IB SA Recruiting is a Joke Now

My stats

  • Semi-Target (very strong with finance--OCR by almost all the BBs)
  • Corporate Banking Internship for 2022 at a bulge bracket
  • Student investment fund extracurricular ($10mm+)
  • IB Externship last semester
  • Networked a ton
  • Resume format is WSO format

No first rounds for Houlihan Lokey, William Blair, Baird, Barclays, and more, and they've wrapped up with first rounds. I did get two superdays, both due to alumni connections. No offer.

The point is, never tell me this is based on merit. IB recruiting is all about rolling the dice and getting lucky. I have no respect now for any recruiters, any bank, any banker, or any alum at my school now because if they won't (not can't--won't even though they can) help me get a first round then what's the point? 

But, what do I do now? The door is closing for IB.

Most Helpful

It’s not like college admissions. People have to want to work with you. You probably just came off as a hardo/weirdo to some of your interviewers.


Tough news, this isn’t anything new. IB recruiting isn’t easy and those who want it bad enough find a way. It’s not going to be handed to you because “alumni” or because of your semi-target name. Give up or work harder


First of all, humble yourself. You come off as extremely arrogant from your post / comments. Secondly, you’ve gotta connect with as many bankers as you can and try to be authentic with it. Honestly, the most annoying people in this business are the ones who expect that they deserve a spot. I know it’s true because that used to be me. When I was working to get an SA role I just assumed that banks should hire me because of merit. All that did was push them away and push me further into resentment.

Evaluate where you stand right now. Try to establish some real connections with those in the industry and see what comes of it. Humility will serve you greatly.


Would consider changing your attitude a bit - comes off as if you feel entitled to a banking job. If you're already getting upset over this, you're going to have a rough time down the line since on-cycle/buyside recruiting is quite similar. Reality is semi-targets get less looks (i.e. less seats) so you have less shots on goal. You weren't able to convert two superdays, and I assume you felt you did well - chances are it's a fit/behavioral thing then because technicals are binary, and you know if you missed them or not. Also have to understand that even beyond your school, a lot of firms are probably asking themselves why hire you over someone with a better resume from a target school since there's so many options at Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, NYU, etc.Everyone knows how much of a crapshoot banking is - everything is about increasing the odds of getting an interview, and I've rarely heard of anyone landing a job in IB without networking/knowing someone. So, just network more and you'll be fine.

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That's rougher than I have it IMO. Gee whiz. And at Wharton with a 4.0--the super target of all the super targets! 

I really feel for you. You should have had at least the superdays that I did.


Same, I recruited for several months last cycle with the same stats also coming from W and diversity. I think I was just really unlucky but this just shows how hard the process is nowadays... It all ended up working out though, especially as a lot of BBs are rolling, but just might take a while


how was your gpa at Wharton?  According to this site, that would be the ultimate package (top target + diversity) lmao.


Buddy, Did you miss on campus recruiting?? Not supposed to be that hard at a school like Wharton

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At my target, about as many kids with 3.9+ GPAs, good clubs, and good internships, don't hear back from many banks. Its just random and I feel like a lot of non-target kids don't realize that its still a grind to break in and even get a first round with networking.

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Op what is your race? Were you born in the usa?

You just listed a bunch of notoriously white and American born firms.

The fact of matter is I get probably one email a day from a kid with a completely bizarre Asian/indian name with Asian internships.   Sometimes the kids with anglicized last names who are fans of the Chicago bears beats out the thousand other Indians who list "fan of arsenal football and cricket" on their resume due to "fit"


lmfao the fuckin sportsball meme, "bizarre asian/indian names" LMFAOOO


The reality of "networking" is that it only matters if they actually end up pulling for you. You can talk to 3-5 people, but if those people don't actually vouch for you or if they are vouching for someone else already, then you're out of luck. Personally, I only talked to 1-2 people at each firm (EBs), but knew them through mutual friends or directly, and I got interviews at all of them. 

Also, if you think recruiting is a joke now, then you would have hated recruiting back in the day even more, especially since you're not at a target. 


