Wall Street Oasis: Suggestion Time!

So, after reading the thread "WSO is getting worse" where several users argued WSO was deteriorating while others disagreed, I figured it was time we throw together another WSO suggestion thread. These threads have helped us dramatically improve the user experience over the years, so why stop now...if you have any questions, please fire away!

In response to some of the claims in the previous thread, here was my response (admittedly, somewhat defensive):

"A similar post like this pops up about every August / September for about 4 years running when we get a new influx of college students every year, and every year, people claim the good 'ol days were better, when that is far from the truth. some facts:

  1. Yes, we have more traffic than ever which means more college students. We will never stop repetitive questions 100%, but we can point users to our FAQ sections and our WSO Company Database when it is appropriate.

  2. This increase in traffic also means more Certified User and professionals sharing their wisdom. See our recent rush of awesome Q&A threads: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/qa-threads and rush of Certified Users we've had in the last few months ....and since the WSO Conference in NYC.

  3. We've put a lot of investment into our design which I think you will all agree is MUCH better than 1-2 years ago. See our group change, for example: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/blog/new-design-for-groups ...if you saw the site back in 2006 or 2007, I don't think you'd be claiming it was better. :-)

  4. @hpm, you have my personal email - if you care and have the time, would love to hear how you think WSO could improve (besides removing Bankerella). Would you like to see more investment pieces on the market? More advice on a specific industry? Advice for more senior professionals?

  5. Bankerella has 2 posts per week out of ~70 that hit the home page every week...I think she's pretty easy to ignore if you want to. Yes, she definitely rubs SOME people the wrong way, but I think a lot of you take her way too seriously and you don't have to read her stuff (fyi, a lot of it is satire). The majority of the people that have the biggest problem with her are the same guys posting sexist shit about women 99% of the time...notice rufiolove and sirtradesalot, 2 our our best Certified Users going back and forth with her in the last thread. If you can't laugh at any of that, I feel bad for you.

  6. We JUST launched new WSO User Guidelines a few weeks ago along with some new moderataor tools that make moderating MUCH easier. You should see a MAJOR decrease in spammish posts - especially as we encourage more of our regular users to use the Flag Post feature more frequently (on every comment/post). this has already reduced our mod time ~10x....we just need to get our mods and regular users to participate.

  7. We continue to build out our FAQ area which has links to some of our best content by industry. We will be putting a detailed Q&A section in there that highlights the best interviews from our Certified Users as well. we also continue to add to our Finance Dictionary (which is hyperlinked in the forums to make sure people aren't asking what WACC and BB means...)

  8. We didn't have the WSO Company Database or my feed functionality 1-2 years ago.

Maybe I'm blinded since my head is in the weeds and not in the forums every day, but I like to think we're moving in the right direction with better content, better tools and more interesting debates as the userbase matures. I think we can still have some fun along the way while we teach each other and give each other advice. We've already been cracking down on some of the more immature / drama users to reduce the bullshit debates, but we need help of all users to flag posts that violate our User Guidelines.

Either way, if you think we have gone downhill, I'd ask you please to give me specifics...I think we were due for another "WSO - Suggestion thread", so let me hear it in here, or if you guys want I can throw one up on the home page tonight?"


This is my contribution from the other thread:

"First my suggestion would be to force all visitors of the site to register. Then when a thread is created, all members contributing to the thread should be again forced to either rank it with a SB/Neutral/MS. Threads with overwhelming negative votes would be closed."

My rationale for this is that those complaining would have some degree of power in regards to whether a post is useful/informative/etc..

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
This is my contribution from the other thread:

"First my suggestion would be to force all visitors of the site to register. Then when a thread is created, all members contributing to the thread should be again forced to either rank it with a SB/Neutral/MS. Threads with overwhelming negative votes would be closed."

My rationale for this is that those complaining would have some degree of power in regards to whether a post is useful/informative/etc..

Force all visitors to the site to register? In order to post, you need to register...is that what you mean?

As far as a thread having overwhelming negative votes...a few of Bankerella's threads, for example, have had a net negative count, but they also have some of the highest level of Silver Bananas...so it's not as easy as setting a certain level to "lock" a thread. and would it be locked (ie, no more comments), unpublished, deleted, etc....?

how about if you don't like a user, you can block them and they won't show up in your feed for you or in the comments? Personally, I think that is a waste of web dev time since you can just ignore certain threads you don't want to read or from certain authors, but I can see if this is possible without too many hours (or if it would put an extra strain on the server when loading pages to see if the user that is loading the page doesnt want to see comments from a certain user....)

This is my contribution from the other thread:

"First my suggestion would be to force all visitors of the site to register. Then when a thread is created, all members contributing to the thread should be again forced to either rank it with a SB/Neutral/MS. Threads with overwhelming negative votes would be closed."

My rationale for this is that those complaining would have some degree of power in regards to whether a post is useful/informative/etc..

Force all visitors to the site to register? In order to post, you need to register...is that what you mean?

As far as a thread having overwhelming negative votes...a few of Bankerella's threads, for example, have had a net negative count, but they also have some of the highest level of Silver Bananas...so it's not as easy as setting a certain level to "lock" a thread. and would it be locked (ie, no more comments), unpublished, deleted, etc....?

how about if you don't like a user, you can block them and they won't show up in your feed for you or in the comments? Personally, I think that is a waste of web dev time since you can just ignore certain threads you don't want to read or from certain authors, but I can see if this is possible without too many hours (or if it would put an extra strain on the server when loading pages to see if the user that is loading the page doesnt want to see comments from a certain user....)

Blocking would suffice for me. Also, a Hall of Fame forum section with content from years past could be helpful too.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
Make the site less addictive.

No. How can we make it more addictive? More discussions on personal investing? I think trading ideas for the personal investor would be interesting. I've been trading more recently and know I could use some more ideas...similar to Seeking Alpha, but because of our active userbase, I'm sure we could get even more comments on average than seeking alpha to bounce the idea back and forth.

I mean, if you look @ all of the Facebook discussions leading up to the IPO, almost every single member claimed it was way overvalued...I think we could get the Trading forum more active with investing threads like this...

Make the site less addictive.

No. How can we make it more addictive? More discussions on personal investing? I think trading ideas for the personal investor would be interesting. I've been trading more recently and know I could use some more ideas...similar to Seeking Alpha, but because of our active userbase, I'm sure we could get even more comments on average than seeking alpha to bounce the idea back and forth.

I mean, if you look @ all of the Facebook discussions leading up to the IPO, almost every single member claimed it was way overvalued...I think we could get the Trading forum more active with investing threads like this...

Not sure if anyone is a member of sumzero but it would be awesome to create a similar legitimate buyside/research discussion portion of WSO where there is a very high barrier to entry for members. IE must confirm employment with a research/trading/investment firm, must submit some form of high level research report, must have a minimum of 2 years within the industry (which ironically I don't have but would still recommend).

I think sumzero does a great job of providing actionable buyside ideas, where as other sites like motleyfool and seekingalpha let any 15+ year old stock jockey with no verified investing experience post his two cents on a name he knows nothing about.

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.
How about providing all users with 5 (or w.e. amount) of free wso credits at the beginning of each month or quarter. It would allow more users to better rate useful content.

We are rewarding WSO Credits daily to users that give the most helpful responses and liquidity has increased a LOT. For every 100 banana points you will also now be getting 5 WSO Credits.

We need to make sure bananaflation doesn't get too out of control...


wish there was an easy way to be able to isolate the threads that were 1) in a certain time period (let's say last 2-3 days or something) AND 2) that had greater than X # of replies and sorted by # of replies...this way you can quickly hone in on threads that were popular and recent but didn't necessarily make the home page instead of trying to manually find them. i see that theres a page that shows the highest ranked discussions in the last week which i guess is somewhat similar to what i'm sayin, but i suspect a fair amount of useful (or at least entertaining) threads can slip thru the cracks, and would rather see something based on user popularity based on # of replies within the last few days

Going Concern:
wish there was an easy way to be able to isolate the threads that were 1) in a certain time period (let's say last 2-3 days or something) AND 2) that had greater than X # of replies and sorted by # of replies...this way you can quickly hone in on threads that were popular and recent but didn't necessarily make the home page instead of trying to manually find them. i see that theres a page that shows the highest ranked discussions in the last week which i guess is somewhat similar to what i'm sayin, but i suspect a fair amount of useful (or at least entertaining) threads can slip thru the cracks, and would rather see something based on user popularity based on # of replies within the last few days

hmmm, well right now we have a Search that allows you to search for relevant keywords and then filter by # of comments, by date, by user, etc...

In the Forum Topics block we also have Most Commented topics: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/most_commented

and in Highest Ranked Content, we have views by Week / Month / Year / all time: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/highest-ranked-discussions

...we are trying to develop a view for highest ranked Comments (not just threads), but it is CRUSHING the dev server so we need to find a way to make the query more efficient before we can bring it live.

BUT, I hear what you're saying....here are the new topics: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/new-forum-posts What if we could put filters at the top of that view that allowed you to filter by Date and maybe sort by # of comments? Yeah, I think that would kick ass. Great suggestion...will see if we can do it!

Going Concern:

hmmm, well right now we have a Search that allows you to search for relevant keywords and then filter by # of comments, by date, by user, etc...

In the Forum Topics block we also have Most Commented topics: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/most_commented

and in Highest Ranked Content, we have views by Week / Month / Year / all time: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/highest-ranked-discussions

...we are trying to develop a view for highest ranked Comments (not just threads), but it is CRUSHING the dev server so we need to find a way to make the query more efficient before we can bring it live.

The "Most Recommended" feature of WSJ's comments pages is probably exactly what you are trying to implement. It shows both the highest rated comments and individuals throughout the entire WSJ site. (If you haven't seen it, check out about half way down the page on the right side of the attached link.)



The ability to delete your post if you haven't been quoted yet.

" A recession is when other people lose their job, a depression is when you lose your job. "
The ability to delete your post if you haven't been quoted yet.

You can just "edit" your post and replace the content with ".", "N/A", or whatever.

I'd like to delete my post AFTER I have been quoted. Possible?

The Auto Show
The ability to delete your post if you haven't been quoted yet.

You can just "edit" your post and replace the content with ".", "N/A", or whatever.

I'd like to delete my post AFTER I have been quoted. Possible?

I know, I've seen some users do that, but it's obviously impractical not to mention it takes up space and counts towards your banana points.

