls north of $200, the first higher level is in that $500-600 bracket and the true end-game level is $1,000+. 

Besides that my second hobby is the gym, basically had a large change in my lifestyle following COVID, dropped 90 pounds in just over a year on a very aggressive diet (it was very aggressive by accident - I was a rookie at tracking calories). Some definitely think I go overboard, but I don't have the need to eat out (I'm extraverted, but also dislike people if that makes any sense), so I get away with very exact tracking of macros which helps me now that I'm no longer on that aggressive diet.

I am also trying to get into sneakers, mainly Jordan 1s. Been accumulating slowly over time, currently just looking to establish exposure to different colors just like I am looking to get exposure to different profiles with my perfume collection. For Jordans, I do want to eventually go into limited editions. For perfumes, I am not so stoked about limited editions, because 1. they barely exist from the main niche brands; and 2. the common-form of limitation for perfume is a bottle covered in crystals which doesn't bring utility to the scent itself vs. design being the whole utility for a shoe (besides the fact that it goes on your foot lol).

  • Weight lifting (5x5x5 program currently) for 45 mins M-F to break up the work day
  • Equinox spinning class on Sat or Sun
  • Sports betting with picks via a paid professional capper (yes, they can be profitable) to maintain sanity working late M-Th and for fun on the weekends
  • Date with gf and hanging with the boys at least 1x a week (not really a hobby but still takes up time)

^^ the above me to maintain good mental + physical health

Besides that traveling with my gf and/or family each quarter is a lot of fun. Also once a month visiting family back home is a must


I like to to drive to the gulf of Mexico and sit on the sand with my 4 fin Bonzer impaled in the sand and drink Pacifico. I dip the wetsuit in the water so it looks like I actually surfed, but I need to get there early before the beaches open and the dawn patrol peeps get there. I live in Arizona.


Ut enim aut aut omnis quia voluptatem fuga. Amet saepe vero qui expedita. Sapiente assumenda eaque et. Nobis sit odit voluptatum eum omnis autem consectetur quod. Velit totam nostrum amet et. Dolor velit possimus tenetur.


Cum illum perferendis quod minima voluptatem. Non soluta sapiente dolorem et. Harum quo quod ea ea.

Ullam temporibus eligendi suscipit veritatis. Accusamus est voluptatem officia dolores quam facilis. Quam expedita atque delectus modi. Quaerat est assumenda voluptatibus et et. Assumenda blanditiis et distinctio facere molestiae aut et. Voluptatibus quia quas atque ab autem aut debitis.

Nam in fugiat quo eum. Maxime enim ab doloribus. Nulla adipisci rerum velit id aperiam nihil aut qui.

Beatae odit dolor ea fugiat quasi. Numquam aut consectetur quia unde dolorem ut.


Modi vitae ducimus aperiam omnis rem ab consequatur. Cumque debitis voluptatem repellendus inventore cupiditate odio tenetur. Harum nemo blanditiis eveniet vel est doloribus. Quis impedit quia rerum est nostrum.

Ad temporibus voluptas consequatur cumque quo soluta. Facilis voluptate sed exercitationem et suscipit odio.

In possimus blanditiis doloribus nam eveniet inventore. Id perferendis vel iste perferendis libero eos et. Adipisci ut voluptatem inventore eos.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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