How do you know though that the hobbies and interests don't carry more weight than the race? If you're stuck until late night with a co-worker do you really want them to be talking about cricket, when you and all your buddies follow football? Guys talk about sports a lot and if you don't watch the right ones you will suffer, plain and simple. It's not a matter of "Ding the kid because he's brown", it's "Ding the kid because he failed the airport test." I also want to point out that "merit" is a relative term in finance because most roles in finance aren't rocket science. Yes, you need to have a baseline level of intelligence but being well rounded is far more important. 

TLDR: Race card is overplayed, more nuance is usually required


You kinda proved his point… it’s all about fitting into this dominant beer chugging football loving WASP frat star character. Yea sure if a brown guy is whitewashed and embraces football instead of cricket would get hired but that’d only be because he’s “whiter” than the others in behavior.

TBH I hate the IB culture, personally I’d rather hire someone who has diversified intellectual interests than another generic bro who likes football and talking smack but has no substance beyond that.

This mentality you exhibited is also exactly why banks do diversity hiring quotas… if it were up to you and your “airport test” classes would literally be 100% white male. 


I'm gonna be honest with you, but many parts of the comments above, particularly those points about banking/FO recruiting being a crapshoot, are spot on. It's very difficult to generalize that a target school with a 4.0 GPA and being manager of your student investment fund etc is necessarily the surefire recipe for success. You really just have to have luck fall your way to an uncomfortably large extent. Me, personally? I went to a Canadian "target" (I put that into quotations because any Canadian who goes to this school thinking it's going to help them get into IB, even on Bay Street, has yet to go through their rude awakening yet), always had and ended up with a super mediocre GPA (3.0 flat, though I studied math so I suppose that gave me some leeway; that's wishful thinking though so don't bank on this as it was definitely a barrier to me getting jobs), had 4 internships by my penultimate year, and eventually got an SA role… the catch? I took a lot of risks and chances that many people probably wouldn't have been willing to, including:1) I had delayed my graduation to make time for an SA role, as I figured it was basically a necessity to getting a full-time after graduation (not 100% true, but it helps a lot).2) I applied literally all around the world, and I mean EVERY major continent (ok, I digress, every one with a major financial hub, so Europe, North America, and Asia)… and where did I end up? Hong Kong, where I was pretty sure I was only one of two non-Asian kids in a class of 60+ SAs… although I didn't go back largely due to how south things really started going there afterwards at the time, politically (mid-2019, protests…), I cherished the experience and it ultimately helped me stand out for being more "worldly" or whatever when applying for full-time jobs in my final school year following.3) Not only that, I got that job 3 months after the final round after having been put on a wait list (not speaking Mandarin didn't help plus I was competing largely with others from either local schools or Ivy Leagues / LSE) when some Singaporean kid had to renege on his offer to do his military service. Point being, it was mad luck and I got in by the skin on my teeth. Leading up to this though, I had flopped at least 4-5 final rounds / superdays / assessment centres, funnily enough, one of which was at that same bank in Hong Kong a year prior, for which I had to fly out there in-person (on their dime obviously, so free trip in the middle of the school year if you don't get the offer is always fun too) on both occasions.Anyway, the way this all concluded was I ended up working at a bank in my local Toronto full-time after graduation (that was also super lucky because I ended up getting the offer a month or two away from my final exams with just one round because it was not a formal analyst program; I just happened to get along very well with the interviewer who later became my boss and had some very niche work experience gained in my HK job that he was looking for), but the point is, does this sound like a linear path to you? It took me 6 YEARS to finish my undergrad due to me switching majors halfway through 3rd year and the aforementioned delay I risked to get an SA stint, and 5 internship/co-op/temp roles that literally saw me go from working as an admin pencil pusher at a local PWM shop near my parents after my first year of school which I had to cold call my way into, to back office, then middle office, then some fintech/data provider (think S&P, MSCI, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.) sales-type job in London in between, and then the HK job I talked about, before I got my full-time career sorted out. And I won't even get into the details of it, but my first full-time job wasn't even a permanent full-time job, it was a contract on a desk that didn't even end up having any headcount available by the time I finished it, meaning I had to find another role internally at the same bank WHILE I was working remotely at home due to COVID; so yes, I had not received any form of medical benefits or bonus before spending more than 18 months as a contractor.I'm not trying to give you a sob story here, but don't think anything of your buddies you see that are able to waltz into an SA stint as their first internship in their junior year seemingly without hindrance… Maybe they did something better than you. Maybe they played the diversity card. Maybe they taught some BSD's kid lacrosse over the summer and got hooked up. But most likely, they probably were just LUCKIER than you and were at the right place at the right time. Given luck is usually considered to be a random/by chance phenomenon like rolling a pair of dice in a game of craps, the only way to get closer to it if you haven't already is to keep rolling the dice. That may mean taking more risks like I did like switching majors halfway through your undergrad thus delaying your graduation, trying out for a job somewhere completely foreign to you, or delaying your graduation even further to have another shot at SA recruiting. The point I'm trying to make is by doing so, you'll be throwing more shit at the wall, and eventually, some of it ought to stick. :)

