Is New York City safe?

Every time I skim the news on NYC, I keep seeing stories about people getting attacked, sometimes randomly. I'm an incoming full time analyst, and was just curious to here others' thoughts on living in NYC and whether they stay safe. Lol I know I might come across as sounding kind of soft, but I'll admit that I am because I'm from the South. Thanks fellow monkeys!


I grew up in the burbs but spent a lot of time in the city growing up. NYC in general is extremely safe. It is known as the safest large metro area. That being said, there are seedy areas and inevitably crime happens. The best thing you can do to stay safe is common sense stuff like don't flash expensive shit on the subway, don't walk around in high crime areas at night with no one around, etc... You'll be fine, I seriously would not stress out considering the majority of your time will be spent in Midtown and wherever you live. Note: If you carry wherever you're from, no chance you'll be able to do that in NYC.

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This isn't SF so the homeless people aren't forward at all. Generally if you are in a suit and on top of that using headphones flyer people and homeless people will not bother you. Also, instead of hating homeless people for their situation try and be a little more sympathetic man. You don't know these peoples stories and you would want empathy if it were you in that situation. Don't go tossing around that 'I hate homeless people' stuff at work, it won't win you friends. Best of luck in your new role.

Array 8.5.2

I've seen people flashing expensive shit on the subway almost all the time (mostly in midtown/UWS/UES though), and I'd argue that is safe as well.


I'm interning in NY this summer and have done quite a few networking events in the city. Honestly, my biggest worry is the bikers. I come from an extremely biker-friendly city but those guys in NY are nuts. Saw a number of people almost get wrecked by bikers just blowing through intersections. Definitely keep your head up through those intersections!

Monkey see. Monkey Doo [Doo].

I have lived in NYC for a long time and have never felt unsafe. wikipedia: According to a 2015 ranking of 50 cities by The Economist, New York was the 10th overall safest major city in the world, as well as the 28th safest in personal safety.5 In 2018, there were 289 homicides—the lowest number since the 1940s


New Yorker here and lived here for 20+ years. New York is safe. It's when you get into certain parts of New York, you don't want to walk around late at night. Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights is completely fine. I would recommend not going to Jamaica Avenue, Brooklyn, Bronx or Queens because some areas are "tough" areas you don't want to wander around in.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

You need to get out to BK and Queens more often - outside of BK Heights there are huge swaths of those boroughs that are VERY safe. This is coming from a native Manhattanite who basically never left the borough until after college.

You need to get out to BK and Queens more often - outside of BK Heights there are huge swaths of those boroughs that are VERY safe. This is coming from a native Manhattanite who basically never left the borough until after college.

Even in Manhattan, once you're north of the park some areas can be uncomfortable after dark. Broadly speaking the closer to the river you get, the nicer it is, but you still need to watch out, especially for the biggest gang, the NYPD. I once got arrested for walking through St. Nicholas park at 10:30 (30 minutes after close) and I'm so white that I make wonder bread look ethnic.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

New York, even with it's size, is quite safe, and has a crime rate that's lower than the national average. It's also ranked as one of the safest large cities in the entire world. As long as you are mindful and apply common sense, such as keeping all your personal belongings secure and not travel alone at night in areas like East New York or South Bronx. NY had a higher crime rate in the 70's and 80's which made it's reputation lead people to believe it has more crime than it actually does.


Much safer than most places. I've spent a lot of time in the midwest and south, and most of the places I've been are not as safe as NYC. Smaller cities, by comparison, have shady downtowns that get quiet/dark at night. Much less safe than NYC where if someone wants to mess with you, they have to do it with 100 others watching them. And every college town in the south has a bar scene that sends a handful of brawlers to the hospital every weekend. NYC maybe the safest place I've lived come to think of it.


From the south myself and honestly my upbringing (and probably yours) burned this unrealistic expectation in my head that NYC wasn't safe. This could not be further from the truth. Of course there is crime in NYC, there is crime in every city, but it has also been the greatest 5 years of my life and I have never experienced anything that has caused fear for my safety. If you were raised in the south and live off Momma's biscuits and gravy while she does your laundry, you'll never make it. But if you are open minded and don't listen to everything your parents and friends from the south tell you, you'll be fine. Get out of the bubble that is the south. It will be the best decision you have ever made.