" A recession is when other people lose their job, a depression is when you lose your job. "

I'm a college student and visit WSO regularly. It can be an incredible tool and forum to learn from professionals, as well as others pursuing finance. However, there are certainly some people (often college and high school) that post and pm some unreal, mind blowing, dumb, oblivious shit. Posts about what jeans, shirts, socks, etc. do bankers wear are fucking painful. Not only are these the dumbest waste of internet space, but they have been answered millions of times before! If you aren't willing to at least do some research to answer you questions about what toothpaste bankers use, fuck you twice. If there were some way to stop these rediculous posts or at least penalize them, I think that would help. Repostings aren't the problem, or eventually there would be nothing to talk about. But jeans once, eh. Jeans twice, shame on you. Nevertheless, love the site and have sincerely learned a lot about banking.


1.) It's nice to know when someone replied to your post, but getting a PM every time it happens is a sort of false alert for a "real" PM. Give me the option to turn it off- or if you have the manpower, create a separate alert.

2.) WSO needs 1-2 front page articles a day. Pick high quality articles. If everything is monkey droppings, you don't necessarily have to post anything for that day. (This is easy for someone to say who is rarely an OP.) We've been run through the desire engine long enough that we will still come back tomorrow for our variable reward even if we miss it a day or two here and there.

3.) How many people can promote articles to the front page? Is it like five people? Or are there two dozen folks who can do this? And who is making the decision?

Either way, it's Patrick's and Andy's front page and WSO expects quality content there. And it might be wise to enforce a system that has the rest of us respect that. I should probably not be allowed to promote articles on tips for getting 35 mpg in a rusty honda accord to the front page if people don't want to read that and Patrick/Andy don't think it's quality material for WSO.

Create a separate alert for forum replies/quotes than PMs.
Agree again.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford


1.) It's nice to know when someone replied to your post, but getting a PM every time it happens is a sort of false alert for a "real" PM. Give me the option to turn it off- or if you have the manpower, create a separate alert.

2.) WSO needs 1-2 front page articles a day. Pick high quality articles. If everything is monkey droppings, you don't necessarily have to post anything for that day. (This is easy for someone to say who is rarely an OP.) We've been run through the desire engine long enough that we will still come back tomorrow for our variable reward even if we miss it a day or two here and there.

3.) I think we should also restrict the ability to front page an article to Patrick and Andy or have a more defined set of moderator guidelines for when this is ok for other folks to do (EG: WSO Happy Hour). This is coming from somebody who has the ability to promote articles.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
1.) It's nice to know when someone replied to your post, but getting a PM every time it happens is a sort of false alert for a "real" PM. Give me the option to turn it off- or if you have the manpower, create a separate alert.

2.) WSO needs 1-2 front page articles a day. Pick high quality articles. If everything is monkey droppings, you don't necessarily have to post anything for that day. (This is easy for someone to say who is rarely an OP.) We've been run through the desire engine long enough that we will still come back tomorrow for our variable reward even if we miss it a day or two here and there.

3.) How many people can promote articles to the front page? Is it like five people? Or are there two dozen folks who can do this? And who is making the decision?

Either way, it's Patrick's and Andy's front page and WSO expects quality content there. And it might be wise to enforce a system that has the rest of us respect that. I should probably not be allowed to promote articles on tips for getting 35 mpg in a rusty honda accord to the front page if people don't want to read that and Patrick/Andy don't think it's quality material for WSO.

  1. Agree with #1...I think we tried to create a separate alert before but were running into a lot of trouble...I will see if we can attack that again and find a solution. If we are still banging our heads against the wall, we'll try to get an option to turn off that type of PM

2+3. I think it's important to remember the split between a veteran user like yourself that understands the wealth and depth of information in the forums (and knows how to navigate), and a visitor browsing WSO for the first few times that isn't registered (may not even know to look in the forums and seeing a variety of topics on the home page signals activity).

I agree we should continually strive to improve the quality of the content hitting our home page (See Q&A interview series as an example), however, I think for the most part our authors / bloggers do a pretty good job, especially since we've only starting building out the team less than a year ago.

We won't add any more time slots for now, but what we will do is start promoting the best writers to the best time slots and others may will lose home page priority as we grow the team (and/or will be given Saturday at 2am, for example) and/or the quality is not up to par (we have already done this in a few cases). We have an editorial calendar right now...basically the way it works is we do a few week trial with a writer ...if they are doing a decent job then we give them the ability to post to the home page in their assigned time slot. I expect this to get much more competitive since we are not adding in any more spots (for a while) and I expect in the next 6 months for our Contributing Writers to double...I already talked to Andy about coming up with an objective measure of quality (can't be just comment count, but could be part SB/Ms, part comment count and part my discretion)..we have one now but we need a better system. Although I agree with you the quality is not where it needs to be on all of them, I think you will see continued improvement over the next six months.

1.) It's nice to know when someone replied to your post, but getting a PM every time it happens is a sort of false alert for a "real" PM. Give me the option to turn it off- or if you have the manpower, create a separate alert. ....

By end of day tomorrow, all users will be able to set what types of PMs they get. this includes turning off "Quote" PMs like the one you will get from me quoting you here now. :-)


Didn't read all, but I find the search engine hard to use and filter correctly for previous questions I want to look up. I like vBulletin's easier.

I have personally posted questions that I know have been asked before just because it's too much of a hassle to use your search bar.

Didn't read all, but I find the search engine hard to use and filter correctly for previous questions I want to look up. I find vBulletin's easier.

I have personally posted questions that I know have been asked before just because it's too much of a hassle to use your search bar.


Didn't read all, but I find the search engine hard to use and filter correctly for previous questions I want to look up. I find vBulletin's easier.

I have personally posted questions that I know have been asked before just because it's too much of a hassle to use your search bar.


and I put an emphasis on VERY HIGH barrier to entry

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.

It's a great website. I think your logo should be more prominent on the header, just like it was a year or two ago. The logo defines the character and style of the site, and when it is so small, a new user may stumble across a thread from a google search, get some info, and never return. If the logo is big, then there is a better chance that new visitors will more readily remember the name of the site. I also wonder if the reddit / FB / g+ clutter at the top of the page is really necessary. Does it really make much of a difference?

I totally agree with shrinking down the number of front page articles per day. By doing so, you encourage more people to return to the "hot" front page topics, but you also force users to delve further into the individual forums to find interesting, but non-front page worthy items. I would make a morning and evening topic, and reserve the right to put up a breaking news type topic during the day.

BTW, how can Bankerella be a Certified User if she doesn't have a job?

It's a great website. I think your logo should be more prominent on the header, just like it was a year or two ago. The logo defines the character and style of the site, and when it is so small, a new user may stumble across a thread from a google search, get some info, and never return. If the logo is big, then there is a better chance that new visitors will more readily remember the name of the site. I also wonder if the reddit / FB / g+ clutter at the top of the page is really necessary. Does it really make much of a difference?

I totally agree with shrinking down the number of front page articles per day. By doing so, you encourage more people to return to the "hot" front page topics, but you also force users to delve further into the individual forums to find interesting, but non-front page worthy items. I would make a morning and evening topic, and reserve the right to put up a breaking news type topic during the day.

BTW, how can Bankerella be a Certified User if she doesn't have a job?

The real estate at the top of the page is extremely valuable...by making our logo bigger, we lose the ability to highlight all of our services and products like we do now with our modular / tile system and/or push the actual content way down on the page. Both of these options are not good, and 80+% of our traffic comes from Google search, so having a larger logo, even if it did increase the "direct" traffic to WSO would not move needle nearly as much as improving our SEO...

Who said Bankerella didn't have a job?

an official list of the moderators would be nice

So we could know what kind of asses we should kiss in order not to be banned.

--Money can't buy happiness. it can only buy orgasms. --Who the hell says I want happiness? Orgasms all I need.

I know a lot of people want to ban Bankerella, but I don't get it. If someone can get you that worked up, you should want them to keep posting because it is more entertaining.

That person is now a certain self-help expert for me. This person's posts are so incredibly ridiculous, they make for easy bashing. I would like this poster to post more often, now that I've read the posts more thoroughly. Part time "Life and Dating Coach" -- hahahaha.

Bankerella is at least smart, provocative, and 100% douche (highest compliment intended). I strongly prefer D-Bagerella.

Sincerely, SirDoucheaLot


I love this website and think that it is fucking great. Really really good job with this site. Whoever said it sucks is just negative. I will say one thing though. There are a lot of pointless posts on the site and i feel like we could have a lot more good posts on here if there was more incentive. In the working environment people do better if they have more incentive. Every study shows that and im sure you agree. You have the banana system which is cool and I like it a lot. But lets be real its a fucking banana who really cares in the long run. What I think you really need to do is give posters who give great posts consistently huge huge discounts and free stuff as well from the store Maybe a free resume review for the people who have good useful, informative, interesting or funny posts. You need to update the reading list and make them easier to see and have a must read reading list. Maybe a beginners forum or something as well. You should make more use of the side panels and put some of the most useful articles there or seperate articles into seperate different article types. So when someone posts an article they have to specify the type of article and then it will be placed in a section of what they are covering. Like IBanking questions one or a stock picking discussion or a random discussion. I know that there are already sections for the job types but then inside there you should specify even more so people can look at what they want to look at and dont have to sift through shit they dont care about you know.You also should make another forum about investing ideas so people can talk about what they own and why they own it and people can discuss. I want to be able to talk to some of the people in an easy way about investing ideas. There are a lot of really good recent articles about what people are investing in and their catalysts.like the chipotle one. So yeah theres that. Also I think most of us can agree we really like the interviews and maybe we can get some more interviews of some of the big investors or P/e or IB guys on here. Thatd be cool too. . These are just some random Ideas I've had. also maybe make it easier to search through posts in the past. Searching is a little bit clunky In my opinion but thats just me. I'm gonna let you know if I have any more Ideas if I have any while im using the site. I apologize for the bad punctuation I'm not really focused on that right now using my phone to type this. If anyone wants to expand on my ideas go for it

i feel like we could have a lot more good posts on here if there was more incentive. In the working environment people do better if they have more incentive.
Kyle -- not to be a douche, but for those of us with significant experience, it would be impossible to incentivize with electronic bananas or discounts.

Some of us post because we enjoy it.

i feel like we could have a lot more good posts on here if there was more incentive. In the working environment people do better if they have more incentive.
Kyle -- not to be a douche, but for those of us with significant experience, it would be impossible to incentivize with electronic bananas or discounts.

Some of us post because we enjoy it.