Did you know that JRR Tolkien stands for Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien?

 I went to a Canadian "target" (I put that into quotations because any Canadian who goes to this school thinking it's going to help them get into IB, even on Bay Street, has yet to go through their rude awakening yet)

Must be the horrifically overrated Ivey that experienced a British Empire-esque fall from prestige in the mid-2010s, but has yet to have a "Suez Crisis"-like event that really reveals their fall from grace.


 I went to a Canadian "target" (I put that into quotations because any Canadian who goes to this school thinking it's going to help them get into IB, even on Bay Street, has yet to go through their rude awakening yet)

Must be the horrifically overrated Ivey that experienced a British Empire-esque fall from prestige in the mid-2010s, but has yet to have a "Suez Crisis"-like event that really reveals their fall from grace.

Nah, while I admit Ivey’s overrated, they’re still the closest thing in Canada to a “target”. I went to the school Americans think is the University of Texas when you just say the abbreviation haha

Did you know that JRR Tolkien stands for Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien?

Time for some tough love, based on everything I’ve read on this thread, you don’t seem particularly likeable.

You’re answers are kind of aggressive/defensive/entitled. If you didn’t convert two super days that you think went well, it’s a fit problem. If you’re networking a bunch and aren’t getting interviews, the people you spoke to didn’t like you.

The thing sometimes miss is networking isn’t a check the box - it is NOT “oh he spoke to 3 people give him an interview”. It’s “oh he spoke to 3 people - let’s see what they think and decide on an interview based on their feedback”

Take a good hard look in the mirror and figure out why you aren’t connecting with your interviewers. Do mock interviews with a friend, mentor, or career center. Are you sounding entitled? Are you sounding like an asshole? Do you seem like someone id want to work with?


Why are you complaining, when you got 2 superdays and didn’t get the offers? You dropped the ball. Nobody else. You fucked up something in the interview, so stop making excuses.

I know it blows, but if you are truly a good candidate and actually prepared for interviews, it’s a numbers game and you will eventually land something.

My personal experience is somewhat like yours, but I made it work:

I had a 4.0 at a non-target, was part of my school’s banking club, had 2 IB internships (like actual live deal experience), networked extensively, but don’t think I got a first round at a single BB/EB (literally not a single one, and I probably networked with 50-100 people at these banks during recruiting so had extensive networks). Landed a MM SA role, grinded hard that summer, managed to switch to at a top BB group for FT, and just accepted an offer at a top MF.

Trying to give you some tough love. I probably felt how you did at some point, but I didn’t even have the chance to prove myself in an interview. I know it’s not an easy process but you had the superdays and you did something to not get an offer. Keep grinding your technicals/behavorals, and I would suggest keeping a better attitude (even if it is hard as shit and feels terrible sometimes). The sad reality is the universe doesn’t owe you anything. Pick yourself up. There are plenty of opportunities and paths to get where you want.


