I hate liberals

They are absolutely worthless. Can't believe they took over, fuck, which means higher taxes that will only benefit minorities and illegals, fuck. Those self-hating anti-white liberals, I despise them. Looks like open borders boys, South Africa = your future.


Yeah, so much for winning any war on terrorism, so much for a good economy and so much for tax cuts. And now Nanci Blowmeski is going to be third in line to the presidency.

And here in shit-e MD, some failure-as-a-mayor democrat dbag took over as governor. I might as well give all my money away now. Blacks and mexicans are running this state over.

I hate 'em too.


You guys seriously need to be less self-centered. Maybe liberals work for the greater good and not just the interest of people who are clearly wealthy enough as is (financial professionals). At least learn to understand the other side.


Let's be honest here, last night's election outcome had a lot more to do with the War in Iraq than anything else, so let's not get our panties all in a bunch. The election in every district and state was based on one, MAYBE two issues at best.

It's also important not to forget that the White House is still occupied by a Republican WITH VETO POWER. The world is not going to end, relax.

Morehead, just answer me this question.... why do you need a whole month to celebrate your history?

I call it black mythology month... http://www33.brinkster.com/iiiii/inventions/

The issue or argument on race is moot and arbitrary, isn't it? Because we're all of the same race, are we not? We're all Homo sapien sapiens, no?

No we're not the same race, do some reading... http://racialreality.shorturl.com/

I better not find any liberals on this board. God damn I hate liberals, they are so fucking retarded. I fucking hate white liberals most of all, they are lower than dog shit. Nothing is more pathetic then people who hate themselves and their race (also called liberals).



While it is important to note that a Republican still holds the presidency and has veto power, the flip side is also true. Bush will now have a very difficult time pushing his agenda through congress.

Essentially it will be very difficult to get anything done in government for the next 2 years without any party collaboration.

ScatBateman- It is true that our army is a volunteer army, but many people's concern over the war goes beyond the soldiers on the ground. It is undeniable that the world's view of America has soured in the past 4 years. Recent polls show that most Americans feel less safe now then they did before the war in Iraq. Like I said, many people's disapproval stems from our own actions making the world a less safe place.

Side note: I'm in no way trying to diminish the job done by the men and women serving our country. They fight courageously and place themselves in harms way everyday to protect our freedom, and for that I am most grateful.


Correct. This 'racist' is in college. Feel free to remind him when he alluded to being in finance or investment banking.

Also, how is your comment relevant to the topic?

Correct. This 'racist' is in college. Feel free to remind him when he alluded to being in finance or investment banking.

Also, how is your comment relevant to the topic?

I'm just pointing that out. It's pretty clear from your comments that you have little in the way of life experience, i.e. lack maturity.

You will understand what I mean if you manage to end up in IBD or another front office team at a BB or firm with an international presence. It will be an eye opener for you, not only in terms of maturity, but more importantly in how you precieve others around you.

I only hope that you are able to have those experiences if you don't manage to secure an IB job.


we do need higher taxes, the national debt is thru the roof...someone has to pay it and for that they need to raise taxes.

You can't just keep cutting taxes indefinetly.

As far as Iraq yes it was a deciding factor in this election, its like Vietnam all over again, they don't want to withdraw because of the whole "America never lost a war" pride.

Personally I think you should vote based on party values and not just vote Republican/Democrat blindly.

And the whole different parties holding reigns of power, is a good thing. Finally will have checks and balances back, and Bush will stop rulling like a king. i.e. that whole bullshit that Bush made where they can hold an American citizen indefinetly by declaring him an enemy combatant w/o a fair speedy trial, reminds me of nazi germany.

His whole "would you want a terrorist go wasting time thru trial if there is a nuke in your basement" is bullshit...if there is a nuke in someone's basement the gov't will bypass the rules...but that would be an exception to the rule,.

Personally I voted for Bush in the last election, but he is pretty much throwing the constitution out the window since he doesn't have to worry about reelection.

Oh and Wasting Time is an obvious racist, it shows in all of his posts.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


1) In your attempt to talk down to me, you used precieve - which is not a word - rather than perceive.

2) You must be a liberal to equate my condescending remarks towards democrats with immaturity. Good analysis.

1) In your attempt to talk down to me, you used precieve - which is not a word - rather than perceive.

2) You must be a liberal to equate my condescending remarks towards democrats with immaturity. Good analysis.

1: I don't really care about my spelling on this site.

2: I'm not a liberal and was relating your immaturity to ur comments on race.

listen. I'm not going to pick a fight with you on this forum and waste my time. be nice to others that don't look like you and you just might learn something that will enrich your life (both financially and culturally).

vote for whomever you want. i couldn't care less.


MetalJack, it's upsetting me that you're liberally using one space after a period. I'm a two space girl and I believe it is the proper convention.

I don't like it. Stop it.


Pray tell... mechanical engineering? Elasticity?

Just for shits... I challenge you to make a correlation between material elasticity and economic elasticity. Go for it!


agreed relinquo, in this day and age you can't behave like that.

Kinda makes me glad my college is considered to be the most diverse campus in the country.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


Actually, I like arguments and I like debates. Much more compelling if one can argue intelligently.

The issue or argument on race is moot and arbitrary, isn't it? Because we're all of the same race, are we not? We're all Homo sapien sapiens, no?

I'm tempted to steer the thread to another level, but I'll resist. I'd rather enjoy my jalapeno cheddar corn bread muffin. Sigh.


Your effort wreaks.

You shared some lame racial reality link? You've got to be kidding.

Offer up something more compelling. Then I'll read it.


Hypothetically, as an analyst... if I needed you to pull research on a company or an issue behind a product or service and if time was of the essence (because it always is) and if you dare came back to me with some god awful, poor quality, lame bull shit like what you just did, I'd fire your ass in a yactosecond!!

