Favourite Beer

Hi all,

Wanted to get an idea of what good beers are out there and what are your favourite. I'll kick off

Top light beers: Ichnusa (Italian), Menabrea (Italian) and Viru (Estonian)
Top stronger beers: Guinness (I know, classic dark beer but I don't think its bad at all), Duvel (Belgian) and Chouffe (Belgian)


+1 for Zombie Dust. Hard to find but wonderful beer.

"There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do business from there." - Colonel Sanders

On Beer Advocate: “Milk Stout Nitro cascades beautifully, building a tight, thick head like hard whipped cream. The aroma is of brown sugar and vanilla cream, with hints of roasted coffee. The pillowy head coats your upper lip and its creaminess entices your palate. Initial roasty, mocha flavors rise up, with slight hop & roast bitterness in the finish. The rest is pure bliss of milk chocolate fullness.”

Damn... I really want to try it, but it’s not available in Canada. Is it available in NY? I can look for it next time I’m there...



Revolver - Blood & Honey Karbach - Love Street St. Arnold's - Lawnmower Karbach - Weisse Versa Deep Ellum Brewing Co. - Dallas Blonde


Karbach has some terrific beers. Hard to find outside Texas, however. Shiner Bock is turning up all over East Coast. That’s my fav beer for just everyday drinking.


Same here !

Hoegaarden is one my summer pêché mignon... To add to those you mentioned (glad to see many people here giving creds to beers from my country), I would add the following:

-Smithwicks (Irish red ale)

-Boréale Blanche (Québec, Canada), great white beer

-Delirium Tremens (A Belgian triple)

-Kwak (a Belgian "amber" beer, really great)

-Blanche de Chambly (Québec, Canada), great white beer as well.

This is my first post on WSO, love the fact that it is about alcohol!


If you dig the Other Half juice, I'd also recommend LIC, Singlecut, KCBC, Finback (all in NYC).

Have you tried Hudson Valley Brewing's new sours? They're crazy!

Best Response

Going to go on an MS limb here and say Zombie Dust is good but not the best from 3T. I think it's limited availability (pony kegs only) is what drives the cult following. I would reccomend 'Gumballhead' as a nice wheat or 'Space Station Middle Finger' for a great pale ale. If you like 'Alpha King', 'Alpha Klaus' is a holiday beer that isn't as offensive as most are.

If you ever find yourself in Cincinnati, we've had a craft beer renaissance with 2 major craft breweries distributing regionally and upwards of 15 micro breweries popping up and doing serious local distribution. That's not an exaggeration, local stores carry much more local beer than they do any commercial domestics or imports. Rhinegeist's 'Knowledge' DIPA is excellent, as well as their 'Franz' Oktoberfest. Madtree's 'PSA' is a refreshing pale ale, and their 'Lift' is the best Kolsch I've ever had not in Germany.

From KC, I can't not mention Boulevard. They are nationally distributing now, and I've had it many times in New York. 'Tank 7' is a Saison to end all Saison's in the states, and their 'Wheat' beer and 'Pale Ale' are staples that KC people will murder you for talking poorly against.


i'm not a fan of the very bitter beers (such as IPA)...so i love shock top...in particular the fruit varieties.

ShockTop Sunset Orange (blood orange flavored beer) Shocktop Ruby Fresh (grapefruit beer)

if you don't like the VERY bitter beers...these are AMAZING

just google it...you're welcome
  1. St. Arnolds - Art Car IPA
  2. St. Arnolds - Pub Crawl

Can never really go wrong with a local IPA

"Well, you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman." -- George Soros

My parents live about 15 minutes from Treehouse, and my previous job was a 5 minute walk from Trillium, so a bit spoiled on the beer front. All time favorites: 1. Barrel-Aged TrillBOMB 2. Julius 3. Heady Topper 4. Haze 5. Single Shot with Vanilla Bean

Best beer I ever had though was an ice cold Weihenstephaner Hefeweizen after a 99 degrees morning I'd spent walking around Boston. I stumbled into a North End restaurant for lunch, asked for whichever beer had the longest name in the largest size, and no other beer experience has ever lived up to that.


Almost an impossible question to answer. When I first started drinking I hated IPAs, but they have grown on me. It's so dependent on an individual's palate.

That being said: get some type of variety pack of a type of beer that interests you. Most micro/mid-major breweries have one right now. That way you can try many different types of beers (people forget that variety is the spice of life). Try as many as possible, and you'll find one that you really like. Stick with that one for consistency purposes but branch out and try other things along the way.