Hey there, I'm currently a freshman and was wondering do you have any advice on navigating recruiting? Looking back, what are the things you did you feel were critical to you landing your mm sa/ bb ft/ MFPE on cycle offer(congrats by the way)

also any general life advice is good too.


if you are diversity you do not need to network (outside the diversity programs). you cannot compare yourself to other normal candidates lmao


Funny thing is you really can't see someone's personable or not irl on this site.  Sure, non-targets have a tough time getting interviews (not talking to you btw) but maybe they ran their family's pizza shop in HS and can actually sound like a charismatic human during an interview.  Once they get their foot in the door, hardos can rarely compete.


The IB recruiting process is inherently a shitshow and there's always a certain element of chance/luck/timing/etc. But it is incredibly competitive and that's always been the case. Instead of hating on the process though, perhaps take the time to be a bit introspective. Nobody owes you anything (not even an interview) and yeah it is sometimes actually quite unfair, but you have to roll with the punches and seek to improve (rather than channel that anger towards recruiters/bankers/banks/alums whatever etc). I understand that it can be discouraging and disheartening to be rejected (especially when making a superday!) but this job isn't necessarily always inspiring either... 

Not to mention that IB SA recruiting is nowhere near over and sometimes spots could even randomly open up (reneging, etc) 


things work out weird bro, I networked super hard and got an offer at the only bank i didn't network at LMFAO


Same lol. Networked everywhere and ended up getting an offer from a bank I  cold applied with no networking. It is truly a shit show, and the way you counteract that is apply everywhere. Spray and pray. At some point the shit you are throwing will stick. 


You had two super days it was 100% something you did or failed to do that got you dinged. Why would they have interviewed you if they had no intentions of ever potentially giving you the offer? You proved that the process isn’t bs because you got the interviews lmao. 

Edit: is the process a little broken? Obviously. But your case doesn’t prove the point you think it does. Also if you spoke with 3-5 people at a bank, did you get referred? Did they push for you? 


Believe it or not, he does not have "tons of time." A fair number of banks are done recruiting and essentially all have started interviewing. If prospects are looking rough right now it is time to start panicking.


I usually answer something along the lines of "I'm interested in IB because I want to be a part of the largest decisions companies make--mergers, acquisitions, capital raises--and I'm interested in your bank because of alumni from my school who work there, its (something unique about its place in the marketplace), and it's culture seems very genuine. Often many banks say that culture is something important to them but it's little more than words on a slide, but at your bank I can tell it's something genuine that employees live in." If it's a longer question I'll go into how I was introduced to IB through members of my college sports team.

  • Semi-Target (very strong with finance--OCR by almost all the BBs)

No mention of GPA, likely below 3.6. No mention of major too, likely humanities. Also not a strong semi, given that only 7 or 8 BBs recruit on campus.

  • Corporate Banking Internship for 2022 at a bulge bracket

Not sure how this is supposed to be impressive, CB is essentially back office.

  • Student investment fund extracurricular ($10mm+)

No mention of your position within it, likely a filler/resume fluff position that does nothing.

  • Networked a ton

Not an achievement, but a requirement.

  • Resume format is WSO format



My GPA is above 3.7 in the business school. The CB at the BB where I'm interning is coupled with CIB--I don't know much about corporate banking but I don't think it's back office if they have it under the IB umbrella. Last Friday I did a pitch to sell a $400k position and it went through. I mentioned that I networked precisely because it is a requirement, and if I hadn't listed it I would have been asked "have you networked?" Likewise, to avoid resume formatting questions I mentioned my resume is in the WSO format. 


It's a numbers game, stop crying. Just because it's a numbers game doesn't make it unfair, it actually makes it much more fair than if connections helped more.

Just send out a bunch of applications and keep improving and you will get there. Stop being bitter and get to work


I went to a non target, no internship , no student investment fund extracurricular and I got hired at a bank. Have you tried not being a dick? 