I see where you are coming from. The incentives are useless for people like you because you have the experience. I guess that kind of debunks my idea. Worth a try though I guess. What do you think of the Investment Idea forum?

This forum is about unemployed and students giving advice to unemployed and students. We need more head hunters and big shoot people from finance to give advice and tell about working environment. Do like Wharton and bring big people in. also we need more encouragement to entrepreneurs. Some students and recent graduates may have very good ideas and some capital like 20, 000 they can come with others and make some kind of startup. For example I was looking for another 5 people to come in and start a commodity trading firm in NJ. We can start as IB, but the lack of experience among recent graduates may make them not eager to participate. They think that they will work at GS, JB ETC. Wake up people unless you are top MBA from top 10 you will not go there, so start your own. We need more entrepreneurs in finance.


It's been mentioned above, but i think it should be easier to get SBs and MS. A lot of us aren't in a position to be giving others advice, but still want to be able to rate useful/unhelpful content. I don't see why everyone can't be given a few additional ones every week or month.


Silver bananas as soldier of fortune said are really hard for the younger less experianced to get maybe make them easier to use. Maybe you can make them a currency to buy some of the products in the store that way they can educate themselves a little bit more. People will then see the incentive of posting better content. The inexperianced people may have a few good things to say at least and if they have something good then they get bananas. I see all kinds of good shit that goes bananaless because they are so scarce. Hopefully if people can use their bananas to buy certain products or self help things that you have in the store then they will get hooked on the products and maybe buy some more as well. Most users wouldn't buy something from the store in the first place but the bananas will get them hooked and hopefully get them to want to buy more. You have a lot of good shit in the store that goes unseen and this would help a little bit to convince people to get them. Also maybe you could lower prices a little bit. I'm not really sure if you have to have them priced that way for a certain reason or not. but This is a win win for you and the customer and user.


To everyone complaining about SBs/credits:

You get like 5 or 10 credits every time you get 100 banana points. If you are bitching about not getting credits and don't realize this it is probably because you haven't been here long enough to realize how you can get them for free.

In terms of receiving SBs (karma) - there should be no easy way to get it. Contribute with meaningful content that adds value and someone will give you a SB.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Mods should get more liberal (everyone relax, different kind of liberal) with removing silly non finance posts too.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

How do i get to the chatroom?

[quote=rufiolove]When evaluating whether or not to post something on WSO, I think to myself, "would an idiot post this" and if the answer is yes, I do not post that thing...[/quote]
How do i get to the chatroom?

When you open up wallstreetoasis.com, you need to hit left, right, up, down, left, left, right, left, up on the arrow keys....should let you enter the room....

General Disarray:
How do i get to the chatroom?

When you open up wallstreetoasis.com, you need to hit left, right, up, down, left, left, right, left, up on the arrow keys....should let you enter the room....

Grand Theft Auto cheat-code reference?

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
How do i get to the chatroom?

chatroom has been removed after some mods brought to my attention that there were repeated serious violations going on in there. It won't be back unless we can figure out a proper way to moderate it.



Why didnt you just make two rooms - one with rules, the other not...

But still... Lmao


I think Patrick should give all Certified Users an opportunity to purchase equity in the company to help incentivize us to promote the business/brand, increase the user base, and help ensure quality control. Its an anonymous public forum. Anyone who thinks certain content should be blocked or removed should move to China.

Overall I think the site is headed in the right direction and agree that some of the more negative aspects are the result of growth and exposure to wider demographics.

I think Patrick should give all Certified Users an opportunity to purchase equity in the company to help incentivize us to promote the business/brand, increase the user base, and help ensure quality control. Its an anonymous public forum. Anyone who thinks certain content should be blocked or removed should move to China.
I have been asking to buy an equity stake from Patrick for years. Now I am in grad school and my portfolio beta is more limited. If he follows your suggestion NOW, I will never forgive you.
I think Patrick should give all Certified Users an opportunity to purchase equity in the company to help incentivize us to promote the business/brand, increase the user base, and help ensure quality control. Its an anonymous public forum. Anyone who thinks certain content should be blocked or removed should move to China.

Overall I think the site is headed in the right direction and agree that some of the more negative aspects are the result of growth and exposure to wider demographics.

You certainly aren't alone in this...would love to be able to buy-in. I push WSO pretty hard externally. I'm sure Patrick sees the long term potential of the site and I see crazy growth potential as well. Just look at the evolution from the beginning if you need any evidence that the site is heading in the right direction. It's just going to continue to grow and the fact that Patrick is comfortable enough to solicit constructive feedback speaks volumes. I love the growth I've been able to see as a user and as an owner, Patrick should be proud.

I think Patrick should give all Certified Users an opportunity to purchase equity in the company to help incentivize us to promote the business/brand, increase the user base, and help ensure quality control. Its an anonymous public forum. Anyone who thinks certain content should be blocked or removed should move to China.

Overall I think the site is headed in the right direction and agree that some of the more negative aspects are the result of growth and exposure to wider demographics.

You certainly aren't alone in this...would love to be able to buy-in. I push WSO pretty hard externally. I'm sure Patrick sees the long term potential of the site and I see crazy growth potential as well. Just look at the evolution from the beginning if you need any evidence that the site is heading in the right direction. It's just going to continue to grow and the fact that Patrick is comfortable enough to solicit constructive feedback speaks volumes. I love the growth I've been able to see as a user and as an owner, Patrick should be proud.

I actually looked into this back @ Wharton when we were about 1/3 as big and was repeatedly told not to so (by several lawyers) it because it could be a nightmare - administratively and with minority SH rights. and these were people i would have had to pay if i went forward, so I figured they probably knew what they were talking about.


I post here because I was helped out when I was a freshman in college completely fucking clueless and now I'm an old fart third year analyst. It would be nice to have a Certified User subforum. There are some questions that even I have that I know only other people in my shoes can answer. I know we have a group but who posts in groups anyways. Also more free annual WSO shirts would be nice. Maybe not another t-shirt but a polo with the WSO logo on the chest and the certified logo on the arm. You don't have to give it to everyone just put some requirements like you have to be earn 500 bananas in a year and say 10 SB. Something like that would be nice. We are essentially one of your main competitive advantages.


In the Company Database you shouldn't have to write a company review in order to access more than just the basic information. This is forcing people who are just looking up information to contribute to a database that they probably know nothing about. Think about it, someone looking up the salary of a Goldman Sachs first year isn't going to know anything about a financial institution, and surely they won't know enough to write a review about it.

In the Company Database you shouldn't have to write a company review in order to access more than just the basic information. This is forcing people who are just looking up information to contribute to a database that they probably know nothing about. Think about it, someone looking up the salary of a Goldman Sachs first year isn't going to know anything about a financial institution, and surely they won't know enough to write a review about it.

But they can write an interview insight, can't they?

In the Company Database you shouldn't have to write a company review in order to access more than just the basic information. This is forcing people who are just looking up information to contribute to a database that they probably know nothing about. Think about it, someone looking up the salary of a Goldman Sachs first year isn't going to know anything about a financial institution, and surely they won't know enough to write a review about it.

But they can write an interview insight, can't they?

Assuming interview insight is what it sounds like (talking about the interview process for the company) they are probably looking up information about the company before they decide to apply for the job and go for the interview. Please correct me if that's not what we're talking about.


Also, my ideas would be impossible for you to implement personally. So, they wouldn't be very helpful anyway. I couldn't tell you, 'I like XYZ stock.", because I don't really have a view. '


Promote the groups more. I think there was a post in the thread that prompted this about how the site was better when it just a bunch of industry guys that had heard of it. Groups are a perfect medium to for industry guys to talk exclusively with each other but nobody uses them. I mean, the last post in the largest group (Non Target Networking) aside from one this month was in December, and the largest number of posts in a group (aside from Energy Trading) is 18. Way too low.

No responses to existing topics in groups---> no more new topics created. It's a vicious cycle. If you could find a way to promote these more and generate some network effects a lot of people would probably appreciate the added value. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to get a few more industry guys posting on the site just for the ability to discuss things with exclusively with other professionals, and some of these guys would trickle into the main forum and keep increasing the overall quality of the user base.

It would be nice if you could find a way to improve the search bar too. When I type in "cold e-mail," a very common topic from newbies, four of the first six topic titles are "The Private Bank E-mail Structure, Private Wealth Management Jobs, Responsive MD no longer Responding, and No Response after Phone Interview." Honestly I rarely use the search function on this site. I go to Google and put the "site:wallstreetoasis.com" syntax in the search bar and type in my keywords from there. I'm sure most of the new guys haven't figured this out, so they end up searching, not seeing the results as quickly as they would like, and flooding the forum with topics that have already been answered.

Promote the groups more. I think there was a post in the thread that prompted this about how the site was better when it just a bunch of industry guys that had heard of it. Groups are a perfect medium to for industry guys to talk exclusively with each other but nobody uses them. I mean, the last post in the largest group (Non Target Networking) aside from one this month was in December, and the largest number of posts in a group (aside from Energy Trading) is 18. Way too low.

No responses to existing topics in groups---> no more new topics created. It's a vicious cycle. If you could find a way to promote these more and generate some network effects a lot of people would probably appreciate the added value. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to get a few more industry guys posting on the site just for the ability to discuss things with exclusively with other professionals, and some of these guys would trickle into the main forum and keep increasing the overall quality of the user base.

It would be nice if you could find a way to improve the search bar too. When I type in "cold e-mail," a very common topic from newbies, four of the first six topic titles are "The Private Bank E-mail Structure, Private Wealth Management Jobs, Responsive MD no longer Responding, and No Response after Phone Interview." Honestly I rarely use the search function on this site. I go to Google and put the "site:wallstreetoasis.com" syntax in the search bar and type in my keywords from there. I'm sure most of the new guys haven't figured this out, so they end up searching, not seeing the results as quickly as they would like, and flooding the forum with topics that have already been answered.

weird, maybe it's because we just tweaked search, but I see some pretty relevant threads all in the top results: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/search/apachesolr_search/cold%20email

100% agree on Groups...we'll get it going. Also, Certified User group already showing much more signs of life, especially with the chat room.

Promote the groups more. I think there was a post in the thread that prompted this about how the site was better when it just a bunch of industry guys that had heard of it. Groups are a perfect medium to for industry guys to talk exclusively with each other but nobody uses them. I mean, the last post in the largest group (Non Target Networking) aside from one this month was in December, and the largest number of posts in a group (aside from Energy Trading) is 18. Way too low.