So as to not avoid the question: my absolute favorite is a super cold Flying Dog Raging Bit*h IPA.


I've been enjoying Lagunita's IPA quite a bit recently. Goose Island makes several good beers like 312 and their pale ale. A couple local breweries make some great beers as well.


Lagunitas IPA, and a Heineken once in a while. Nothing bears a Corona+lime while at the beach or boating. Sometimes it's nice to go to a craft beer tasting just to try something different but there's so many it's impossible to keep up on it and work full time hahaha. Lately though, I've largely switched to cognac, if I drink at all.

Get busy living

not too festive down this way obviously, but spending the day in american bar for the germany/france game with a Warsteiner in hand, and then off to a brazilian bar for the brazil colombia game, Brahma in hand. Oh how i miss good american craft brew; Seattle's got some of the best.

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Andy, at least your celebrating in a Yankee bar. If they have Budweiser, at least you can enjoy the King of Beers! Although, I'm pretty sure it's not worth discriminating too much against a Miller or a Coors in order to have at least one taste of home.


The same kind of PSU Grad who grew up in North Jersey. You try spending 4 years in the a town composed predominantly of Shitsburghites, with their Yinzers, Primanti Brothers and that damned annoying ass Pittsburgh Steeles Song, and the idiots from Philly screaming E-A-G-L-E-S! EAGLES! every chance they get. That said, I do like PA. I just like ripping on it a whole lot more.

Yuengling, for what it's worth, is a great beer and you definitely have a fantastic brewing culture in PA. While I can point out Victory, Sly Fox, Weyerbacher, Lancaster, Yards, Neshaminy Creek, Troegs and, for those in State College, Otto's as being great examples of amazing PA Brewers, I will always rip on PA when I have the chance.


Yuengling is a great #1 for this list. Really wish I could get some around here.

USA USA USA. F Belgium

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

I did go to PSU for undergrad. I don't think it's a bad as you're making it out to be. I grew up on the main line and I never did cheesy random Eagles cheers even though I'm a huge fan. Every school has there share of GDI tools doing annoying stuff on buses. I also don't know what's sooo great about NJ as a state. To me, the only redeemable thing is Avalon.

Anyway, I thought the list was really good. It really put me in the mood to get down to AV and start crushing some of the above listed beers.


I suppose living in a house that was half filled with Yinzers and half filled with the crazy Eagles fans definitely jades things.

I'm glad you liked the list. And since we're on the subject of PA Beers, if you really want to enjoy a nice 4th of July Beer and can find it, a bottle of the Yards Brawler. It's really nice and mellow for an Ale and is made for session drinking. It's very smooth too.


Yuengling definitely deserves the number 1 spot. I've been to the Pottstown brewery and they still do things very much in the same fashion as when the brewery was first built (they've semi-recently opened a second nearby). Definitely "weird" when family/friends from states who don't have access to it ask for cases when visiting because it's been such a staple in PA.

However, I picked up a case of Bud heavy for the weekend, partly because of the 'merican cans along with a case of BL Lime. May be girly, but it's a nice summer beer. Tried Coors' attempt at its knock-off and I wasn't a fan. Looking forward to heading "down the shore" this weekend as well.



It’s also a day where every red blooded American bleeds red, white and blue and screams “‘Murica!” after everything they say… or at least that’s how they do it in the Red States.

It's all about bucks, kid. The rest is conversation. -Gordon Gekko

Steam is a must whenever you talk about Americana Beers. The California Common is one of two unique American styles and Anchor makes a great beer. I figured a little more Americana would work wonders for the list as opposed to including all possible contenders, which is why I went Steam over Liberty.


Yeah you kind of need to include Rogue... especially with a beer called "American Amber". If anyone on here has tried their seasonal Yellow Snow, you know what a great operation they run. I will be drinking my Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, or a few leftover Ruthless Ryes from the winter, like I usually am. I was reading a thread on a homebrew website where one of the site members couldn't seem to get his Sierra Nevada copycat homebrew right, and half-joking emailed the head brewmaster for Sierra. The guy emailed back with his attempted recipe corrected! Problem solved. Always been a fan of their beers, and that kind of attitude sealed it.

"Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers

@"jss09", Steam was going to make the list no matter what. There is no doubt in my mind that about that one. It's a quintessential American beer.