I agree its not all based on merit and I think most people would too but there is a ton of people who meet the merit requirement, be creative. I know someone who bought a membership to the country club to meet one of the VP's because he knew he was hiring. Yes it might should change but this is how it currently is and its very high paying job. In all honestly I do think it is slowly changing though as banks loose more people to tech the culture does seem to be shifting a bit


This is the most I can offer. It’s why I got the job I have today. The “fit” other people are talking about is mostly determined by your 2 minute story at the beginning of the interview and it’s probably why you have struggled to connect with during networking calls and in super-days. That video is worth every bit of the 10 minutes.

Keep your head up and maybe look at some MM or boutiques. An MS Finance is a good way to delay graduation and get more shots on goal too. Getting in at any IB shop opens a lot of doors. It is much easier to move upstream from there, especially now given the job market.

Comprehensive guide:


10 minute video summary:


bro I get you're salty and I'm not even gonna try to offer a solution but just wanna say thank GOD I'm not you lmfao I can't imagine trying to pretend to care about the people interviewing me or having to brush up on college sports again just to appease to the dumb frat tard on the other end of the line, recruiting was horrible. But it def gets better or something (idk not like anything we say is gonna make you quit).

Some of my "best hits" (worst hits) was initiating a conversation that was actually interesting and talking about travel and history just to have the other person start talking about Myokonos and all the other normie ass european travel spots which are all the same (just the same islands you can visit in the caribbean or anywhere else in the world) or that one guy who goes to Cancun every year and thinks he's exotic or something, idk but it was garbage. 


you should have worked harder. Do you have a 4.0 GPA? If not then it's your fault for not working hard enough to get it. Stop complaining on WSO and do something to improve yourself. Luck or no Luck if you are impressive enough no one will be able to deny you


This x100. Had lower gpa, “worse” resume than most of my friends recruiting, and managed to snag an “EB” sa role for 23. Notice what you’re good and bad at. For me, I recognized I’ll never be the smartest guy in the room but I’ll damn well try to be the funnest to talk to. I had no problem speaking to my interests in interviews, and always had a smile on my face, high energy, and turned the conversation to allow the interviewer to talk about themselves (hint: people love to talk about themself). The interviews that I couldn’t manage to do this and were 30 minutes of technicals were the ones that didn’t go anywhere after even if I nailed the questions. It’s about your ability to cultivate relationships very quickly.


In reflection, I’ve found that some of my biggest life decisions were determined by luck. But I’ve also noticed it was a lot of my own hard work that got me 90% of the way there.

Maybe the 10% didn’t go in your favor this time around, but don’t forget to do the 90% if you still want to do this come FT recruiting next year. Get a relevant internship experience (I didn’t get SA, instead did transaction advisory at a non big 4, got an EB offer from a non target with no connections other than networking), network and make solid, genuine connections, and try not to stress about it too much in the meantime. Life happens for a reason.

P.S. if you really don’t want to leave that 10% up to luck, develop mentoring relationships with senior bankers you network with.


Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how far in advance did you network for FT recruiting?


Didn't read the whole thread. You'll probably be put off by this and if so, that's actually the issue. Just think for a second that the problem may lie with you. People who "can but don't" don't for a reason. As an older member of WSO, I've seen many people blow their political capital on bad decisions including vouching for others or "pulling strings." Very little positive can happen but lots of negative. So in order for them to do that, they have to really believe in you AND like you. The second part to that is HUGE! Quite frankly, your tone comes off as quite entitled and unlikeable. I would consider that and work on how you present yourself.

They don't exist to accommodate you. Quite the other way around. 


You didn’t put your gpa or act and your poor attitude evident above is probably why folks aren’t willing to put social and professional capital behind you


GPA is 3.7 and ACT is 35. My post was the way it was because I'm a bit frustrated, and I'm not like that in real life.


Your view of “merit” is not the idea of “merit” that banks are looking for.

From what I can glean from your post, you’re evaluating merit as solely items on a resume (GPA, experience, etc.). The banks, while they are looking for you to check all of these “merit” boxes via your resume, are looking for social merit—the ability to successfully network, make people like you, engage in interesting conversation, ask the right questions, and convey your interest and talent through the networking process.