No responses to existing topics in groups---> no more new topics created. It's a vicious cycle. If you could find a way to promote these more and generate some network effects a lot of people would probably appreciate the added value. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to get a few more industry guys posting on the site just for the ability to discuss things with exclusively with other professionals, and some of these guys would trickle into the main forum and keep increasing the overall quality of the user base.

It would be nice if you could find a way to improve the search bar too. When I type in "cold e-mail," a very common topic from newbies, four of the first six topic titles are "The Private Bank E-mail Structure, Private Wealth Management Jobs, Responsive MD no longer Responding, and No Response after Phone Interview." Honestly I rarely use the search function on this site. I go to Google and put the "site:wallstreetoasis.com" syntax in the search bar and type in my keywords from there. I'm sure most of the new guys haven't figured this out, so they end up searching, not seeing the results as quickly as they would like, and flooding the forum with topics that have already been answered.

weird, maybe it's because we just tweaked search, but I see some pretty relevant threads all in the top results: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/search/apachesolr_search/cold%20email

100% agree on Groups...we'll get it going. Also, Certified User group already showing much more signs of life, especially with the chat room.

I think it's because I put "cold e-mail" instead of "cold email" (with the dash), but there's definitely a difference with the results.



Also there is the annoying problem when you click on a the new posts button on a thread and its more then one page long it just directs you to the first page. So now I have to click on the individual page buttons and I just lost all the highlighted new posts because the browser thinks you already read the thread. Can you fix it so when you click on the new posts button it goes directly to the new posts regardless on what page the new posts are on.


I think that having a main page with more technical content would be an improvement (e.g., articles on how to value companies in various industries, info on trading strategies/models, academic theories, more insight on how deals are sourced in ibanking and so forth). I know that there are already many posts on such topics and some users might completely disagree with me, but this is what I'd like to see more of. There are already enough articles on how to network or what to expect at a superday at a certain bank imo. Aside from this, I think this site is where it should be and am very thankful for all the help I've received.


Hey - great idea asking for suggestions. I found this site incredibly helpful and addictive for the past year and a half or so since I found it. Some ideas I have:

1) It's be cool to really grow out the informative (not monkey-around) aspects of the site. These include news, informational interviews with industry executives, and technical how-tos. For news, I think those bonus bananas Eddie posts are great, and more of them could make it so I don't have to look at the WSJ much or anything like that, I could just stop by here a couple times a day. For informational interviews, I know that M&I has a great database for this. When I was first learning about the industry M&I was my go-to site as it was informative, organized and credible (meaning the information came from an executive). I originally saw WSO as just a bunch of people clowning around who's information I couldn't really trust - which is partly what WSO is, as not every post is necessarily accurate or good advice. The fun addictiveness of WSO grew on me, as did the sheer quantity of information here. But I think a good next step would be to devote a whole section of the site to just an organized archive of informational interviews, just like M&I has. That way I could go to the homepage for the news, a good laugh, or a really recent informational interview, and could go to the archive to hear what executives have to say (I'm sure this means you'd have to start reaching out to executives, in addition to whichever ones just decide to post here themselves). Lastly, the technical how-tos are probably pretty self explanatory. For these I think it'd also be cool to have them both in the homepage and in a separate organized archive.

2) I'd be really interested in seeing more good management consulting information on the site. Nothing of the consulting stuff I've seen here has really been of any use to me - so I've been forced to get all my information by talking to friends and school alumni. The types of things I'm looking to learn about are: What's the difference between the different types of consulting firms? Do companies like Accenture and IBM basically only implement IT systems for their clients? Is advisory at the Big 4 basically all assisting with accounting stuff, or what exactly do they consult on? I've heard that the cool thing about MBB is that they don't do implementation work, but what is the reason that that's so cool? Is it that you're just more developing the skills needed at the top of organizations, or does the work just feel sexier, or what is it?What about all those other strategy firms, like Oliver Wyman, Booz, LEK, ATKearny, Mercer, Monitor - are they all doing the same type of work as MBB, just at smaller firms with lesser brand names? Or are they doing more execution/implementation work? What are the various typical career paths of working at these different firms, and in a specific practice area at a firm (at a granular level, say you start specializing in post-merger integration at BCG - what career path does that lead to)?

3) It doesn't have anything to do directly with my user experience, but whoever mentioned letting users buy equity stakes from you, I think that there's real value in that, if you're willing to sell some. The site is run buy users, so it could be cool to get some users' incentives line up that much more for the sites success.

4) Whoever said something about letting SBs count for buying stuff at the WSO store - obviously you have to decide if this is a cost you're willing to take, but I think that's not a bad idea


Decided to check in on the WSO crowd, didn't get a chance to read the whole thread as I'm on vacation (kind of) in Europe... but I'll give my quick suggestions as well:

1) Some sort of banana points threshold before you can get credits or send PMs. Just to keep the 50 Cent Party and other assorted douchebags from hurling MS and PM'ing me really cryptic psuedo-rape-fantasy shit

2) Put a star next to or bold the title of threads started by Certified Users. This way when someone hits the 'All Recent Posts' tab to see what's new, they can at least kind of separate the potentially helpful threads from the question-asking or less useful threads.

3) Maybe add a separate tab for posting questions. Not necessarily Yahoo Answers style but something to that effect where if I'm feeling nice I can click into the Questions area and answer a few monkeys' questions, then when the question is "resolved" it would be marked as such, so other people with the same question would know that someone found a helpful answer to the question already.

4) I don't know if this is possible but some sort of forum for Certified Users that encourages a little more dialogue between them. I know there's a private group for it but for whatever reason it's never active. But if we could get that to be a little more vibrant there's tons of stuff I'd love to talk to other guys in the industry about, whether it be market-related, comp-related, or just good places to eat. Not that I can't do that already via PM or the normal forums, but I'm sure there's plenty of Certified Users that I don't know about that could be working in the office right below me or something.

5) Did I read that the chatroom is gone? Some of the best help I've given out (and just some of the most helpful conversations / relationships I've made on the site) came from chat! Maybe put a banana point minimum on that as well if we want to keep the ridiculousness out (then again that probably won't help)...

That's all I got for now, time to go eat croissants with some frog people.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Decided to check in on the WSO crowd, didn't get a chance to read the whole thread as I'm on vacation (kind of) in Europe... but I'll give my quick suggestions as well:

1) Some sort of banana points threshold before you can get credits or send PMs. Just to keep the 50 Cent Party and other assorted douchebags from hurling MS and PM'ing me really cryptic psuedo-rape-fantasy shit

2) Put a star next to or bold the title of threads started by Certified Users. This way when someone hits the 'All Recent Posts' tab to see what's new, they can at least kind of separate the potentially helpful threads from the question-asking or less useful threads.

3) Maybe add a separate tab for posting questions. Not necessarily Yahoo Answers style but something to that effect where if I'm feeling nice I can click into the Questions area and answer a few monkeys' questions, then when the question is "resolved" it would be marked as such, so other people with the same question would know that someone found a helpful answer to the question already.

4) I don't know if this is possible but some sort of forum for Certified Users that encourages a little more dialogue between them. I know there's a private group for it but for whatever reason it's never active. But if we could get that to be a little more vibrant there's tons of stuff I'd love to talk to other guys in the industry about, whether it be market-related, comp-related, or just good places to eat. Not that I can't do that already via PM or the normal forums, but I'm sure there's plenty of Certified Users that I don't know about that could be working in the office right below me or something.

5) Did I read that the chatroom is gone? Some of the best help I've given out (and just some of the most helpful conversations / relationships I've made on the site) came from chat! Maybe put a banana point minimum on that as well if we want to keep the ridiculousness out (then again that probably won't help)...

That's all I got for now, time to go eat croissants with some frog people.

I like #'s 1&3 especially.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
Decided to check in on the WSO crowd, didn't get a chance to read the whole thread as I'm on vacation (kind of) in Europe... but I'll give my quick suggestions as well:

1) Some sort of banana points threshold before you can get credits or send PMs. Just to keep the 50 Cent Party and other assorted douchebags from hurling MS and PM'ing me really cryptic psuedo-rape-fantasy shit

2) Put a star next to or bold the title of threads started by Certified Users. This way when someone hits the 'All Recent Posts' tab to see what's new, they can at least kind of separate the potentially helpful threads from the question-asking or less useful threads.

3) Maybe add a separate tab for posting questions. Not necessarily Yahoo Answers style but something to that effect where if I'm feeling nice I can click into the Questions area and answer a few monkeys' questions, then when the question is "resolved" it would be marked as such, so other people with the same question would know that someone found a helpful answer to the question already.

4) I don't know if this is possible but some sort of forum for Certified Users that encourages a little more dialogue between them. I know there's a private group for it but for whatever reason it's never active. But if we could get that to be a little more vibrant there's tons of stuff I'd love to talk to other guys in the industry about, whether it be market-related, comp-related, or just good places to eat. Not that I can't do that already via PM or the normal forums, but I'm sure there's plenty of Certified Users that I don't know about that could be working in the office right below me or something.

5) Did I read that the chatroom is gone? Some of the best help I've given out (and just some of the most helpful conversations / relationships I've made on the site) came from chat! Maybe put a banana point minimum on that as well if we want to keep the ridiculousness out (then again that probably won't help)...

That's all I got for now, time to go eat croissants with some frog people.

  1. This is already done. New users now can't throw monkey shit for 1 week or send PMs until they have 20 banana points. Slows down people creating new accounts just to throw shit

  2. not too crazy about this idea...think it would look ugly. Plus, we depend on more experienced users going into those threads

  3. Again, I think this is a bit tough to do...aren't like 70% of the threads questions? I think the solution here is to continue to improve our FAQ section and promote it better.

  4. 100% agree here. Now that groups are redesigned, I'd love for the Certified Users to start using that group to interact. there used to be another private group thread that was mostly certified users and went over 1,000 comments, so I know there is a need for it, so feel free to start an intro thread in the private Certified User group :-)

  5. For now yes. Some major violations came to my attention last night so until we can find a way to get those reported efficiently, it will be down.

Thanks for the suggestions - enjoy France!


The site has become a victim of its own success.....every other post these days seems to be along the lines of the following: "hi, I have a 3.0 GPA from insert non-target school here with no work experience....what are my chances of IBD...."

We need to group all of these questions into one forum and away from the main message board.

The site has become a victim of its own success.....every other post these days seems to be along the lines of the following: "hi, I have a 3.0 GPA from insert non-target school here with no work experience....what are my chances of IBD...."

We need to group all of these questions into one forum and away from the main message board.

