this video is sick, it shows a little girl getting ran over 2 times and no one helping every one just looking; wonder what your opinion on the issue was it's graphic, but no blood and gore. Not gunna lied made me go ***** a few times.


I'm curious to know the opinion of people who work in China who work there is.


what the fuck is wrong with you, you miserable piece of shit?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.


My son just turned 2 years old and I don't even let him out of my sight for 7 minutes in my own apartment... unless he's sleeping. Actually, I don't really let him out of my sight at all. How do you not know where your kid is for 7 minutes out in public?

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I live in China. This does not surprise me at all. For a culture and a society built on collectivism (and not to mention all the communist "build up better society" slogans), I think it's ironic how often it turns out that people here don't give two shits about anything but themselves.


What would you have done if you knew your Entire family (not just parents, but relatives, we're talking China here, mind you) would be fucked trying to pay their lawsuit on your

What the hell do you think they would sue you for?

This is true. Some Chinese guy rushed to save this woman who was about to get hit by a car or something, and she ended up sueing him. Still, no excuse. This is a very NSFW video. I only watched it once, and I got disgusted. It makes you wonder what the value of a life is?


Thats fucking disgusting. Makes me sick. Although people will claim a fear, there's no excuse for those dozens who walked past.

Doesnt surprise me though, having lived in Beijing for a whole summer. Sayonara to morality once you touch down.


I can't believe the guy on the zamboni just drove around and didn't sweep the kid up.

That's so shocking I'm at a loss for words.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

"I keep telling them China is the enemy not a friend" -NJ out of work machinist

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood

This is really disturbing. I just studied abroad in Shanghai for 5 months earlier this year. One day I was riding my bike across this busy intersection, and a few seconds late, I heard this crash right behind me. Since I didn't see it, I'm not exactly sure what happened, but there was a collision between a bus and a rickshaw. I was so freaked out, but no one else seemed to take note. The man driving the rickshaw quickly checked to see if his vehicle could still run and continued on his way. The bus driver didn't even bother to get out nor did it seem that the passengers really cared.


I had a friend whose parents moved from china over here. So, on a trip back there his mom witnessed an old lady getting hit by a car. Nobody went to help her, so naturally she did. Turns out, the old lady couldn't afford to pay the medical bills and sued my friend's mom, accusing his mom of running over her. Court case and everything. His mom ended up losing the case. The judge's reasoning was: "you helped her because you felt guilty. Why else would you?"

I had a friend whose parents moved from china over here. So, on a trip back there his mom witnessed an old lady getting hit by a car. Nobody went to help her, so naturally she did. Turns out, the old lady couldn't afford to pay the medical bills and sued my friend's mom, accusing his mom of running over her. Court case and everything. His mom ended up losing the case. The judge's reasoning was: "you helped her because you felt guilty. Why else would you?"

this makes me want to short china, they seem really ignorant

I had a friend whose parents moved from china over here. So, on a trip back there his mom witnessed an old lady getting hit by a car. Nobody went to help her, so naturally she did. Turns out, the old lady couldn't afford to pay the medical bills and sued my friend's mom, accusing his mom of running over her. Court case and everything. His mom ended up losing the case. The judge's reasoning was: "you helped her because you felt guilty. Why else would you?"

Why couldn't she just sue the driver?!?

That case is really f--k'd up. It's crap like this that discourages human decency.

I had a friend whose parents moved from china over here. So, on a trip back there his mom witnessed an old lady getting hit by a car. Nobody went to help her, so naturally she did. Turns out, the old lady couldn't afford to pay the medical bills and sued my friend's mom, accusing his mom of running over her. Court case and everything. His mom ended up losing the case. The judge's reasoning was: "you helped her because you felt guilty. Why else would you?"

Huh. This case has striking similarities to the Peng Yu case that started this whole 'don't help or pay' bullshit. Unless your friend is Peng Yu.


I'll be that guy for a minute: This is not an unknown phenomena in western culture as well: I did a psych study on the underlying reasons of people that ignored the cries for help from a woman being stabbed to death in a mall during the evening rush period. This shit happens, people as a whole, aka "humanity" can really suck.


Commence China bashing, that shit is WAY more common over there.

Get busy living

I don't think that's what he was trying to accomplish by not watching it... some people just don't want to see a 2 year old get run over. I didn't even watch the video until somebody posted it as a gif somewhere else. It literally made my chest hurt when she got run over. Being around a two year old every day, I can imagine exactly how one would react to this and I kinda sorta teared up a lil bit... that baby had to have been screaming loud as hell. I don't understand how nobody could help it.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
some people just don't want to see a 2 year old get run over.
...I'm one of them

Dude, I know it's bad, stuff just sticks in my head and I don't need to walk around with that in my mind.

Get busy living

That was horrifying to watch. I can understand people are afraid of scams and being sued (seems like China is rampant with such issues), but at the very least someone could have called for help, called an ambulance or stood next to the child and signal cars to go around if they were afraid of touching the child in fears of being sued. Well, that woman who moved the child away from the middle of the street did the right thing, but it should have been the very first guy that saw her on the ground before that second car hit her. Hell, it should have been first van that hit her that should have looked where he was driving and stopped to help her.