If I had to guess, your failure to get first-round interviews is likely due to a lack of networking (you mentioned you contacted only 3-5 people at each firm), an inability to make people like you (coming off as too hardo), or an inability to convey your interest/talent through your networking conversations with analysts.

When I was recruiting, I was not so surprised at the banks that did/did not offer me first round interviews. For the banks where I did get offers, my primary networking conversations had gone well, and I could have counted on those contacts to vouch for me during internal recruiting talks. For the banks where I did not get an interview, my networking calls did not go as well, and I hadn’t established a good relationship with 1 or more of the analysts.

Generally, when my networking conversations with analysts at a particular firm centered entirely around banking (no talking about football, college life, vacations, etc.) I would not expect those analysts to remember or vouch for me, as I did nothing to stand out from other candidates who have robotically memorized all of the answers to the 400 questions guide.

If you think that this is a foolish way to evaluate candidates, you’re not considering the industry and the skills necessary to be a banker. So you can create an LBO model in 30 minutes—nobody cares about this if you can’t interact well with clients, or if you can’t get along well with coworkers (who you’re going to be spending 80+ hours/week with).

"Work until your bank account looks like a phone number"

I'll give you an example of valuable networking. Someone close to me was hired at a prestigious Asset Management firm (probably more selective than the banking gigs). He was one of 100 interns (firmwide across all locations and positions) out of 12,000 applications. Via networking he found a few alumni to discuss the firm, job, culture, etc. They referred him to others who referred him to others. All in all he had 7 or 8 meaningful calls with people in different locations and various levels. During his interviews he was able to demonstrate an extreme depth of firm culture by referring to those conversations (by name - yes he got their permission). His superday consisted of interviews with 9 people and they commented on how great it was that he took the time to get to know the company.  His call time with the 7 or 8 info sessions totaled approx 10hr. One of the people worked in the department of and knew one of the Superday interviewers really well and put in a good word (and actually followed up via email to say X did a good job on the interview). Another contact reviewed the major technical areas to prep for interviews. All of that was because of the level  and tone of the networking . He spent hours on preparing for the interview after all the networking. Sometimes that's what it takes for these highly competitive jobs.


Can you go into your process for landing IB last summer? I've emailed over 350 boutiques and many only want juniors. 


Damn, it’s almost like your resume is just like everyone else’s… oh wait…

Blows me when the extraordinarily average are surprised when no one bats an eye


I broke in from a non-target and we've had people go to HL RX, Evercore, MS, Barclays, etc. recently. All of us have done two or three boutique IB internships during freshman or sophomore year. Why didn't you pursue these opportunities and do back-office internships instead? Semi-target schools should have a few OCR relationships, did you take advantage of this? Your story honestly doesn't make a lot of sense. What do the upperclassmen in your finance club think about your interview ability? If you had superdays you definitely had a fair shake. 


Of the underclassmen I've mentored that's exactly what they did. They got on the phone with every boutique bank in a region, especially banks with one or two random senior bankers who went to our school in the 80s. If they struck out they moved their search to another city. Most of them networked so much they lined up two or three IB internships covering different industries during their sophomore year. I lucked out and had a great connection at a bank local to our school. Don't stop reaching out, plenty of ten man shops take interns. It's great because there's never an expectation of them giving a return offer - just the experience, and you can send them a kid one year younger than you when you leave. 


Notice the previous response? You are encouraged to get on the phone. But buried in the response is the "lucked out" factor. I am afraid that's the secret sauce if you are non-target. So, you gotta persist, but do also need an element of luck. As long as you don't quit, luck has an opportunity to knock on your door.