Again, this has always been a battle we've faced and I think the # of these posts is actually declining...and it's WAY down as a % of the overall content. I think we need to figure out a better way to get new users to read through our FAQ section: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/frequently-asked-questions

also i would just like to say yellow stared ppls & moderators are not white shining nights for this website and are overrated
I tend to agree with you on this point. Just because someone is in the industry, doesn't mean they have all the answers. Certainly, if you're trading commodities, you may not be able to give meaningful advice on M&A banking. I know I don't have all the answers.

The informational inventory in this website has gotten too massive. You should find a way to look back into all the data and organize/compile an FAQ section. For instance, if I search "informational interview", I don't want to sift through thousands of threads dating back 5+ years to find the answer. Also, you'll less likely have newbies post new threads to ask the same question that's been answered in detail in 2009.

I'm getting really tired of newbies asking the same CFA-related questions over and over and over and over again. (i.e. How do I pass the CFA?)

Baby you're the perfect shape, baby you're the perfect weight. Treat me like my birthday, I want it this way and I want it that way. It makes a man feel good baby.
The informational inventory in this website has gotten too massive. You should find a way to look back into all the data and organize/compile an FAQ section. For instance, if I search "informational interview", I don't want to sift through thousands of threads dating back 5+ years to find the answer. Also, you'll less likely have newbies post new threads to ask the same question that's been answered in detail in 2009.

I'm getting really tired of newbies asking the same CFA-related questions over and over and over and over again. (i.e. How do I pass the CFA?)

we have an FAQ section. See the main menu at the top called FAQ?

The informational inventory in this website has gotten too massive. You should find a way to look back into all the data and organize/compile an FAQ section. For instance, if I search "informational interview", I don't want to sift through thousands of threads dating back 5+ years to find the answer. Also, you'll less likely have newbies post new threads to ask the same question that's been answered in detail in 2009.

I'm getting really tired of newbies asking the same CFA-related questions over and over and over and over again. (i.e. How do I pass the CFA?)

we have an FAQ section. See the main menu at the top called FAQ?


Baby you're the perfect shape, baby you're the perfect weight. Treat me like my birthday, I want it this way and I want it that way. It makes a man feel good baby.
The informational inventory in this website has gotten too massive. You should find a way to look back into all the data and organize/compile an FAQ section. For instance, if I search "informational interview", I don't want to sift through thousands of threads dating back 5+ years to find the answer. Also, you'll less likely have newbies post new threads to ask the same question that's been answered in detail in 2009.

A few suggestions here:

1) I'm not sure how frequently the FAQs are updated and refreshed. There have been quite a few good threads as of late that deserve to be placed in the FAQs under "relevant discussions" that I don't see. As an example, the two threads I have linked in my signature would do well to be posted in the "how do I cold-call/email someone" question in the FAQ. Several of the topics in the FAQs are bare or haven't been updated with more relevant information. I'm not sure who you have in charge of the FAQ, but if a great thread goes up, the whoever is in charge should update the FAQ on a rolling basis. Maybe a once-a-week trawl of the site to collect and process the best threads.

2) Personally, I think the use of "FAQs" as a header (alongside "Forums" and "Groups" and "Events") is actually not descriptive or attention-grabbing enough. "FAQ" conjures up images of a trivial page of a corporate website that no one bothers to read (there's a reason why they are often satirically called UFAQs in the web design community -- unfrequently asked questions). Perhaps if it was replaced with a better word -- sorry, I have no suggestion to offer -- then it would be more attention-grabbing. Maybe something like "Information Database"? Nah, that's too long. Regardless, I think that "FAQ" header should be split out into two separate things instead. One for "about WSO" pages (About, Advertise) and another for the actual information.

3) The FAQs is HUGE and extremely thorough. But to be honest, I think there's a lot of information on too small a page. I have to scroll for a while to get from recruiting questions to industry questions, and the horizontal category arrangement at the top of the page doesn't help. I think if you were to split it more categorically and modularly, it would be much easier on the eyes and easier to find what you need. I believe the reason a lot of the newbies post redundant questions is because they can't readily find the information on the current iteration of the FAQs, or don't even know that's where they should be looking!

Recap: I suggest the site headers at the top to be rearranged as thus (with subcategories in no particular order). -Recent -Forums -Groups -[Information Database] -- Education -- Recruiting and Interviews -- On the Job/Industry Questions -- Life in Finance -- Advanced Degrees -- Company Database -- Finance Dictionary -Events -About -- About WSO -- WSO 101 -- Press -- Contact Us -- Advertise with us

4) I would personally love to see something of a "best threads" recap every week. As much as I love WSO, I can't be on every day, and looking through the "Recent Posts" page gives me everything from new posts to super-old 2008-era posts that have been surreptitiously revived by unobservant collegiates. If there was a weekly roundup post that linked to some of the biggest/best threads of the week, that would be great. Excuse me if this is already being done (and I know you send out something similar in the periodic email blasts); if it is, then I think it deserves more prominence. Perhaps a featured box on the sidebar?

[[For that matter (just a personal preference, though)... the sidebar is huge and incredibly long. It kind of downplays the importance of each of the things in it. I don't see a clear solution, though, so, feel free to ignore this bit of OCD complaint.]]

5) For guests to the site (who aren't logged in or registered), I would suggest a bar across the top of the page (under the header). Perhaps highlighted in light blue or something, with text that encourages the guest to register to get more benefit from the site. I think that slight push and presence will actually encourage people to get involved in the community instead of merely being a lurker.

6) Something that I really wish would be implemented: a welcome message or welcome page. I know that sounds juvenile, but hear me out. Once a user registers (thanks to the constant reminder provided by suggestion #4), their first log-in to the site should redirect them to a simple-looking page that contains links to the most important things they should read. For example (excuse my shitty marketing language, I'm multitasking atm; suggested links in brackets):

"Thanks for joining Wall Street Oasis! We strive to be the best resource for current and aspiring finance professionals. Please feel free to jump right in [link to main page] or read up on some frequently asked topics:

  • Have a question about recruiting or interviews? Check out our [Recruiting FAQ] or buy some [Interview Guides]!
  • Trying to figure out the difference between [Investment Banking] and [Sales & Trading]? How about [Venture Capital] vs. [Hedge Funds]? Read up in our [Industry-specific FAQ].
  • Is life in finance really about models and bottles? What are the hours like? Find out in our collection of [Life in Finance] insights.

And of course, don't forget to [fill out your profile] and [learn about the exciting features on WSO]!"

Obviously that's cheesy and rough copy, but you get the idea. For me and some other users, WSO can be really overwhelming when you make that leap and finally register, and having a SIMPLE welcome page could be useful. I must stress here the SIMPLE -- not a wall of text (who reads those). Something visual, lets the user know about commonly asked questions, and introduces resources of the community. If you want, I could draft up something on the visual front to illustrate what I think. This would do a lot towards preventing users who have 1 banana point from registering just to post ridic questions like, "Hey I'm a sophomore in PWM, should I take Econ 104 or Finance 205 next year to better my chances for Goldman Sachs?"

7) Please exclude company database/compensation information from showing up in Search and Recent Topics...? There have been times I've checked Recent Topics and there's just been a flood of 20 companies added to the database that clutter up the list. That's great we're getting more entries in the database, but it's not really a "recent post" in the context of forum discussion.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
The informational inventory in this website has gotten too massive. You should find a way to look back into all the data and organize/compile an FAQ section. For instance, if I search "informational interview", I don't want to sift through thousands of threads dating back 5+ years to find the answer. Also, you'll less likely have newbies post new threads to ask the same question that's been answered in detail in 2009.

A few suggestions here:

1) I'm not sure how frequently the FAQs are updated and refreshed. There have been quite a few good threads as of late that deserve to be placed in the FAQs under "relevant discussions" that I don't see. As an example, the two threads I have linked in my signature would do well to be posted in the "how do I cold-call/email someone" question in the FAQ. Several of the topics in the FAQs are bare or haven't been updated with more relevant information. I'm not sure who you have in charge of the FAQ, but if a great thread goes up, the whoever is in charge should update the FAQ on a rolling basis. Maybe a once-a-week trawl of the site to collect and process the best threads......

chica - some great suggestions in here...don't have time to go through all of them but I can assure you we take them to heart.

  1. I am going to have our graphic designer completely redo our FAQ section so it is MUCH easier to figure our where everything is.

  2. agree. we already have autoresponders set up to email all new users that join to get them started and point them to the FAQ section, but I agree would be cool to also point them to the right place when they log in for the first time

  3. i like this idea...will give this a lot of thought.

  4. we have a WSO Weekly wrap-up newsletter that already does this...maybe also make it a blog post from Andy?

  5. We do this, almost exactly how you described it. eery

  6. We do this over email but would be cool if we could do it on first login as well....will look into.

  7. Lowered the bias on the Company content types for search so shoudlnt come up as high, but we still really want to push the Company Database since it's still early...and becomes much more valuable as we move from the 3,000 entries we have now up to 20,000 entries (=AWESOME RESOURCE)....sorry if it annoys you, but it's also reminding you it's there: "HEY CHICA, look at me!!! Follow your Favorite companies!! Is that consulting firm paying you enough?!?!?" yeah, that's our Company Database.

Thanks for all this awesome feedback! Patrick


On a lot of the main writers' blogs (like Eddie's) there are dozens of pages of blog posts going back years. Can we have a drop-down menu to navigate by page instead of having to click all the way over so many times for easier browsing?

Metal. Music. Life. www.headofmetal.com

The bar for being certified has to be higher. Right now, any yahoo that answers the phones in a call center employed by a bank can get certified as he/she only needs an email address that ends in @goldmansachs or whatever.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Some controversial stuff here:

There are a lot of guest posts made as discussion starters lately. While they can start meaningful sharing of ideas and information, most of them look a middle school lesson: "Kids, today I want you to discuss...". Probably it's just me and what I'm looking for from WSO, but I would like those to be more informative or, at least, more discussion-sparking (and thus providing more information).

Up on the whole, it's a great community and I learn something new every week here, so thanks to the team who is constantly working on it.

P.S. Search function is FUBAR.

Some controversial stuff here:

There are a lot of guest posts made as discussion starters lately. While they can start meaningful sharing of ideas and information, most of them look a middle school lesson: "Kids, today I want you to discuss...". Probably it's just me and what I'm looking for from WSO, but I would like those to be more informative or, at least, more discussion-sparking (and thus providing more information).

Up on the whole, it's a great community and I learn something new every week here, so thanks to the team who is constantly working on it.