Safe as you can get for a large city. Cops almost everywhere, especially in midtown (which is prob where you'll work). I'd say sketchy parts are maybe LES at night - considering I lived there - or near the bridges on the east side below LES. Can get shady between the 50s and 30s but that's from my chick friend's point of view more so than a dude. Don't worry about your safety here you won't really be in danger. Use common sense and don't go to some kind of trap house run by dominican dudes who lure you in at 4am after hitting stanton social


I just checked the data. There were more homicides in Baltimore than NYC last year. Baltimore is a bit over 600K in population, NYC is somewhere north of 8M. Take of that what you will.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

While NYC might not be as safe as the suburbs around NYC or some towns in the south, it is reasonably safe. There are plenty of NYPD officers in the city. I am okay with the level of safety but I am not as comfortable with the volume of people. It can be quite a challenge to get from 40s or 50s to Penn Station at rush hour


NYC is relatively safe for a big city. Much safer than Johannesburg. But, there are dangerous areas. Any places near the ghetto or projects are typically more dangerous. And also aroundcheaper real estates for areas like Alphabet city when it hits D and going uptown above the 80s can be sketchy.

I was actually jumped one night in alphabet city around 6th C-D by two guys who sucker punched me then robbed me and I had to chase after them to get my shit back. It was a fucking shit show. I got my stuff back from one dude and had to chase down and tackle and beat the other dude on the ground. A cop on patrol saw me and peeled me off of the dude and arrested him. I probably would have been arrested if he didn't have my ring in is pocket. I think he was also unconscious for a bit. Dude tried to rob me and ends up beaten and in jail - what an idiot. I was dressed a bit geeky that night with a blazer and looking proper, but still had to throw down. All of my clothes were absolutely ruined from that night and the dude broke the G off my Gucci G watch (lol I know it was years ago). NYC cut me a $100 check for damages. I had to testify in front of a grand jury against that guy. I heard he had priors and got years for that.

But, for the most part if you're in a highly populated or well lit area it should be safe. Lots of girls actually find it proper if you ask to walk them back to their door or subway in NYC if its late. Its always nice to ask.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Thanks for your reply man. Wow that's crazy, and you have mad courage! Honestly speaking though I don't see myself engaging with someone like that, because I'm scared of the consequences. Like what if the dude pulls out a knife and stabs you or something like that? I feel like at that point you just have to accept what has happened.

Prospect in IB-M&A:
Like what if the dude pulls out a knife and stabs you or something like that? I feel like at that point you just have to accept what has happened.

Yeah, actually the first emotion to hit me after I came out of unconsciousness on the ground was a sea of rage. My main rage was because the dude stole my military school ring, which is also solid gold and worth over $1K.

They actually first jumped in a van cab and I recovered from being off the ground and ran in front of the car before it started moving. Cabbie didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Then I jumped in the passenger seat and grabbed my wallet and phone from one guy who looked very surprised to see me moving around. I said to the other dude ‘give me my fucking ring.’

He bolted. Meanwhile I’m running down the street with a nice shiner and blood on my face and white collared shirt and blazer (but jeans and chuck taylors) so I could run pretty well.

I’m yelling out ‘I’m going to fucking kill you’ over and over at this guy running in front of him.

You’re right, if he had a knife it could be game over. But, it was almost game over for him. I thought about this while on top of him after I tackled the dude. I just kept thinking ‘headshot, kidney shot, headshot, kidney shot’. If I felt my life was in danger, it would be elbows and all headshots. I might have beaten him to death if the cop hadn’t pulled me off of him, but also I was thinking that and so just going real hard on the body shots, and just head pops to keep him down until he was taken to jail. I was thinking of getting charged for manslaughter in my mind if I hit the dude too hard in the head or against the concrete. As I was hitting the dude. I did feel the need to execute a punishment, but not a fatal one.

It’s one of the few times I’ve completely seen red and gone apeshit on someone - but he had it coming to him when he sucker punched me.