Well clearly you didn’t want it enough. Yes, you hit the merit check box, but at the end of the day there are tens of thousands of people above and slightly below you in merit who are fighting for the offer. It doesn’t matter if you think sending out 500+ emails is “worth your time” it’s what others are willing to do. And frankly, that’s the type of grueling work you will have to do as an analyst at times. I got into a decent MM this summer, and the best group at that MM firm with PE placements in top MFs and top MMFs networking. I go to a 1k student school and have a 3.5 GPA with no alumni ever placed in IB, but I networked with thousands of people until I got my foot in the door at a few places. Tbh you sound like an entitled prick who whines like a little bitch because he doesn’t get his way. Were your raised by Karens? Guess what, the world isn’t fair. You can complain about it or you can fucking do something about it. If you choose to complain about you’re likely just not IB material. I hope you can learn to just keep fucking moving and grinding, otherwise, go to corporate finance.


Aut laboriosam quis omnis doloremque nesciunt. Qui magni nam et doloremque modi dolor delectus sed. Consequatur laboriosam ratione quas magni.

Ad fugit quasi aut ut. Voluptas sit qui quos quis sequi. Atque autem alias praesentium at. Magnam expedita odio architecto quis in cumque. Soluta iure est optio molestiae rerum similique. Quo deleniti aspernatur sint in. Pariatur perspiciatis aut dolore laudantium hic.

Incidunt et delectus cumque deserunt. Molestiae distinctio doloribus eligendi reiciendis qui. Neque similique dignissimos voluptates aut eveniet assumenda et. Dolorem aut culpa et. Aliquam necessitatibus rerum labore expedita.


Maxime temporibus consequuntur voluptatem aperiam exercitationem fugit. Qui hic libero iste totam officiis rerum nobis. Omnis harum sapiente ullam quo impedit dolores illo. Ut et necessitatibus nihil. Quo provident id dolore molestias quas non autem. Soluta nulla omnis culpa. Quis rerum aliquam perspiciatis suscipit illo recusandae et.

Cum omnis soluta iusto dolorum. Aut amet et est velit voluptas sed. Quia et commodi quisquam at magnam veniam.


Eos omnis cum non distinctio. Doloribus praesentium eos nihil at aut. Aut error vero illo consequuntur. Vitae quaerat impedit tempora quo non et.

Cupiditate rem explicabo expedita consequatur quas rerum. Cum unde et in dolore natus. Deserunt voluptatem aut quis omnis eveniet. Molestias dolorem a impedit. Quia dolores autem sit voluptatum repellat. Optio sequi corrupti dolore consequatur.

Aut voluptas accusantium ut repudiandae maxime omnis velit. Ea aut est ut eum laborum sint.

Eligendi id quos eum et. Enim neque porro molestiae omnis earum enim et. Omnis eaque at expedita assumenda. Saepe consequatur expedita sed omnis officiis velit. Illum dolore consequatur necessitatibus recusandae rerum maiores rerum.


Ut distinctio saepe et sed eum quia. Reprehenderit accusantium animi ipsum beatae. Est cum deleniti eos quam repudiandae est nobis asperiores.

Aliquam aperiam non quo amet magnam minima. Est qui consectetur aut ut iusto aut incidunt. Distinctio est sed quod accusantium libero amet.

Dignissimos totam recusandae modi iusto. Enim dolore qui rerum aliquam. Enim nulla repellendus sapiente tenetur accusantium dolores cupiditate minus. Non magnam sit qui neque enim ipsa qui. Voluptatem repellendus est pariatur blanditiis beatae illum eum quos.


Non neque quibusdam nisi ratione. Quia fugit dolor culpa quis et iusto ut. Exercitationem autem vel sapiente qui quasi cum doloribus beatae.

Eveniet unde quis recusandae accusantium qui. Distinctio omnis voluptate esse. Autem quia id aut magni ipsam illum natus.

Porro cum ad voluptas dolores. Voluptas quidem ea qui blanditiis sit cupiditate natus voluptas. Quibusdam debitis non sapiente fugit vel commodi nihil. Iste culpa ducimus cum dolorem adipisci saepe facilis. Est dolorem facilis numquam et alias quibusdam qui. Nisi ut pariatur dolor porro. Libero laboriosam et ea quo qui.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Linda Abraham
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”