Well, Leinie's made the list for more than just being a decent beer. My criteria was focused on the brewer's history, the innate "Americana" factor which are things like marketing, unique american style or a celebration of the American Dream or something equally as valued, and then of all the beers, is there something unique or great about having one in the summer. That's how the Shandy made the list. It's combination of being a still ran brewery founded in 1867, with a lengthy history of brewing beer, the fact that it's still a family ran business (despite being owned by SABMiller, the Leinenkugel family are still involved in the day to day running of the company) that reeks of "American Dream". The Summer qualifier came into play because it's a Shandy. It's not the Sam Adams Porch Rocker by any means, but it was the first real big Shandy to get released by a big player giving it a couple extra points.

Still, the Shandy is a unique drink to begin with. I've made Shandys and Hop, Skip and Go Naked!, or Skippies if you like, before but the innovation of bringing the two together is what really got it placed in the Top 5.

@"wareagle4230", not including Rouge was actually done on purpose. They run a great operation and I do enjoy many of their beers. They didn't get included because it wasn't just on name alone and there is nothing special about the American Amber. If I really wanted to find a way to include Rogue on this list, I would have gone with the Rogue Farms beers. It's a better quality beer, grown on site and is fairly eco-friendly. Plus, if Sierra Nevada didn't make the list, Rogue definitely wouldn't have gotten on the list. It was definitely tough to not put Sierra Nevada on the list. As a craft beer drinker, I have too much respect for Ken Grossman to not recognize the fact that he has been such a huge figure in the craft beer world. Without Ken Grossman, most of the West Coast Beer Scene, let alone the craft scene in general, wouldn't be what it was today. On influence alone, Sierra Nevada would be number 1, followed closely behind by Anchor, owned by Fritz Maytag who was a major influence on Grossman, and then Sam Adams. But influence alone isn't enough to win me over for Americana. They changed the game and that's the most important thing anyone can thank Sierra Nevada for.

@"Dingdong08", I'll let your questionable at best rules slide, but will agree on you about Lager. Anywhere in PA you are and you order a Lager, they know what you want. It's a fantastic feeling. I still drink Lager and definitely enjoy it when I'm out. For the cost, it's a hell of a deal and it drinks great. I just think it's one of those beers that makes a great alternative to the other Lagers out there - why drink a Sam Adams when you can have a Yuengling? That's always been my view, and part of my reason to drink Yuengling over Sam; I prefer the taste of it over the Boston Lager.


@"Frieds" We shall agree to disagree on the Civil War erupting along the Delaware River and someday meet in battle...

Cool story on Sierra Nevada, a beer I've enjoyed for a very long time and still do: when I lived in California after college one of my roommates who graduated from Chico State (I think he graduated in '95 so it's a while back) told us, and later showed us, that because Ken Grossman credited the students at Chico with being his first and very loyal customers while at school and basically being his initial marketing machine when they graduated and moved all around California, he'd sell SNPA in Chico at the same cost as Bud Light (case, keg, whatever). I didn't believe him at first but I went with him to Chico's homecoming one year (and this is a side note-Chico may not be the best school, but I think I partied in college and after seeing them party, I realized that I was but a child) we bought a keg for something like $40 while buying the same keg in San Fran cost ~$80. I don't know if that's still the policy but I thought it was a really cool thing to do.


Awesome post. I grew up in a town about 20 minutes south of Pottsville and their high school was one of the few, if not the only, in the country where they sold beer (obviously only Yuengling) on school grounds during football games. Needless to say it was every parents' favorite school to travel to.


Which of these 10 americana beers is most suitable for that quintessentially All-American sport... beer pong?

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

I absolutely love Left Hand's fall seasonals, particularly their Fade to Black. However, Left Hand makes all kinds of delicious stuff, and their stouts are incredible. You have to try their milk stout when it gets a little colder outside ... mm.

Maximum effort.

@"ArcherVice", I don't generally start drinking Stouts until Mid October when it gets a little cooler. Same goes for Red Wines.

@"kraziazi", Left Hand's Fade to Black is good, but it changes from year to year. I wanted to go with beers that don't change much. As to the Left Hand Milk Stout, nitro is the only way to drink it from the bottle.


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Nam odio eum eligendi reprehenderit. Unde error ea omnis voluptatem id aut. Et nesciunt et labore sed magnam. Et qui voluptas pariatur commodi optio sit incidunt. Fuga ducimus ut minima.

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We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. - Charles Bukowski

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