^^Honestly... how did the second car not see her? Usually when I see something in the middle of the street, I try to identify what it is and if I can't, I avoid running it over... This is also not going to help the stereotype of asian drivers haha

How do you not notice a two year old laying in the middle of the road!? Fucking morons!

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
Best Response
^^Honestly... how did the second car not see her? Usually when I see something in the middle of the street, I try to identify what it is and if I can't, I avoid running it over... This is also not going to help the stereotype of asian drivers haha

How do you not notice a two year old laying in the middle of the road!? Fucking morons!

In some ways, the second van was more disturbing than the first (maybe if the second one didn't run over her, she could have been saved) - there is absolutely no way they could miss a two year old girl bleeding on the ground.

The mother should have been watching her daughter like a hawk. From old pictures, I saw my parents had me on a tether at 3 when we were in places with large crowds and activity (e.g. airports).

I'm just really disturbed by the apathy and immorality of mainland Chinese. I really hope the majority of them are not like this. i understand life is tough for some of the people there and the different morals and culture is to adapt to what freedoms and opportunities you're given and your environment. But when I read things like this, it just makes me sick. In one of the articles on the topic, there was an interview asking people's thoughts - one guy said he thinks it's because people in China are "very busy". A cold chill went down my spine.


Didn't Gladewell right about something similar in Tipping Point?

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?

Apparently the driver of the van has given himself up to police. Here's his quote:

"If she was dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($4000). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan."

I saw another piece somewhere else that said an 88 year old man fell down face first in a market. No one touched the man for about 2 hours, until his daughter came looking for him (the market was near his house) and called an ambulance. Cause of death was a respiratory tract clogged by a nosebleed. In other worlds, if one of those vile fucks in that fucking market had turned him over, he'd be alive today.

Y'know, I'm not one to stereotype. I've met a lot of Chinese people, both when I lived in Beijing for a summer and during college. Some are the nicest people you'll ever meet. So it may be harsh to judge a country based on the actions of one. But when 18 people, 18, just walked past an injured TWO-year old, I think we're on a safe ground to criticise them.

Having nieces and nephews at those ages, it makes me sick.

"If she was dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($4000). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan."

Glad to know that this dipshit thinks that a little girl's life isn't worth more than his fucking wallet... If this quote is true (and I'm having my doubts), I think the world would be a better place without him if ya catch my drift.

And if what he said is how it really works in China... no. just no. You're doing it wrong.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
"If she was dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($4000). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan."

Glad to know that this dipshit thinks that a little girl's life isn't worth more than his fucking wallet... If this quote is true (and I'm having my doubts), I think the world would be a better place without him if ya catch my drift.

And if what he said is how it really works in China... no. just no. You're doing it wrong.

I'm thinking they may be paraphrasing, however the gist would be the same. Several other witnesses said the same/similar things.

I saw another piece somewhere else that said an 88 year old man fell down face first in a market. No one touched the man for about 2 hours, until his daughter came looking for him (the market was near his house) and called an ambulance. Cause of death was a respiratory tract clogged by a nosebleed. In other worlds, if one of those vile fucks in that fucking market had turned him over, he'd be alive today.

Y'know, I'm not one to stereotype. I've met a lot of Chinese people, both when I lived in Beijing for a summer and during college. Some are the nicest people you'll ever meet. So it may be harsh to judge a country based on the actions of one. But when 18 people, 18, just walked past an injured TWO-year old, I think we're on a safe ground to criticise them.

Man that is really messed up.

Chinese are different in HK, Canada, US, other countries, just so we're clear - I really think somehow the environment of China has warped some of these people and the way they think and the actions they take (or the ones they don't).

For example - whenever I'm in Hong Kong, it is not uncommon at all to see people give up seats voluntarily to the elderly, injured and pregnant. So far, all the ones that have done so were speaking cantonese (meaning, a very good chance they were HK locals). And a personal example, my grandma fell unconscious in the middle of a street in HK, my grandpa called for help and not a second later an off-duty ambulance rescue-squad member nearby came over to help her.

No grudge on Chinese directly from China, in fact I have met some wonderful people from there and and are good friends. But they also generally grew up/educated in the West, or HK and have a very different set of morals I keep seeing compared to the news in China. They also come from a better background financially (not rich, but middle class at least). I think when you look at high growth countries where the government generally doesn't give a hoot about its citizens - particularly the very poor - like China and India, you'll get citizens that don't grow up with ideals like "help those who need it", instead it's "better you than me" and "look out for yourself first" to an extreme - because by their local examples, if you don't, no one will (or worse, you get scammed, or mugged, or kidnapped, knocked out and harvested for organs on the black market, etc). It's developed as a survival mechanism - but even still, you'd think human decency would kick in for one of the passerby-ers in that 2 hour span.



Just witnessed a STRAY DOG getting hit my a truck today, less than 10 minutes later two cops and the two cars involved still there.


How were two cars involved? Not saying there weren't... just curious haha

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

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