You will not survive in IB. There is no tolerance for mediocrity.


Moreover, if you structure key assumptions around unsubstantiated material and offer that up as quality work, you'd be laughed out the door, arrogant head first and tail between legs.

Get a grip on your attitude fast my friend because the closest you will ever get to IB is the banter on this forum.


What is this liberal talking about, did you even look at the site, which is well-documented. You don't even believe in race, that's pathetic, yes guys we are all the same, races don't exist, it's just a social construct. Yeah... I see those neo-libs taught you well in school.

I bet this guy thinks race is only skin deep too.


You've stared at my post for 30 minutes, had time to reflect and think of a strong response and you came up with nothing but back talk? Not even an attempt to grand stand? You're utterly useless.


I didn't even read your retarded half ass posts, I just glanced at them and my liberal detector went off. I mean really, three posts in a row, not smart enough to just type out your shit in one post?

Lets look at this, I wont survive I-Banking because I believe that races exist, so I provided your depressed liberal ass with a pretty good link which you obviously didn't even look at, you just read the link's name and discredited it. Wow, go do some more bitch work you worthless liberal fuck (if your even in I-banking).


You won't survive in IB not because you believe that races exist. That's a moot dialogue.

You won't survive in IB because you clearly can't think high level.

You won't survive in IB because you can't contain your emotions.

You won't survive in IB because you disregard who your audience is.

You won't survive in IB because your only ammunition is vulgarities.

Need I keep going? Because I certainly can.


Oh look, the person who can't even reply to the topic discussion is talking about thinking in a high level. Hey guyz I can't make it in IB because I use vulgar language on the internet and I can't control my emotion because... FUCK LIBERALs... oops I'm sorry.

Well you are pretty much worthless to talk to, I guess you have you panties in a twist because you're black boyfriend, who knocked you up, dumped your white ass after you spent all money on him.


There are hundreds of websites, books and articles on biological race. Aspiringmonkey is another fucking retard, oh it takes 10 seconds to make a website? What about all the fucking documentation and research on a website, does that also take 10 seconds to create? Go back to your diverse fagot ass campus, and your the one calling someone a homo, "my campus is diverse, I love diversity, I'm a liberal fag look at me".


Aspiringmonkey, it's obvious you still didn't even look at the site. Here look at this... http://racialreality.blogspot.com/2005/12/aaa-statement-on-race.html ... shows how the leftists liberals in education are trying to promote their own agenda that is clearly still under debate since half of all anthropologists say there is in fact race, and the other half saying their isn't. Anyway I don't even know why I'm discussing this with you, you ain't even going to look, just reply with some more mindless dribble.

Wasting Time, you're a freakin' neanderthal.

A 5 year old in pre-school has more "depth" than you.

Didn't you say

I'm over this thread.

actually I wouldn't call myself liberal, nor would I call myself a conservative...I side with the issue I believe in, instead of blindly following 1 side or the other.

as far as documentation and research, a) its easy to make things up b) its easy to mold facts to side with your view point.(i.e. blacks make up 40% of the prison population, while making up 12% of the country population) c) sites like that are OBVIOSLY biased.

Look at all the research that said eggs are bad for you, a few years later they are suddenly good for you.

I didn't call you a homo, that was just an example of a website heh...but if I had to guess...I would say you are indeed one. People that hate everyone usually end up doing it to cover up their own insecurities. i.e. look at that church dude who got caught having sex with a male escort and snorting drugs...he focused his career on gay bashing...while he was a closet case himself.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


I wonder what school in the south he goes to.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


you are right, I'm not going to look.

Are all races equal? No(been proven a ton of times) ...but you shouldn't think less of a person based on the color of their skin...anyways I'm not going to write a long reply...wouldn't want you to be late for the cross burning.

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD, and has not had an interview yet...


as far as what the original thread is about, i think that a person should vote on whatever benifits them the most. if your black and rich and want lower taxes than vote republican, if your white and poor and need government assistance, vote democrat if it will help you out in the end. liberals just as conservatives identify with whoever or what ever will help them out in the long run so if you hate them for that you are just a hypocrite

Best Response

The most interesting thing I learned when I was studying bio-anthro is that -- bear with me, because this requires college-level thinking -- there are differences between the means of groups, but that the differences between the top and bottom quadrant within any SINGLE group is larger than just about any difference in inter-group means.

What that means is, sure, your average black guy is taller than your average asian guy. But there's greater variation within the middle 50% of the group than from group 1 mean to group 2 mean.

What that also means is that NOBODY should feel superior as a result of belonging to a genetic group. There is no statistically significant data to support it. Hell, the best data the racist anthropologists have to offer is a study done thirty years ago that compared the brain cases of executed poor southeast asian criminals to those of upper-class white americans who died of natural causes. Of course young malnourished southeast asian poor people have smaller brain cases. All malnourished people have smaller brain cases, let alone asians who have smaller bones anyway.

Sorry, racists. You gotta do better than that if you want to convince the educated thinking world.


Oh, and I would like to state that I feel that using two spaces after a period is the only civilized option and that everyone who doesn't is clearly inferior and deserves nothing but utter oppression. Grammarians have been saying this and quietly proving it for decades but it's time to take the battle to the streets.

Aadpepsi, let's Google up some research and start the website. It's time to stop the senseless hegemony of the unwashed and illiterate masses over us, the true and grammatically-correct purebloods. I call upon everyone like us to rise, rise and reclaim your post-period-two-space birthright!

Because you know, if we don't, the world will be a horrible place and people will think they can punctuate however they like. And then what will we do? Accept people who behave in ways we can't relate to? Horrors!


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