P.S. Search function is FUBAR.

  1. hear you on the content...it will get better over next 6 months but it will be gradual.

  2. can you be more specific about search being FUBAR?

  1. hear you on the content...it will get better over next 6 months but it will be gradual.

  2. can you be more specific about search being FUBAR?

Thanks Patrick. Re: 1, hope to see the changes, but ultimately it's a good srategy to grow the community.

Re: 2, I was looking for some technical stuff the other day, typed in the search bar and got some completely unrelated matches. I don't know if it's the tagging system or keyword search, but it's hard to find something from the olden days of yore.


One final input from myself (I have been guilty of this):

I lurked for about 1yr before I joined. Whenever I had a Finance related question and googled it, I was always directed to WSO. So, it has been a great resource since I stumbled upon it here.

However, there have been so many threads diluting the rich content (Eddie/Blackhat/etc.). All these irrelevant questions pertaining to dating advice (one of many examples) need to go. I don't know how big your plans are for the future but you've got to clean up for positive future exposure.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
PWM forum since they never know where to post.

-I heard its legal in Massachusetts

Second that. Problem is, often times when you post in Asset Management, the question goes ignored for some time or the usual folks wind up replying to you e.g. SirPoopsALot (who has an excellent level of knowledge but he can't be the only person who is knowledgeable on PWM). That may very well be a function of which topics do and more imporantly don't hold much interest here at WSO though.

"Now go get your f'n shinebox!"

I haven't read all the posts, so excuse me if any of these have been said.

  1. The search engine needs some work.

  2. As much as I enjoy reading about careers and recruitment, I also enjoy the threads that have some thoughtful technical discussions (ex. discussion on why a company would choose debt financing over equity, whatever else). Maybe an individual forum devoted to this?


1) Patrick, I suggested the most highly rated comments feature. I think that feature would definitely bring the newb questions down. However, there are certain situations that are out of the normal FAQ territory that would still make the Question and Resolved format viable.

2) In the case of the abundance of college students (like me), I think we need to separate college students (or maybe first year analysts) vs. experienced professionals (Certified Users) in terms of forum posts / topics, etc. This would allow for college students to go to a separate forum for their own topics where experienced users can chime in. In this case, a banana system (like system) would greatly incentivize contribution from the community. Experienced professionals can talk about on the job topics, etc.

3) I think WSO should recruit voluntary mods that are willing to follow guidelines strictly and that are active. I see completely unrelated topics in the investment banking forum being there just because the investment banking forum garners the most views and receives the most attention.

4) Although the silver banana / monkey crap system is a good idea, it is a little restrictive since I find myself reading a lot of content everyday and wanting to SB someone to only find myself without credits (college student here). Thumbs up and down should be implemented like the youtube comment system. And perhaps, if the thumbs up passes over a threshold of X number, it gives banana points (like an SB), an when the thumbs down passes over a threshold of Y, it deducts banana points. Make them operate separately like youtube.

I know the wso credits allow for a stream of donations to operate this site (especially as it receives more attention and visits), but I think there could be other ways of doing this as well. First, for starters, PLEASE make a "Donation" button visible on the top bar with "Company research" tabs etc. (I rarely click on those btw). I think grateful monkeys (especially ones with success stories) will find themselves willing to donate if only an option caught their attention. I'm sure the users here (with their business acumen) can think of other ways of encouraging donation.


the search engine needing some work has been said a few times, and I agree. i'll go a step further and provide an example.

i thought the thread that Kenny_Powers_CFA did recently where he described what it's like to be a high yield analyst was one of the better threads i've seen in the recent past.


now, imagine you're a new user and go on the sight for the first time and want more details on what it's like to be a high yield analyst or credit analyst, so you naturally go right for the search bar. i tried several searches to try to arrive at the thread above on the first page of results, but no luck. i think if you search for high yield analyst or credit analyst that thread should definitely be on the first page of results. the only way i was able to arrive at that thread on the first page was by taking a line from it and using that as a search term in quotes. i don't know why this is, perhaps the search algorithm is based on tags or perhaps Q&A's are treated differently, but either way i think it points to some room for improvement on the search feature.

Going Concern:
the search engine needing some work has been said a few times, and I agree. i'll go a step further and provide an example.

i thought the thread that Kenny_Powers_CFA did recently where he described what it's like to be a high yield analyst was one of the better threads i've seen in the recent past.


now, imagine you're a new user and go on the sight for the first time and want more details on what it's like to be a high yield analyst or credit analyst, so you naturally go right for the search bar. i tried several searches to try to arrive at the thread above on the first page of results, but no luck. i think if you search for high yield analyst or credit analyst that thread should definitely be on the first page of results. the only way i was able to arrive at that thread on the first page was by taking a line from it and using that as a search term in quotes. i don't know why this is, perhaps the search algorithm is based on tags or perhaps Q&A's are treated differently, but either way i think it points to some room for improvement on the search feature.

funny that the thread you pointed out is a great example that Search is not magic. Look at the title of that thread and no relevant tags....how the hell is a computer supposed to know from that title that it is a Q&A post on a "high yield analyst"...

Granted, even with Search struggling in that case, that thread could be found under our Highest ranked Content and Andy is in the process of adding a Q&A interview series on the FAQ page so those helpful posts can be found....but I think all that example says is that if someone has a title that doesn't really reference what the topic is about, Search has trouble pulling it up.... I don't think that is a problem with Search though...

Going Concern:
the search engine needing some work has been said a few times, and I agree. i'll go a step further and provide an example.

i thought the thread that Kenny_Powers_CFA did recently where he described what it's like to be a high yield analyst was one of the better threads i've seen in the recent past.


now, imagine you're a new user and go on the sight for the first time and want more details on what it's like to be a high yield analyst or credit analyst, so you naturally go right for the search bar. i tried several searches to try to arrive at the thread above on the first page of results, but no luck. i think if you search for high yield analyst or credit analyst that thread should definitely be on the first page of results. the only way i was able to arrive at that thread on the first page was by taking a line from it and using that as a search term in quotes. i don't know why this is, perhaps the search algorithm is based on tags or perhaps Q&A's are treated differently, but either way i think it points to some room for improvement on the search feature.


yeah search isn't magic, but I am going to have an intern go in and check the search tags on all the q&a threads and adjust / add in necessary tags, plus i still need to organize that section on the faq page. will have that done soon

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.
Going Concern:
the search engine needing some work has been said a few times, and I agree. i'll go a step further and provide an example.

i thought the thread that Kenny_Powers_CFA did recently where he described what it's like to be a high yield analyst was one of the better threads i've seen in the recent past.


now, imagine you're a new user and go on the sight for the first time and want more details on what it's like to be a high yield analyst or credit analyst, so you naturally go right for the search bar. i tried several searches to try to arrive at the thread above on the first page of results, but no luck. i think if you search for high yield analyst or credit analyst that thread should definitely be on the first page of results. the only way i was able to arrive at that thread on the first page was by taking a line from it and using that as a search term in quotes. i don't know why this is, perhaps the search algorithm is based on tags or perhaps Q&A's are treated differently, but either way i think it points to some room for improvement on the search feature.

funny that the thread you pointed out is a great example that Search is not magic. Look at the title of that thread and no relevant tags....how the hell is a computer supposed to know from that title that it is a Q&A post on a "high yield analyst"...

Granted, even with Search struggling in that case, that thread could be found under our Highest ranked Content and Andy is in the process of adding a Q&A interview series on the FAQ page so those helpful posts can be found....but I think all that example says is that if someone has a title that doesn't really reference what the topic is about, Search has trouble pulling it up.... I don't think that is a problem with Search though...

but that basically means that if a new user doesn't read the FAQ page and just uses the search bar, they won't likely come across that thread, which is unfortunate. is the search mostly based on titles and tags? if so, perhaps the search could be improved by looking at text inside threads as well trying to gauge the quality of the thread based on collective SBs thrown. right now, if i search for credit analyst, one of the first results is a thread titled "BB PWM or Commercial Banking" which not only has no SBs but doesn't even have any replies. a thread without any replies is not very useful - you can sort by comments, but you can't do custom filters on multiple fields like date and comments (which is in line w/ my previous suggest). also, i suspect there are plenty of gems of useful info buried within threads that have unrelated titles or tags...


Few things:

Going to need you to elaborate on what was going on in the chat room that caused the entire chat room being removed.

I agree with HPM that anyone can get certified. There are so many people that are certified that have no business being certified (like HPM)

Let me know if you want to do an AMA in r/finance - been meaning to message you about it but I have been busy. We recently had the guy in charge of bacardi M&A do one and it went over well.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Few things:

Going to need you to elaborate on what was going on in the chat room that caused the entire chat room being removed.

I agree with HPM that anyone can get certified. There are so many people that are certified that have no business being certified (like HPM)

Let me know if you want to do an AMA in r/finance - been meaning to message you about it but I have been busy. We recently had the guy in charge of bacardi M&A do one and it went over well.

You can PM me if you want to know about chat.

i dont know what AMA is...

Few things:

Going to need you to elaborate on what was going on in the chat room that caused the entire chat room being removed.

I agree with HPM that anyone can get certified. There are so many people that are certified that have no business being certified (like HPM)

Let me know if you want to do an AMA in r/finance - been meaning to message you about it but I have been busy. We recently had the guy in charge of bacardi M&A do one and it went over well.

ahh, ask me anything...sure I'll do one.

How do I do that - woudl it be me personally?

Few things:

Going to need you to elaborate on what was going on in the chat room that caused the entire chat room being removed.

I agree with HPM that anyone can get certified. There are so many people that are certified that have no business being certified (like HPM)

Let me know if you want to do an AMA in r/finance - been meaning to message you about it but I have been busy. We recently had the guy in charge of bacardi M&A do one and it went over well.

ahh, ask me anything...sure I'll do one.

How do I do that - woudl it be me personally?

Really? Ivy said I need more SBs even though I emailed him from my work email yet look at how much MS bankerella has received... Despite the long time she's been on WSO.

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]
Few things:

Going to need you to elaborate on what was going on in the chat room that caused the entire chat room being removed.

I agree with HPM that anyone can get certified. There are so many people that are certified that have no business being certified (like HPM)

Let me know if you want to do an AMA in r/finance - been meaning to message you about it but I have been busy. We recently had the guy in charge of bacardi M&A do one and it went over well.

ahh, ask me anything...sure I'll do one.

How do I do that - woudl it be me personally?