Also, I had been kickboxing training for the last few months so I had been working on my striking anyway. My kickboxing instructors liked it that I was victorious and the police department gave me a pat on the back for ‘catching the bad guy.’

If I hadn’t gotten my phone and wallet back from the other dude, I wouldn’t have been able to show my ID to the cop. He had my ring, inscribed with my name in it, in his pocket. They sent him to the police cruiser after the cop verified. So getting it back quick in the van saved me, and if this dude would have just given back my ring then too, he’d have avoided jail.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
NYC is relatively safe for a big city. Much safer than Johannesburg. But, there are dangerous areas. Any places near the ghetto or projects are typically more dangerous. And also aroundcheaper real estates for areas like Alphabet city when it hits D and going uptown above the 80s can be sketchy.

I was actually jumped one night in alphabet city around 6th C-D by two guys who sucker punched me then robbed me and I had to chase after them to get my shit back. It was a fucking shit show. I got my stuff back from one dude and had to chase down and tackle and beat the other dude on the ground. A cop on patrol saw me and peeled me off of the dude and arrested him. I probably would have been arrested if he didn't have my ring in is pocket. I think he was also unconscious for a bit. Dude tried to rob me and ends up beaten and in jail - what an idiot. I was dressed a bit geeky that night with a blazer and looking proper, but still had to throw down. All of my clothes were absolutely ruined from that night and the dude broke the G off my Gucci G watch (lol I know it was years ago). NYC cut me a $100 check for damages. I had to testify in front of a grand jury against that guy. I heard he had priors and got years for that.

But, for the most part if you're in a highly populated or well lit area it should be safe. Lots of girls actually find it proper if you ask to walk them back to their door or subway in NYC if its late. Its always nice to ask.

You were robbed for some stuff and chased dude down? What if bro was carrying and you got shot as a result? This was stupid as fuck on every level.


I don’t think you realize what the ‘band of gold’ means to receive.

I fought to get it back and won. Many alumni have praised me for this.

I was just hit in the face - if he had a knife or gun he would have pulled a knife or gun. He didn’t.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

As far as being stupid as fuck on every level, you sound like a pussy.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Furthermore, I think you are stepping a little bit outside your knowledge and experience of what it means to have a 'band of gold'. And what it means to keep and protect it. Every military school in the US has a special ring, but there is only one 'band of gold'. Pat Conroy supposedly had his taken away after writing 'The Lords of Discipline'. He eventually got it back though and it meant everything to him. Not only that, but in 2005 my mom gave me a copy of his book 'My Losing Season', signed by Pat Conroy before I got the ring, signed by him saying "You will wear the ring." He is now dead. "The Boo" also signed the book as well as a few basketball players on the team, on their team picture on the insdie of the boo. Yeah, you could say the ring was sentimental to me.

If one loses the ring physically, one must seek to retrieve it against the odds. Thats just understood. My friend lost his ring in the Ocoee river in 2018 and a bunch of us were camping and immediately 4 people (alumni) assembled to find it. Dude is an Army Helicopter pilot. They went to Wal-mart and bought snorkle gear and searched in the cold water for some glimmer of hope. And they fucking found it. A ring in a river. They looked for 20-30 min and were getting too cold to look any longer, but found it. Amazing.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Bronx chick, here, born n' bred, have lived the majority of my 50+ years in the Boogie Down.

Any time that I've been concerned for my safety late at night when I've been alone, I follow my dad's advice, I walk in the street [walking against traffic but keeping to the right or left] and sing loudly and off-key... no one wants to fuck with a crazy appearing person. :)

Over the years, I've had my wallet stolen on the subway once and have had a number of unpleasant exchanges with drunks, pervs and homeless. New York is New York, every place has its pockets of less-safe and all that.

Taking the 4 train at midnight after my waitressing shift was never fun, it was waaay sketchier in the 70s and 80s. We are no longer the Bronx of "The Bronx is Burning" era. And Manhattan's Times Square/Penn Station areas are no longer as grimy as they once were, like in the Andrew Vacchs novels with his "Burke the Undetective" who used to go on the hunt for chicken hawks/child molesters/pimps.