Uh oh, this might be like explaining computers to my grandma. I'll move this to PM :D

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Right now you show one number for SB/MS. However, I believe it is a net number. You can't tell if they have 5 SB/4 MS or just 1 SB. Someone else mentioned thumbs up/thumbs down, I like that as well. Hopefully this would distinguish solid posts vs. controversial posts.


I miss chat.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
I miss chat.

It's late, I'm drunk, I'm bored, and there's no chat. I cry.

Let's start a petition.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
I miss chat.

chat is back - in the private Certified User group.

Awesome, thanks Patrick.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
I miss chat.

chat is back - in the private Certified User group.

Bumping this because it seems everyone missed it and chat is less fun by yourself.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

I love the smell of a fresh petition in the morning. I sign them like it's my job.

" A recession is when other people lose their job, a depression is when you lose your job. "
Certified Users forum would be great. I think that this would elevate the discussion among folks in the industry, keep them coming back, and encourage more to swing by. There will be a trickle down effect into the non-certified forums, as most industry folks are inclined to help out or at the very least troll the kids.

We have a Certified User forum in the private certified user group but we just haven't actively pushed that. I will try to get it going now. If you look @ the numbers, Certified Users tend to start fewer discussions and but are frequently helping out the new users in their forums and/or chiming in with quality comments.

Certified Users forum would be great. I think that this would elevate the discussion among folks in the industry, keep them coming back, and encourage more to swing by. There will be a trickle down effect into the non-certified forums, as most industry folks are inclined to help out or at the very least troll the kids.

We have a Certified User forum in the private certified user group but we just haven't actively pushed that. I will try to get it going now. If you look @ the numbers, Certified Users tend to start fewer discussions and but are frequently helping out the new users in their forums and/or chiming in with quality comments.

I just posted in there but noticed it comes up on the main page. Any way to make that private...that is, if the others agree?

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Certified Users forum would be great. I think that this would elevate the discussion among folks in the industry, keep them coming back, and encourage more to swing by. There will be a trickle down effect into the non-certified forums, as most industry folks are inclined to help out or at the very least troll the kids.

Certified Users group is now active AND they have their own chat room live.

Certified Users forum would be great. I think that this would elevate the discussion among folks in the industry, keep them coming back, and encourage more to swing by. There will be a trickle down effect into the non-certified forums, as most industry folks are inclined to help out or at the very least troll the kids.

Certified Users group is now active AND they have their own chat room live.

For starters, I hate you and you're a tease. I want chat too :(

Second, If you put some sort of icon with a notification for a new post in your groups, that would make it more used I think.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Two suggestions:

When you use the search bar allow the users to search where the query matches a word in the TITLE and not just the entire post. For example, if I search for "resume" and have enabled the functionality that forces a match in the title only, the query will return with a list of posts that have the word "resume" in the title.

Second-- I don't know how you guys feel about this but allow SBs to be transferred to the user getting the SB. Currently the SB's are just getting used up when you give someone else an SB. For example, Let's say that I give someone an SB for an exceptional post/comment. That person would then get the SB as a WSO credit. This would allow the exceptional posters more power to award other exceptional posters. The more senior/active WSO users who help make this forum as good as it is would be able to be the judges of who else deserves SB's.

I know the second suggestion might take away some of your revenue (people won't have to buy as many wso credits if they could get them from contributing quality posts), but I think it might encourage even more quality on WSO. Just as a side note - I do not want to take away any revenue from you guys. You are providing a resource that is incredibly valuable and one that I truly believe has changed people's lives. You guys honestly deserve to be making BANK


Constant improvement is great, and WSO has been one of the best sites for constant improvement. Honestly, I can't believe people have been critcizing WSO. I've been on here for over 5 years and this is the best WSO has ever been. The amount of diverse information is incredible.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Constant improvement is great, and WSO has been one of the best sites for constant improvement. Honestly, I can't believe people have been critcizing WSO. I've been on here for over 5 years and this is the best WSO has ever been. The amount of diverse information is incredible.

I agree, but sometimes I think WSO over innovates. Patrick is smart for getting his customer's feedback.

My #1 is definitely getting an email notifying me of a PM, then checking my PM just to find out someone in a forum replied to a post of mine. Like IP suggested, some other form of notification seems better.

2 - I really dont get the friends thing. Admittedly, I haven't really tried to use it, but I have a WSO friend according to the bar on the right. What does that mean? Also, either the same dude is sending me a request over and over again or the deny isn't working. Either way, I haven't taken advantage of friends (don't know how) and find it annoying that I always have a pending request.

3 - you never responded to the equity for Certified Users. Weren't the requirements for private investment just substantially dropped? I'd even go as far as to pitch in the first $5 toward an equity share for IP. All kidding aside, I'm jealous as hell that you have such a great business in this cool site.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy
Virginia Tech 4ever:
Constant improvement is great, and WSO has been one of the best sites for constant improvement. Honestly, I can't believe people have been critcizing WSO. I've been on here for over 5 years and this is the best WSO has ever been. The amount of diverse information is incredible.

I agree, but sometimes I think WSO over innovates. Patrick is smart for getting his customer's feedback.

My #1 is definitely getting an email notifying me of a PM, then checking my PM just to find out someone in a forum replied to a post of mine. Like IP suggested, some other form of notification seems better.

2 - I really dont get the friends thing. Admittedly, I haven't really tried to use it, but I have a WSO friend according to the bar on the right. What does that mean? Also, either the same dude is sending me a request over and over again or the deny isn't working. Either way, I haven't taken advantage of friends (don't know how) and find it annoying that I always have a pending request.

3 - you never responded to the equity for Certified Users. Weren't the requirements for private investment just substantially dropped? I'd even go as far as to pitch in the first $5 toward an equity share for IP. All kidding aside, I'm jealous as hell that you have such a great business in this cool site.

  1. There won't be a different notification system, but we will allow you to turn off Quote PMs if this annoys you, along with several other types of PMs...like when you graduate to a new WSO Member Ranking or get more wso credits (for getting 100 banana points)...etc etc

  2. If you friend someone any of their posts show up in the My Feed section, so it's easier to keep track of your favorite users. We also allow 1 way relationships now and you can just follow users without them agreeing to friend you. We might be able to do away with the friends and just do all 1-way Follows, I just figured it was a way to help users keep track of their contacts on here

  3. I did respond. See my comment earlier in the thread :-) from what I remember, wasn't an issue with private investments so much as it was an issue with minority SH rights


WSO needs monetary reforms. Bananaflation is destroying the value of the banana and disrupting the bananetary system.

Wtf is going on when the page asks me to log in to see who threw shit at me? Does that mean that user number belongs to a mod?

Also, reasonable "fun" or joking posts are often deleted, while rampant misogyny and vulgarity across the site is ok...just saying.

WSO has definitely made improvements in many areas, and is not "worse" than it used to be. But the feel is a bit too "corporate" now and it's lost some of that love and feeling. I will say, Bankerella is definitely hot, love the 'tude, keep her around.

Best Response
Ron Paul:
WSO needs monetary reforms. Bananaflation is destroying the value of the banana and disrupting the bananetary system.

Wtf is going on when the page asks me to log in to see who threw shit at me? Does that mean that user number belongs to a mod?

Also, reasonable "fun" or joking posts are often deleted, while rampant misogyny and vulgarity across the site is ok...just saying.

WSO has definitely made improvements in many areas, and is not "worse" than it used to be. But the feel is a bit too "corporate" now and it's lost some of that love and feeling. I will say, Bankerella is definitely hot, love the 'tude, keep her around.

I agree...WSO is headed for an eventual currency crisis if this cavalier attitude toward expanding the banana supply continues. I have 1,991 bananas...currently we are in a banana liquidity trap and so those bananas arent causing bananaflation but eventually when the economy picks up it could be mayhem. I suggest an end to the fiat banana system and an immediate return to the banana standard...WSO bananas should be redeemable for actual bananas which will be stored in a vault in Patrick's basement with the stash subjected to a public quarterly audit.


I would not allow people to buy equity in WSO. It would be such a headache, especially with internet personas.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.


Please remove the ability to "reply" to your own post. It would remove many erroneous double posts from people who were just trying to edit them.



UPDATE: Some changes just pushed live.

  1. Ability to set which types of PMs you get is now under your profile / edit account

  2. Account bar now collapsible in upper left hand corner, hit the blue arrow

  3. Unpublished comments now a different color (easier for us to mod)

  4. Some design fixes to Company Database....

In the works (may take a few weeks):

  1. New design for FAQ page

  2. Once FAQ design is redone, may change menu navigation as suggested by chica

  3. Welcome page for new users and logged out users.....

My bad if this has been mentioned already, but I think RE should be added to the FAQs section, with all that jazz that comes with: •Overview •Best Discussions •Recommended Reading •WSO Company Database

RE section coming soon....new FAQ design live and Nav Menu at top of page adjusted accordingly. We may change "FAQ" menu to "Start"



Patrick: are you guys still doing WSO webinars? Was just thinking about it earlier and then remembered that you guys had it in the past. Not sure how it was set up back then, but I think bringing it back could be useful. Probably should be free to sign up, but could also be an excellent way to promote resources or stick in some video ad revenue. Alternatively, you could do something where the first half-hour of the webinar is free (or you could force them to register for the site to access it, haha), and then have a Q&A/AMA part at the end that you can participate in for a small fee.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
Patrick: are you guys still doing WSO webinars? Was just thinking about it earlier and then remembered that you guys had it in the past. Not sure how it was set up back then, but I think bringing it back could be useful. Probably should be free to sign up, but could also be an excellent way to promote resources or stick in some video ad revenue. Alternatively, you could do something where the first half-hour of the webinar is free (or you could force them to register for the site to access it, haha), and then have a Q&A/AMA part at the end that you can participate in for a small fee.

agree 100% - will try to get more of these going! also we need to get Social Chair for each city too!

Want to be the Boston chair??? :-)

also we need to get Social Chair for each city too! Want to be the Boston chair??? :-)
I'm on it ;) lmk if there are any guidelines, etc. we should be following (besides the Best Practices cordially penned by ITF)
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

One other thing I wanted to mention... looking at Google Plus for the first time in so many months, the threads posted on there seem to be of higher quality than the ones posted on Facebook... any reason for this?