There are different levels of danger and risk. You can be surrounded by people in Times Square and you can feel very safe... or not. You could also be walking in East New York in broad daylight and also either feel safe... or not.

Be smart and stay aware. Use common sense. Don't flash fancy gear or cash in public. If you wear shades and earphones like I usually do, keep the sound low enough so you are still aware of what's going around you.

As @Che Rand mentioned above, you at far greater risk of getting clipped by a bicyclist messenger or delivery guy when you cross into our idiotic green bike lanes than likely being an outright crime victim. Me and a co-worker were crossing a street together a few weeks back and if I had spotted the delivery guy a split second later, he would have floored us both.

And as for crime, I see far more broken car glass from car break-ins in my home neighborhood or tires or doors getting stolen than I hear about outright assaults, which do happen, but are still relatively rare. We did have a fatality about a mile from where I live this past week, very sad, a co-worker attacked another co-worker with a knife - that sort of thing can happen anywhere.


Thank you for your reply, I appreciate the insight! But wow, you would definitely not have to walk against traffic and act like you're crazy in many other parts of the country. I guess the relative unsafeness of NYC is justified by the overall opportunity and excitement that it presents.

Prospect in IB-M&A:
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate the insight! But wow, you would definitely not have to walk against traffic and act like you're crazy in many other parts of the country. I guess the relative unsafeness of NYC is justified by the overall opportunity and excitement that it presents.

Again, it's worth it to point out that NYC is not "relatively unsafe" it is relatively "extremely safe".

Look, don't walk around Hunt's Point at 3am drunk and wearing a ton of gold jewelry. That goes for any place in the entire world. Don't act like an idiot and you'll be fine. A lot of the reputation of NYC is built on people who no longer live there; i.e. folks who moved out in the 90s or early 00's and who only remember the end part of the city's dangerous period.

Most urban areas are far less safe than NYC. Yes, in your town of But NYC has a lower rate of violent crime than "safer", more "rural" urban areas such as Omaha or Des Moines. And avoiding being pick-pocketed or scammed is just a matter of being intelligent and aware.


Racist? Maybe. True? Yes.

Can see why people act like that when all over the news you have reports of your people eating bats for breakfast, causing this whole madness.

It's simply a stereotype. Like how Muslims were deeply profiled after 9/11, Asians are being profiled because an Asian country caused the virus outbreak.


Does it warrant being punched in the face because of the color of your skin? What if someone you knew was randomly beaten up for no reason? Regardless of where it came from, it's here - being violent and racist does absolutely nothing to get the problem solved.

Unless you have something meaningful to say, or it's happening to "your people", sit down.


Repellat itaque ea libero. Qui soluta eius numquam exercitationem. Magnam eos esse ut placeat.

Iure non et vitae voluptas. Porro ut eum laudantium alias voluptates dicta. Architecto modi et facilis architecto quis qui et.

Repellat expedita corporis quasi inventore. Et veritatis voluptatem et cupiditate laudantium. Omnis et eum et repudiandae. Est quos at eius est. Rerum aliquid vero molestias non.


Et consequatur dolor blanditiis expedita necessitatibus porro. Quae nostrum magni accusantium consequatur sint. Ut facilis adipisci omnis. Delectus dolores reiciendis tenetur odit. Omnis voluptatibus unde fugit qui qui dolorem voluptate. Non repudiandae voluptatem cupiditate magni aut ipsa. Inventore iste autem quasi fuga accusantium.

Repellat totam et consequatur eum dolorem eligendi libero. Quos necessitatibus minus laboriosam quam ea voluptate. Omnis deserunt consequuntur dolorem necessitatibus quo earum voluptatibus. Ea error velit accusamus. Sint vel nobis sit. Nemo laboriosam ad recusandae consequatur dolorem magni.

Numquam sint provident corporis sint. Recusandae provident ipsa consequatur voluptatem minus. Sit nam rerum qui illo.

Culpa voluptas sit tempore est. Nam amet iure corrupti laborum laboriosam aut. Est dicta consequatur architecto.

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