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
D M:
One other thing I wanted to mention... looking at Google Plus for the first time in so many months, the threads posted on there seem to be of higher quality than the ones posted on Facebook... any reason for this?
yeah coincidence I guess, our assistant does google+ and i've been doing facebook. For facebook I usually pick the "topic of the day" ie the one with the most discussion / comments

and can you elaborate a little more on why you think they're higher quality, and/or give me a few specific examples? thanks

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.
D M:
One other thing I wanted to mention... looking at Google Plus for the first time in so many months, the threads posted on there seem to be of higher quality than the ones posted on Facebook... any reason for this?
yeah coincidence I guess, our assistant does google+ and i've been doing facebook. For facebook I usually pick the "topic of the day" ie the one with the most discussion / comments

and can you elaborate a little more on why you think they're higher quality, and/or give me a few specific examples? thanks

Sorry, I shouldn't say better, but generally seem to be more applicable to the people coming to the site. That is, career-related threads

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

and to add onto that, I think that may be because he sees those threads as informative for how he can get a job. I by no means think that all the Facebook posts are bad (some of them are definitely iffy, of course some on Google are too), but I think you guys might want to come up with a more standard formula for posting them, like a minimum 1 to 1 ratio of lifestyle versus career related threads

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
D M:
and to add onto that, I think that may be because he sees those threads as informative for how he can get a job. I by no means think that all the Facebook posts are bad (some of them are definitely iffy, of course some on Google are too), but I think you guys might want to come up with a more standard formula for posting them, like a minimum 1 to 1 ratio of lifestyle versus career related threads
note taken, we have a lot to improve on with our social media so let's check back in this fall and see how things are going
WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

Hey Patrick,

I looked at my last ~ 12 pages of my monkey shit history, almost every single one was from a random user with no Banana points, had never posted, and seemingly created the account solely to shit on me. (The account numbers are also right after another ie 73590 then 73589 then 73588 73587 73586 73585 73584 for instance - all actual accounts that monkey shitted me in the space of a few minutes indicating its the same person).

I have received precisely 1 monkey shit from what I think is a legitimate user after going back 12 pages in my history. All the rest are from dummy accounts with like 1 or 0 posts 0 monkey shits and 0 silver bannans. The system is being abused. I wouldn't care, but it makes this site less useful and I am receiving monkey shit for posts that could not possible have pissed off anyone / obviously did not deserve them. I went 12 pages deep cant be bothered to go further but this is 22 out of 30 monkey shits total, I'm sure the actual number is a lot higher:

73829 73816 73806 73696 73695 36661 36535 36529 36528 36199 36023 35986 35773 32872 32871 32589 32589 43070 43069 43068 71877 71876 73590 73589 73588 73587 73586 73585 73584

I think you should only be able to monkey shit after you receive 5 - 10 Silver Bannanas so only responsible people use it. And you should have to have 50 posts or something before you can use them, because this abuse of the system is just getting ridiculous and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that. I mean even your post on this got monkey shitted for no reason. It's a shame that such a useful tool is becoming meaningless.



[quote=monyet]Hey Patrick,

I looked at my last ~ 12 pages of my monkey shit history, almost every single one was from a random user with no Banana points, had never posted, and seemingly created the account solely to shit on me. (The account numbers are also right after another ie 73590 then 73589 then 73588 73587 73586 73585 73584 for instance - all actual accounts that monkey shitted me in the space of a few minutes indicating its the same person).

I have received precisely 1 monkey shit from what I think is a legitimate user after going back 12 pages in my history. All the rest are from dummy accounts with like 1 or 0 posts 0 monkey shits and 0 silver bannans. The system is being abused. I wouldn't care, but it makes this site less useful and I am receiving monkey shit for posts that could not possible have pissed off anyone / obviously did not deserve them. I went 12 pages deep cant be bothered to go further but this is 22 out of 30 monkey shits total, I'm sure the actual number is a lot higher:

73829 73816 73806 73696 73695 36661 36535 36529 36528 36199 36023 35986 35773 32872 32871 32589 32589 43070 43069 43068 71877 71876 73590 73589 73588 73587 73586 73585 73584

I think you should only be able to monkey shit after you receive 5 - 10 Silver Bannanas so only responsible people use it. And you should have to have 50 posts or something before you can use them, because this abuse of the system is just getting ridiculous and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that. I mean even your post on this got monkey shitted for no reason. It's a shame that such a useful tool is becoming meaningless.


We did just recently install a banana point minimum to be able to give monkey shit

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

Another few thoughts - any way to make subforums specifically for: 1) Education questions -- not b-school questions, but things relating to undergraduate colleges, what courses to take, is my school a target, blah blah. 2) resume reviews. Right now they're all piled into Get a Job, but if you could make like, a forum within Get a Job for all the overeager underclassmen (and high school students), that would be great. Maybe impose a minimum banana point value in order to be able to post in that forum too, so people aren't just registering to say, "Here's my resume, FIX IT FOR ME."

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
Another few thoughts - any way to make subforums specifically for: 1) Education questions -- not b-school questions, but things relating to undergraduate colleges, what courses to take, is my school a target, blah blah. 2) resume reviews. Right now they're all piled into Get a Job, but if you could make like, a forum within Get a Job for all the overeager underclassmen (and high school students), that would be great. Maybe impose a minimum banana point value in order to be able to post in that forum too, so people aren't just registering to say, "Here's my resume, FIX IT FOR ME."

A great illustration of why we need LESS forums...chica is one of our most active users and didn't see this forum: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/forum/Resume-Review

Sorry, no sub-forums...we have a big enough issue getting current threads into the right place now with larger buckets... :-)

If resume review questions are hitting Get a Job, they should be flagged so they can be reviewed and moved.


A great illustration of why we need LESS forums...chica is one of our most active users and didn't see this forum: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/forum/Resume-Review If resume review questions are hitting Get a Job, they should be flagged so they can be reviewed and moved.
Bahaha. I'm also one of the least observant people you will ever meet, apparently :D Will flag, sorry about that!
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

I'm personally a big fan of the interview series to hear about people's stories and day-to-day in different areas of finance, so would definitely advise to keep that up. BH's might be one of my favorites even though I have no experience with hedge funds or trading.

I'm also a big fan of the book reviews and found a lot of new stuff as a result of that series so keep up the good work there.

Lastly, on the education front, I like the valuation series since it's always nice to have refreshers for those of us that aren't doing this every day of our working lives and to share with other people in the office.

I'm personally a big fan of the interview series to hear about people's stories and day-to-day in different areas of finance, so would definitely advise to keep that up. BH's might be one of my favorites even though I have no experience with hedge funds or trading.

I'm also a big fan of the book reviews and found a lot of new stuff as a result of that series so keep up the good work there.

Lastly, on the education front, I like the valuation series since it's always nice to have refreshers for those of us that aren't doing this every day of our working lives and to share with other people in the office.

More interviews to come, and we'll definitely make this a consistent part of our content, I agree BH's was one of my favorites as well

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

Necessitatibus tempore ut expedita minus error. Eos eligendi saepe sint facilis ea at numquam. Ut quia et temporibus ut facere. Dolor maiores quod dolor et facilis. Earum ad et veniam a voluptatem.

Ut laborum placeat quia architecto qui. Et dignissimos qui asperiores et ducimus maiores. Quod velit repudiandae et qui maxime rerum. Cupiditate et dolor nostrum laboriosam.


Accusantium cupiditate mollitia inventore ut. Qui sed repellat aliquam et. Vel fuga esse voluptatem id libero.

Eligendi non aut minus architecto iure quod omnis natus. At deleniti sed eius. Est harum nesciunt minus ab totam porro deserunt voluptate. Maxime voluptates esse vel rerum. Explicabo deleniti voluptas debitis nihil eos adipisci. Quis aut sit quo natus rem possimus. Sequi praesentium quod provident atque est.

Ad quia ex voluptates hic beatae. Sint et quae veniam natus alias. Unde possimus eligendi et ratione error. Quo nobis in laudantium aut sunt dolorum molestias.

Quidem amet perferendis aut. Earum temporibus eius at et impedit. Commodi vel consequatur ex soluta. Architecto facere id voluptatem porro dolorem commodi sed. Est ut autem omnis incidunt totam.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Iusto est reprehenderit corrupti et fugit. Nostrum labore dolor aut repudiandae dolor a aspernatur. Nihil nemo quidem nihil esse voluptas. Ut eum neque sit illum quisquam quia distinctio eveniet. Ipsam occaecati quasi dolores aut laborum. Nesciunt sint reprehenderit ex impedit et accusamus aut.

Qui perspiciatis accusamus consequuntur qui ut. Quisquam omnis a illo. Sed explicabo dolorem consequuntur minima qui et natus. Fuga et aut veniam exercitationem.

Fugiat quasi eos nemo. Ut quaerat qui est blanditiis harum et. Excepturi aliquid deserunt nesciunt doloribus est magnam. Sit at deserunt et. Exercitationem suscipit nobis laborum nesciunt neque consequatur quasi ut. Accusamus labore quasi minima eius quisquam mollitia voluptas.

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance

Ad est est nesciunt non id molestias asperiores ad. Optio aut quas aut quasi.

Qui et et aut non ad voluptatibus dolorem. Atque debitis veniam ratione cupiditate rem ea impedit. Velit omnis vel id est. Similique nostrum est ducimus libero et itaque voluptatum. Similique dignissimos sint ad sint.


Dignissimos culpa quas totam non. Deserunt rem placeat neque illo qui. Optio sed non est qui et deleniti. Laborum mollitia quos molestiae ipsam ut. Nisi ut alias earum quos velit quasi. Est ut autem animi placeat hic laudantium. Culpa ut explicabo aspernatur qui illo.

Impedit ut quo laborum. Voluptatem sunt commodi inventore nihil. Sit expedita eos ad quia delectus ea nihil. Aut vel iure qui modi non neque. Architecto minima eum doloribus perspiciatis. Aliquid quaerat necessitatibus officia sed voluptates molestias est. Sequi minus est tenetur repellat.

Ab et tempore sapiente reprehenderit cumque consequuntur. Qui quas ut ipsum porro libero delectus cum. Praesentium illum doloremque est ea magnam.


Ea sed et nihil illo esse officia. Expedita molestias modi cumque expedita fuga est et adipisci. Temporibus ducimus rerum earum molestiae. Nam quia molestias similique voluptatem.

Sit dolor possimus eius ut. Tempora aperiam architecto quia quo.

Quia voluptatem id saepe qui ipsam. Quis ratione aperiam natus ipsam dignissimos exercitationem.

Eum perferendis soluta soluta sunt ut earum. Aut placeat dolor quo voluptatum. Optio eos quia quis illo et eaque. Earum commodi nulla et eveniet. Sapiente esse eum sit libero alias.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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